My social anxiety became worse due to inability to get out and hang out much, no money/transport to go out and can't go to bar/etc due to no ID
Half of your time gets spent trying escaping from dark thoughts
One of the them asked if I was undocumented and threatened to report me if I was undocumented
Still, life is fun, and it's worth keeping up w/.
Ramen, chili, rice, etc were still pretty good food and relatively healthy if you eat enough protein/vegs.
Part of you is filled with apathy because it knows that everything are so messed up.
Health-wise, a lot of preventative stuff gets skipped...
I wasted money on things I don't need to cope, and then felt guilty so I spend less on food.
There was a phase where I buy a $8 lunch box+rice from chinese food places, and ate it in 2-3 days.
ps: you could microwave ramen in 6m.
It ruins productivity and morale.