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Fresno County Board of Supervisors Meeting September 20,2019! Among the items are liquor license in SE Fresno where 5 liquor licenses is allowed but this would be the 9th;Receive Sheriff Report regarding number of ICE detainees held/interviewed/ transferred;Adopt suicide
prevention strategic plan; On Consent Calendar: adjourn In memory of Fresno State’s Police Chief; Resolution recognizing outgoing Fresno PD Chief Jerry Dyer; Letter asking Governor Newsom for more funding to clean&maintain freeways. Closed Session includes negotiation with
SEIU 2015 (long term home care providers). Please “Heart” if you like these reports. Forgive any typos or mistakes! NEXT MEETINGS:
September 16 through 20, 2019 - 9:00 AM Budget Hearings September 24, 2019 - 9:00 AM
October 8, 2019 - 9:00 AM. Last two are regularly scheduled.
The official barrier is up again for this meeting. Invocation by @stevebrandau Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Frances Berman - Department of Social Services - 29 Years
of Services. Focused on Foster Youth, pregnant teens, consumer affairs,Liaison respected throughout State
Proclaim the month of September 2019 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in
Fresno County. 30th year of doing it. The event Soberstock is coming up on September 27-28th.
Proclaim September 8-14, 2019, as Suicide Prevention Week in Fresno County
Proclaim September 2019 "National Preparedness Month" One of just a few counties that have an action plan. Came about after County’s 24 hour Crisis Unit was Closed. Realized they could do more together.
Then in 2016 a cluster of teen suicides occurred. Three suicide prevention experts enlisted and this presentation is result of 18 months. The real cost to families includes $1088 due to lost wages. The average cost for Emergency Medical Care is $3400. Total economic cost to
Fresno County is $140 million per year. Clovis’ Lynn Ashbeck says Behavioral Health leader is excellent.
In April they have presented to Supervisors regarding LOST and have seen success. Early intervention helps family to deal with their loss much quicker. Highest suicide rate
among white middle age men as speaker looks at the makeup of Supervisors 😜
@stevebrandau speaks on National Preparedness Month. Earthquakes, storms, fires. Non-profits like United Way , Red Cross & Central California Disaster Team are backbone of natural disaster response. United Way’s 211 covers “I am in a unsafe spot to I can’t pay my utility bill”
Central California Animal Disaster team is to bring 4-legged family members to safety after disaster. What to do after a power outage?
Accept the Annual Fresno County Crop and Livestock Report for 2018 from the Department of
Agriculture by Ag Commissioner Melissa Cregan. $7.88 billion in crop value up from last year. Almonds are top then grapes and pistachios. Return of onion and garlic to top ten. 300 crops in
all. Mexico, Canada, Taiwan and Korea are top destinations. Certified farmers markets is a highlight this year. Inspected to see that they indeed grow the crops on site. Fresno Co. Farm Bureau Ryan Jacobsen says “we are food capital of the world. Sustainable water is needed.
If you live in the Central Valley then you have an indirect effect on you.” Dedicated to Fred Rinder who has put this crop together for past ten years. Probably his last. Supervisor Quintero asks about water allocation? Mendes says lots of water but only 80% allocated for West
Side. Need a new more scientific look. State’s proposed SB1 is not good. Asks Quintero to call his Democratic Assemblyman to vote No on SB 1. Quintero tells Mendes to tell his Republican Assemblyman. Mendes says they don’t have as much influence at State level. @LincolnSeward
Supervisor Magsig asks about grapes being sent to other counties to be made into wine. Ag Commissioner says “Table Grapes are highest with Concentrate second.”
Consider and take action on request for determination of public convenience or necessity on application for Alcoholic Beverage License Type 20 filed by Abdulnasser Ali Dhalai, dba Lucky Spot Food Market, located on 2444 S. 9th St., Fresno, CA.
This is located in Calwa for type 20 liquor license. Applicant is here to answer any questions. 8 licenses near by but one has been inactive and one has been suspended by ABC. Applicant says he has put a lot of money into it and needs Supervisors help to start his own business.
A neighbor speaks and says they are ok with business as long as there is no loitering like other liquor stores nearby. Must be kept clean. He told them he would comply. Next neighbor disagrees and doesn’t want it. Another public: says crime rate is already bad in this area.
Next Public: Fresno already too many liquor stores. We need more veggie stands not liquor when there is already too many near there. Quintero says he met with applicant before but won’t be supportive today. We have spent $5 M on trash pick up in the area trying to beautify the
region. Low income apartments and neighborhoods are nearby. Applicant says he needed license to be profitable but most people will be buying other items. Number of children nearby is high due to elementary school. We are putting our best foot forward to attract businesses. Alley
clean up, new lights. Only 5 license allowed with this being the 8th. We don’t need more saturation says Quintero. Applicant says he will close the store. He made a 50-year lease. Quintero makes motion to deny. Pacheco seconds. Supervisors vote to deny 5-0. Receive presentation
the Economic Development Corporation on Opportunity Analysis for Districts 1, 4 and 5. How tonget more businesses into rural areas especially along Highway 99 and 180. $80,000 for study split among the theee districts involved. What type of industries? EDC’s Will Oliver has put
lots of work into this. County CAO Jean Rousseau has been supportive too. Analyze and prioritize shovel-readiness and conduct financing for infrastructure. Squaw Valley has a fast growing Ag-tourism like Blossom Trail and farm to table. It is also an emerging wine area.
