
Job 38:32: Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth(Sirius) in his season?
Job 38:33:Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?
This sense of separateness is the Grand Illusion -- an illusion that has plagued mankind since the beginning. Scientists refer to the “Unified Field”. Theologians refer to the “Oneness”. It’s time to reconcile science and spirituality. ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Law_…

You have the power to access higher planes and dimensions through your pineal gland. Clearing and aligning through your heart while being in service to others is your entry ticket. #TheGreatAwakening
For thousands of years, it has been told a huge influx of energy comes to earth around August 8th of each year. This portal has been called the infinity portal or the Lion’s Gate. in5d.com/the-lions-gate…

(Princeton) The GCP has mathematically proven that unified collective consciousness can influence global events when there is widespread participation/reaction to an event ie: mass meditation/ power of prayer #TheGreatAwakening

Black’s family members, many have names similar to stars such as Regulus and Orion

Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun, and is believed to hold knowledge and wisdom from higher Divine realms, thru which we can download information or programming.


In ancient times there were certain energy portals implanted upon earth. The energy portals, acted as gateways which were tuned into Sirius, the Head Quarters of the Intergalactic Counsel primedisclosure.com/sirius-portal/