She then dives into her $5 billion tax credit scholarships. This admin urges this body to invest in students, she says.
Courtney: Well you're not working with us to let us see that.
DeVos: We are committed to ensuring states are following the law.
Sablan: You have not answered my question but thanks for trying.
DeVos: I do know that.
DeVos: My focus will be on helping all students get a great education. the proposal would help advance that.
DeVos: It is true that none have been approved in the last several months, that's due to a pending court case.
Takano: A court has ordered you to implement the rule.
DeVos: We have closed out more than 16,000. We are ensuring those who are due relief are addressed immediately.
Takano: You have not approved or rejected a single claim but closed thousands of cases.
DeVos: [Says they are in the process of refining the rule]
Takano: I'll take that as a non-answer
DeVos: This admin knows and respects the value HBCUs bring. I meet regularly w many members and presidents of HBCUs.
DeVos: There have been a number of thing on which I haven't been able to comment. And its difficult when issues are being conflated. I'm not here to answer multiple choice questions.
Norcross: What does that have to do with unions.
DeVos: It doesn't.
Norcross: Do you believe teachers should have the ability to join a union?
DeVos: They should. They should also have the ability to not join a union.
DeVos: negotiated team is assembled by career staff
DeVos: Our focus continues to be about supporting multiple pathways to good careers. When i speak w employers they ask how they can best engage w educators.
DeVos: All of the process has gone through the ethics process. We don't have conflicts and will not be conflicted.
DeVos: Not to release internal communications. But the procurement team is walled off from the rest of ED.
DeVos: We know many leave active duty bc of education issues for their families.
DeVos: That issue has been raised and there is much more attention being paid.
Banks: Has ED addressed it w colleges?
DeVos: We have raised the question and been much more assertive about insisting they report gifts to schools.
DeVos: When they communicated their financial distress.
McBath: If students knew that these schools were failing do you think they would have enrolled?
DeVos: Students enroll in schools based on the programs they offer.
DeVos: The reality is we had to present a budget that fell w/in Congress' caps.
DeVos says that category of students isn't something ED collects.
DeVos: I'm concerned about every student.
DeVios: The goal should be to have diversity of every sort. We will defer to courts.
DeVos points to Purdue University, which has frozen tuition for eight years now and experimenting w income share agreements.
DeVos: Yes. It's regrettable that so many have closed and it's in large part due to previous administration going after them.
DeVos: ED has a limited role in that. Despite our investment of billions of dollars, we've seen no real improvement for students
DeVos: We believe after billions and billion of dollars trying to engineer student improvement we need to pivot.
Scott: So it's not a problem?
DeVos: Those are state and community issues.
DeVos: We take enforcement very seriously.
DeVos: Probably ultimately yes.
DeVos: This is a matter for state and local communities to decide
Le fin. Thanks for following along.