Draw and STRIKE!: THE SKINHEADS ARE COMING, THE SKINHEADS ARE COMING... drawandstrike.blogspot.com/2017/05/the-sk…
Now, don't get me wrong. Matthews was dangerous. But all Matthews & his tiny group of about 10 members did was rob a bunch of banks & armored cars & kill exactly one person.
As the PBS American Experience episode on Ruby Ridge shows in great detail, this is what led to the fiasco up on that mountain in Idaho in 1992.
That's the justification. Koresh & his followers had a lot of guns, he was preaching the end of the world and he MIGHT do something crazy 'soon'.
Bad leaders following a bad plan they stuck with long after they should have abandoned it got 4 ATF agents and 6 Davidians killed.
And Waco led directly to Oklahoma City.