That amounts to a fertility rate of 1.7 children per woman -- well below the rate of 2.1 necessary to maintain a stable population.
More and more aging citizens will be dependent upon Social Security and government healthcare. A shrinking number of workers will have to fund both.

🍼 Japan: 1.4
🍼 Singapore: 1.2
🍼 South Korea: 0.95
For three decades, Asia's most successful economies have experimented to reverse far more serious rates

👪 Childcare subsidies
🎓 Matchmaking agency for college grads
💰 Cash bonuses for having kids
🤱🏻 Maternity and paternity leave policies
These policies boost gender equality, but they've failed to increase fertility rates…

In Japan, where the population is shrinking, immigration increased for the sixth straight year in 2018

By 2020 it's estimated that one-third of all children born in South Korea will have a foreign-born parent