#Bush #Clinton #Obama Admin - The School to State Care to Prison to Sex Trafficking pipeline. @Drag0nsVsPed0s #ARIELSARMY @NoLongerIgnored

Thank you for taking a stand against child sex trafficking. You have taken on quite a cesspool from the last 4 admins 2 #SaveTheChildren
Pull Federal funding from states not complying with your executive orders. #ThisIsNotAGame

According to data compiled by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, there were 121 foster children statewide listed as AWOL, Absent Without Leave in November. wave3.com/video/2018/12/…
A quarter of trafficked children who were in the care of local authorities in the UK last year have going missing from the system theguardian.com/global-develop…
Teachers and school employees are required to report suspicions of child abuse to authorities. But sometimes schools misuse this authority to punish parents. huffingtonpost.com/entry/child-pr…

In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. Now it's 88 percent #MissingKids. 💔

Human Trafficking isn’t just sex slaves, it also includes organ harvesting, ritual abuse & sacrifices, BREEDING UNDOCUMENTED CHILDREN, International Adoption and more!

Nathan Larson posted "We should make enough money so that they can adopt children for the purpose of using them as sex toys."

#SaveTheChildren #GreatAwakening #MAGA #SundayThoughts #DarkToLight #QAnon #ThesePeopleAreSick Follow This HUGE Thread 👇
A guide to protect the constitutional rights of both parents and children as ruled
by the Federal Circuit Courts and Supreme Court. vaclib.org/legal/Free_Han…

History Timeline bit.ly/2QVXBJf
Child and Family Services bit.ly/2SMwjlM
Foster Care and Adoption Assistance bit.ly/2rEN479
The Fraud, Abuse & Exploitation Of Children bit.ly/2BW1q6b

A Social Security Administration (SSA) stipulation allows victims of human trafficking to receive help despite being in the country illegally because they were brought here against their will. maximus.com/beas/human-tra…
Lena was abused by #adoptive mother. Moved from one facility for foster kids after another after her mother lost custody of her. Pimps sold her for sex after she ran away. texastribune.org/2017/02/15/tex…

#Clinton created The Adoption and Safe Families Act cs.pn/2LRWuox
#ClintonRockfeller Adoption Improvement Act bit.ly/2ArHbPR

EAC is based in Ohio but operates adoption in Bulgaria, China, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Honduras, India, Panama, Poland, Tanzania, Uganda and Ukraine. bit.ly/2CiDVqP
EAC, also known as European Adoption Consultants, took out domain names in the name of the Russian American Adoption Agreement. russianadoptionagreement.wordpress.com/tag/european-a…


European Adoption Consultants is a well-respected and ethical international adoption agency that has assisted in the placement of more than 8,000 children since 1991.
• European Adoption Consultants, Catherine Godbille-Koechlin, 161 West 86th St., NYC. 10024. (212) 874-2577 elliman.com/real-estate-ag…

THERE’S A BABY WAITING FOR YOU! Westchester Parents on International Adoption

American International Adoption Agency Board member European Adoption Consultants (EAC) Founder of 1992-07-10 Project Sunshine, Inc Board member 1999-01-28 European Adoption Consultants (EAC)
Are the Americans acting in good faith or are child traffickers in a nation that has struggled to fight exploitation of children. bit.ly/2A3DG1d

U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against 19 Defendants For The Sex Trafficking Of Minor Girls And Young Women In New York State’s Child Welfare System justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/u…
Three types of groups show up for children during a disaster; adoption mills, pedophiles and organ traffickers.
BOOM 💥 LISTEN 💥As I explain who is running the #Play2Prey #HellHoles4Kids #Kids4Profit rackets and how deep this cesspool goes!
Hillary squashed an internal investigation into allegations of pedophilia and prostitution involving State Department. bit.ly/2A3DG1d

#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #Thread 👉FOSTER CARE AND HUMAN TRAFFICKINGA STATE-BY-STATE EVALUATION 👉#OpExposeCPS 👉#OpExposeDHS #QAnon

#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #MAGA #Thread bit.ly/2LOHfx0
#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #Thread 👉AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN FOSTER CARE AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING bit.ly/2RqB3Rf

#PedoGate Epidemic #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth
#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #Thread 👉FOSTER CARE AND HUMAN TRAFFICKINGA STATE-BY-STATE EVALUATION 👉#OpExposeCPS 👉#OpExposeDHS #QAnon #ThisIsNotAGame

#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #Thread 👉FOSTER CARE AND HUMAN TRAFFICKINGA STATE-BY-STATE EVALUATION 👉#OpExposeCPS 👉#OpExposeDHS #QAnon
#WhereAreTheChildren 86% of #FosterCare #MissingKids were in CPS/DHS custody #SaveTheChildren #Thread
She even had them make phone calls to a foster care facility about adopting a child, the sources said. nbcnews.com/politics/polit…
The Adoption and Safe Families Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 19, 1997, after having been approved by the United States Congress earlier in the month #MAGA

Child porn charges for man living where CPS foster child died
I am helping this Grand mother seek guardianship of her grandson. CPS placed him on three or four psychotropic drugs since the age of four. CPS is moving him to multi different placements. @POTUS @IvankaTrump
#FosterCare Nightmare, Sex Abuse, Trafficking: Documentary filmmaker of "Foster Shock", Mari Frankel, discuss the state of the foster care system in the United States.
#SecureOurBorder #BuildTheDamnWallNow #ThisIsNotAGame
88% of #MAGA #MissingKids came from #DHS #FosterCare

88% of #MAGA #MissingKids came from #DHS #FosterCare
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 unodc.org/documents/data…
#Colorado bit.ly/2FkjKef
#Arizona bit.ly/2SBYrbO
#NewMexico bit.ly/2kenySS
1 day I hope to be able to get a lot of them into 1 video so you can all see what has been happening 2 the children🐉

#MAGA #DoYouReallyMemeIt January is #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth Did you #KnQw 88% of American #MissingKids #HumanTrafficked come from #FosterCare #SaveTheChildren 👉cosmicconvergence.org/?p=23271

#Pedophiles #KnQw Where The Endless Supply Of Children Can Be Found. They #KnQw Who Will Protect #PedoGate Gov. Funded Organizations. #SayBraveThings 2 #SaveTheChildren #YourFundingThis 👇👇

Children posted online, all across the country, for both adoption and foster care. Good grief! Agreed, background check, meeting, documents, etc. before getting access to a damn database of children
Sheriff’s Office Never Received Many Reports at Long-Shuttered Kiwanis Vocational Home chronline.com/news/documents…
Illinois, children assaulted, sexually abused and running away by the thousands Thank you @poolcar4 @garyjmarx @deldeib chicagotribune.com/news/watchdog/…