Biggest snakes & easy to brainwash.
It's just a matter of time before you say something that irks them.
They also end up being group thinkers.
Don't keep sensitive people in your squad.
Thick skin winners only
A lot.
In many cases, it's one of the biggest tests of character.
Let me explain why...
Which is why their skin is thin.
They haven't had true trials & tribulations.
They felt pain firsthand plenty of times.
And healed pain led to their thick skin.
Battle tested.
They scoff at herd thinking.
The ability to think for themselves gives them a TIGHT grip over their mind.
They can't even control their emotions.
What makes you think they can control their mind?
That's like expecting someone to earn a million when they can't even generate a hundred.
1. Group thinking.
2. The tendency to personalize.
Their mind belongs to a group.
Who knows if this group has your best interest or not?
If the group doesn't have your best interest, then this sensitive fellow sure won't.
Snake Strike #1.
The sensitive person believe a disagreement is an attack on their character.
Therefore, their ego paints you as an enemy in their world.
When you lose favor with someone's ego, backstabbing is imminent.
Snake Strike #2.
☆Observe whether mainstream media plays their emotions like a fiddle.
☆See if drama follows where they go.
A sensitive person always leaves a bunch of clues.
'What if I'm sensitive?'
Good question...
☆Learn the art of ignoring.
☆Level up.
Really is that simple.
When you build your ignoring muscle, your skin will thicken.
This will allow you to stop personalizing.
When you level up, you face challenges which force you to think for yourself.
And it's even harder when you have sensitive people in your squad.
☆Getting butthurt by every comment.
☆Begging you to be politically correct.
☆Asking you to apologize for nonsense.
Dump these losers out.
These people will bring out your best self.
They will challenge you & have you focusing on the right things.
You will grow.
Rolling with sensitive people is like running a race with ankle weights on.
Take em off.
And run full speed.
Only then will you run laps around the competition.
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