@kaspersky's malware analysts, like BASF's infestation analysts, worked long & hard to keenly understand their enemies' weaknesses.
In reality, though, their research is OFFENSIVE and COUNTER-DEFENSIVE.
I said "research," not "products." Most cybersecurity firms / employees don't realize the difference.
Like BASF, @kaspersky's analysis is "offensive" because it reveals how to attack & disable a swarm of pests (read: "C&C servers").
And TBH: *I* only recognized it 22yrs ago when I started building the "ADVEIS" antivirus rootkit.
A future war will include cyber.
@McAfee and @kaspersky et al. will *cringe* at their roles just like BASF did.
Less than a week after the U.S. gov't turned on @kaspersky, I found myself in a 4½ hour "interview" with investigators who treated me like Congress gnawing on Robert Mueller.
And, of course, at BASF.
Ah, but human nature *doesn't* change!
Civilian experts overwhelmingly identify as "defense."
Some civilian "defense" cybersecurity experts will surge with patriotism to sign a new "Manifesto Of The 93" blindly endorsing whatever their country's military can accomplish in cyber.…
Worst, though, for pacifist civilian experts whose "defensive" research morphs into a killing machine.…
It's a safe bet some cybersecurity firms will retool in WW3.0 for patriotism & profit -- to deliver CYBER tools of death.

--including customers who *paid* them for protection.