Homework complete/incomplete/not done. Then hwk moved the average up or down +2 or - 5 points.
Other systems for hwk seemed unfair (if worth 100 pts, S w/90 would +3, S w/70 +10 etc)
Lab activities meant that not all of the grade dependent on timed "high stakes" assessments. Ss w/test anxiety could demonstrate their knowledge in another way. Usually had 1 every week or two.
Some classes we might do a portfolio as a way to summarize, consolidate, reflect on learning.
Be prompt returning graded items.
Be transparent about grading system.
Keep Ss informed of current grade & progress.
-->Gives Ss agency over their performance & grade they have earned.
My experience was if Ss expected retakes, they didn't always take responsibility for being prepared in the first place.
I wanted to send message that first grade doesn't go away.
When a good opportunity arose, would put a bonus Q or give extra cred for optional part of a lab. These points didn't get added in as bonus to the original pool of points. They accumulated in a "bonus quiz" for each S.
These bonuses didn't fill holes of points lost elsewhere, but helped boost your average on the margins.
If good work, but wrong answer, 4/5 pts. If right answer w/out supporting work, only 1-2 pts.
Any mistake that was carried through w/out new mistake, no new deductions (like AP)
*Each T should do what works for them.*
Be honest w/Ss if you decide to change it up & why.
"What gets graded is what gets valued" (Linda Wilson, MT 1994) to a large extent, for better or worse.