My focus is on Warren. 1/…
This is important and actually gets at two issues re: Warren and the primary. 2/
But that's 3/
Good. If we think a Boston Globe article is going to insulate her from Trump's toxic/racist attacks & change anyone's mind, that's a fantasy-land concept.
I keep repeating this because every time I bring up the concerns over this controversy the response is 5/
But in a general election it's a devastating attack that can absolutely sway moderates whose votes we need. They may not vote for Trump but they can sit out & that's bad enough. 6/
Has Warren insulated herself from that? 7/
Because if not, get ready for an absolutely toxic destructive campaign against her honesty that will hurt. 9/
Warren's plan? Literally "I support Bernie's 11/
Why has Warren gone so unchallenged by the press?
It could very well be same issue. 3 weeks before '18 midterms: 12/
I'm not "anti-Warren," I think she is a brilliant person who's running a terrific campaign and who genuinely is motivated by the fundamental economic issues she confronts so eloquently. I do not believe her plans hold up to scrutiny well, I do not 15/
And existential to Warren's viability in a 18/
I am transparent that she isn't candidate "for me" but if she's nominee I want her to win. /end