Cross examination of ASP Bill Ndyamuhaki continues by Adv. Isaac Ssemakadde.

Mr. Ndyamuhaki is a digital forensic analyst with @PoliceUg’s Cyber Crimes Unit.

A: I am an ethical hacker and digital forensics analyst.
Q:Did you do any hacking in this case?
A: No.
Q: You mention probing and analysis during the investigations. Do you submit that this didn’t involve hacking?
A: Yes.
A: July 2011
Q: During that time, did you practice any mobile/digital hacking with any institution?
A: No
Q: Do the teach mobile forensics at the Police Academy?
A: No
A: At the time I was there, they didn’t teach it.
A: No. I was posted to the HQ at Naguru.
Q: What were your responsibilities there?
A: General computer maintenance and security.
A: One month.
Q: Where?
A: Naguru
Q: And Certified forensic investigator?
A: One month
A: Yes.
Q: Detective Bill, how many criminal cases have you appeared in as a digital analyst?
A: I can’t tell, but they are many.
A: I can’t recall.
Q: Detective, I put it to you that this is your 1st case as an expert.
A: That is negative
A: I would have to refer to the records.
A: Yes.
Q: Is the accused a convict in any criminal case in Uganda?
A: No.
Q: Are you aware of the burden of proof as an investigator?
A: Yes
A: The burden falls on the investigator to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crime.
Q:Detective, do you have any expertise/experience in the fielding literature?
A: No
A: No
Q: Do you have any expertise in the field of Human Rights?
A: No
Q: In the course of this investigation, did you consult an experts in the above fields?
A: No
A: No
Q: Are you aware of the accused’s expertise in the fields?
A: No?
A: I considered what was relevant to my investigations
Q: And you considered the accused’s expertise to be irrelevant in this matter?
A: Yes
A: As an investigating officer with a degree in Computer science and 2 months of training. I also used the Computer Misuse Act.
A: No
Q: Does the Police have any written standards in interpretation?
A: No
Q: Has the DPP issued any such standards for the CID?
A: I can’t tell
A: I am not are of any.
Q: What about on protection of the Freedom of expression in Uganda generally?
A: I am not aware
A: I am not aware.
Q: Has your department developed any standards in the protection of freedom of expression in Uganda generally?
A: I am not aware.
A: I looked at the content
Q: And you measured it against what standards?
A: Acceptable standards in the community.
A: I am not aware
Q: Shouldn’t your department concern itself with judicial standards set concerning this particular field on feeding of expression in Uganda?
A: I don’t know.
A: When any post is put out there insulting the private parts of a woman, saying that they are smelly, that the vaginal canal is itchy and diseased. That is not the acceptable standard in the community.
A: I don’t know of any test. But any post that talks about a dead woman’s clitoris is unacceptable in African culture.
According to me, it is obscene.
A: I don’t know.
A: I studied literature at S.4.
Q: So your certificate in literature is the Uganda Certificate of Education?
A: We did the paper and it came out.
A: No. I just see Esteri’s cunt.
H.W Kamasanyu asks her to calm down and let the proceedings continue.
At every stage, ASP Bill says that he sees the words, but there is nothing inviting the reader to draw comparisons.
A: No
Q: Is this a poem?
A: No, it’s a post
Q: Is it a piece of literature?
A: It’s a written posting
A: An abuse to Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
Q: What is the purpose of that ‘abuse’?
A: I don’t know the purpose
Q: Is it unacceptable in contemporary Africa to discuss death in a post?
A: No
A: No
Q: Is it unacceptable in contemporary African standards to express rage against a dictator?
A: No
A: No.
Q: Can you distinguish between an author and a speaker of a poem?
A: The author writes and the speaker speaks it out.
A: No
Q: Is there a person speaking in the post you just read?
A: There are 2 persons i.e. YKM am d Estero Kokundeka.
Q: Are you familiar with these people in real life?
A: Estero is the late and YKM is the president.
A: No
Q: So are there 2 Musevenis in the post?
A: No
A: No
A: ... repeat the question...
Adv. : Let us move on.
A: Yes.
Adv. asks if he is the one who has done what the author is accusing him of (corruption, unemployment)
A: No
A: The culture in Africa
Q: Is Africa a country or tribe?
A: It is a continent.
Q: How many tribes are in Uganda, per the 1995 Constitution?
A: There are many.
A: No.
Q: How many cultures did you inquire into in your investigation?
A: Bahima, Baganda, Bakiga...
A: Yes.
A: No
Q: Do you understand a figure of speech?
A: No.
Q: Do you understand a simile?
A: No.
A: Yes
Q: Did you sit the paper, English for Primary Leavers?
A: Yes
Q: Did you pass?
A: Yes
A: No
Q: Did you interview any woman during your investigation?
A: No
A: From the womb uterus.
Q: Where do they come out from?
A: From the vagina.
A: No
Q: Is there anything about a stillbirth that would enrage the people?
A: No.
Q: Did your ignorance on child mortality inform your decision in finding the post indescent?
A: No
A: Correct
Q: Where do you base your view that use of the word vagina in public discourse is offensive?
A: Not just use of the word, but insulting the vagina.
A: Yes
Q: What is that religion?
A: Protestant of the Church of Uganda.
A: And any other reasonable member of society who shares the religious views.
Q: Is a sim card capable of communication, minus a phone?
A: No
Q: Does the gov’t of Ug keep records of Facebook users in Uganda?
A: No
Q: Who does?
A: Facebook
A: Yes
Q: How many?
A: They were many, more than 3
Q: How many are listed in your preliminary report?
A: Only 1
A: That is not true
Q: For how long did you hold the accused in custody before presenting her in court?
A: I don’t recall
A: I don’t recall
Q: I put it to you that according to your statement, you admit to holding the accused beyond 48hr timeline, and you know it.
A: Yes
Adv: That illegality is evidence of a grudge and bad faith against the accused.
A: 9th November
Q: Do you have any witness statements before the 2nd of November? (date of arrest)
A: No
A:That is not true
A: I am not aware
Q: Are you aware of the Gemalto Investigation?
A: I am not aware.
A: I am not aware
Q: If you had another opportunity, would you conduct this investigation better?
A: What I did was the best.
A: That was not established.
Police statement by ASP
Preliminary report of 25th Sept.
Communication from AIGP Akullo to Principal secretary of the President
A permit authorizing the witness to obtain an order on behalf of the President.
In her ruling, H.W Kamasanyu admits all 3 documents as Defense exhibits. The witness had knowledge of the 3rd document and it came into his possession during the course of investigation.