Needless to say, this does not bode well in furry.

As of this typing, it's been removed from the website, but the damage is done and it's worth talking about.

Either way, we were all designers of our own suits, really.

(the dog is mine, a "toy" concept, and yes I stole @Alkali_Bismuth hat for this pic before it was cool to do it #hipsterdog)

(Side note, the sign is still my favorite ever parade gag)

(If Lacy ever sees this, 10+ years for a costume is pretty rad, just sayin'...)

And I got to perform in the #FurfestFVS as Chris too!

Here's that 2015 @Furfest pic again. Each suit you see was made by someone and has meaning to them. Or they bought it second hand and are giving it new life. But they have meaning, not branding.
