🚨Police brutality
🗒️Government misdeeds
🗞️Famous figures as sexual harassers bloom.bg/2R1dFHk
However powerful crowds with cameras might be, governments and corporations have more resources, better tech and more invasive planning than the average person bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

💳Making purchases
🌭Going out to eat
💬Talking to or texting friends
This phenomenon is called “surveillance capitalism.” bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

🚘Uber can deactivate rider accounts with low ratings. There’s a chance that drivers will give lower ratings to riders of races, religions or genders they don’t like bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

If companies use personal data to predict how much consumers are willing to pay for something, they can charge higher prices to those who are willing or able to pay more bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

💰Borrow money
🌆Rent an apartment
📝Find a job
🚗Get a car
💵Buy insurance
🗣️Start a business bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

It's easy to imagine apps gathering more and more behavioral data which could be used to determine credit ratings bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

♻️Fail to recycle
🚗Improperly park
🎵Play loud music
"If that sounds like totalitarianism, it’s because it is," says @Noahpinion bloom.bg/2R1dFHk

In principle, smartphones, credit scores and apps with monopoly power mean that a patchwork social-credit system is entirely possible bloom.bg/2R1dFHk