5min from start to the first F-bomb which is exactly why I love performing at 19+ events
Way to set unreasonably high standards right up front, Alan.
“This is half a litre of premium, sales-winning, Vancouver rap water.”
(chug! chug! chug! chug!)

@watercomm is starting to fling 5L blue pompons everywhere. It takes 140L of water for a pint of beer!!
But he’s out of pompons and on to strips of blue felt that... flings very sadly
You’re breaking our hearts, @watercomm. The audience is literally whimpering trying to postpone the chocolate reveal.
Check your water footprint: watercalculator.org
“Who here likes vaginas?”
“Who here likes healthy vaginas?”
“Like most 8 year old boys today, doctors in the 1800s thought vaginas were really gross.”
And then it went on to miming awkward underskirt fingering.
“To personally respond to Robert’s argument, this feels EXACTLY like it looks like it’d feel.”
Turns out a yeast biologist working for Guinness beer was foundational to a bunch statistical concepts
“Common Nighthawks are not hawks, are not primarily found at night, and are no longer common.”
“These are not just fashion backpacks for nighthawks.”
“If you remember pennies, they weight about as much as a penny.”
“That’s why they had to go to Sudbury. They have a lot of abandoned mines, so they were like ‘Hey, can we use one?’ and they were like ‘for science? Sure!”
(I’m gonna get his permission to post the vid because omg fabulous)
He included the Mohs scale for me! That’s a real friend right there. 💚💚💚
“Pollen are like latinas at a party: the more the merrier.”
I love Canadian scicomm snark.
“Do you suffer seasonal allergies?”
“I thought I just cried because I’m a student...”
(That’s on the increased risk of injury during food gathering if you’re eating people.)
That’s one definition of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease!
I picked up a set of puffy science stickers. Mmmmm, stickers!
All the love to my Vancouver scicomm community that dives in to work hard & play even harder.
Next up for me? Pint of Science!
But if you’re outside Canada? @pintofscience started in the UK but happens worldwide. You may have one!