Previously on Dark Matter: The crew teams with Anders and the G.A. to seal the rift, the black ships' power source. THREE and SIX return. Wexler stays. Ryo uses transfer transit to reboot himself as FOUR. #DarkMatter 1/11


The VOICE-OVER for scenes of the plan in action... #DarkMatter 5/11

End of Act II #DarkMatter 11/11

Sisters bond over transversible wormholes, negative energy, and amusing anecdotes about the rest of the crew (mostly THREE). FIVE suggests they take a break. Carina protests. They're so close. FIVE insists. #DarkMatter 1/9

It's Heist Time! #DarkMatter 9/9
End of Act III
Carina has the codes to get them inside the facility. It's the only way to fix the Blink Drive - and the Drive is their best shot at taKing on the Alien threat. They have no choice. They see Carina off... #DarkMatter 1/8


The lights go down. A stun field goes off, and they all drop.
The lab door slides open and Reynaud steps inside with her guards.
She's got a working Blink Drive AND the crew of The Raza.
#DarkMatter 8/8
End of Act IV
While FOUR anxiously paces in the Marauder, unaware of what is going on -
TWO, THREE, and SIX awaken, locked up in an ND room. FIVE is conspicuously absent... #DarkMatter 1/13

Disappointed, Carina prepares to shoot her when - #DarkMatter 5/13

They receive a communication from Lieutenant Anders who gets them up to speed on the recent spate of terrorist attacks - and the fact that they're connected to the alien invasion. #DarkMatter 12/13
END EPISODE. #DarkMatter 13/13