600,000 visitors to King’s Canyon National Park. Less than 20% of potential local spending is being captured =$54million. 8000 vehicles pass by everyday. Fire Suppression has led to desire to create fire suppression district. Hard to store enough water and makes it hard to
create a business. Brand Identity with mix up of Squaw Valley with Squaw Valley in Tahoe. “Basecamp to Kings Canyon”. Beautification along 180 highway. Tax Increment Financing allows agencies to finance infrastructure. No public vote to create the District but 55% of voters to
Issue tax increment bonds. Highway 99 corridor:Selma, Fowler and Kingsburg. Identify sites in each community that can support job creating investments AND catalyze surrounding areas. Companies are now more focused on long term sites. Industrial is 3.7% vacant and retail 1.6%
Companies look at already built buildings first followed by ready to build next. This area is low on both and gets eliminated quickly. Fowler is well suited for commercial fulfillment businesses. Selma Crossing and Kingsburg Swap Meet development could help both towns. Sanger
Zero industrial vacancies. It does have many areas poised for industrial and residential development. Westside has low vacancies and changing area. San Joaquin with modest investment will be suited for Rail connected business. Mendota would not need much work to make land
usable and attractive. Firebaugh hasn’t taken much of a hit from Sprekels Olant closing but would need $500,000 rail crossing completed. Truck to rail user could be ideal. Magsig asks about if EDC grants would be part of next steps. @BuddySupervisor says we have added tools to
the toolbox. Pacheco says this is a good mixture of County and cities. @stevebrandau says this was informative. Public asks if Mom and Pop stores would be shut down with these establishments? She knows it can be helpful as long as they are not effected. Congressman TJ Cox’s rep
says please to contact Congressman about helping with funding. Magsig says he looks forward to working with the Congressman. Next Public: says West Side businesses are AG related. If water becomes more of an issue then ag going away would create a ghost town. Other development
would be desirable. Next: Adopt the Fresno County Community-Based Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan as the suicide prevention strategic plan for Fresno County; and Adopt the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale as the recommended suicide risk assessment tool for Fresno County.
This will make Fresno County the first to have a suicide prevention plan. Could be a State required item soon so this makes a head start. Passes 5-0. Consider and approve the 2019-24 Fresno County Road Improvement Program (RIP)Rewuited by General Plan. Looks at needs of transpor-
tation and Costa. Gas Tax SB1 dollars were very important. Still a Billion short to fix all roads and bridges. Road maintenance by City of Fresno does quite a bit of work for County that saves cost for County. City will maintain some County traffic signals. Magsig says even with
Gas Tax dollars are roads will be deteriorating due to $1 billion shortfall. A dollar used to maintain will save $7 dollars replacing. Staff: local roads , collectors etc hard to find funding source. Large roads can usually find grant sources. Voters live in neighborhoods that
have smaller roads and that is what they see everyday. They are appreciative when fixed or maintained more. Public requests a traffic signal at Chestnut and Clinton. Next: asks why traffic cones are left for a long time but no work being done. Magsig: just let us know. Cal Trans
is a different site. Next: seems like most of the roads to be fixed are in northern area when there are many roads in South like Belmont. Magsig suggests reaching out to the Supervisor who represents that area. Passes 5-0.
Conduct public forum in accordance with Government Code section 7283.1(d); receive statistical report from the Sheriff regarding the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) access provided to incarcerated individuals in the Jail during 2018;receive public comment
Magisg will limit this portion to an hour. Sheriff Mims says we want all residents to feel safe to report crimes. Deputies won’t ask immigration status of person. Drugs, violent crimes and human trafficking are main focus of Deputies. Legal status was given to some residents for
helping law enforcement. If ICE is present when inmate is released from Sheriff they can be picked up by ICE on the spot in lobby. ICE conducted no interview. Transfers listed were actually like above where ICE picks up inmate in lobby. Concludes her presentation. Public Comment:
ACLU Rep: “TRUTH act allows public to know if Sheriff cooperated with ICE. Sometimes Sheriff has released release dates and other personal data. Less likely to report crimes if they feel unsafe.” Jim Mendez agrees. Doesn’t feel like an one page letter is adequate. Supports TRUST
and TRUTH acts helps to assure that our tax dollars are not holding people in cells solely for immigration status reasons. (Many in line to speak on this topic). Public: racial profiling , incarceration etc is being promoted by ICE via Mims. Next:supports ICE and Mims. Finds
it ironic that these advocates are trashing law enforcement while at same time many are being sworn in as citizens. Next: vicious attacks on immigrants by Trump and backed by Mims. We envision a society that cherished the immigrant people. Next: Met with many of Supervisors staff
and says we did what we could. We hoped this meeting could be at night when more of the public could be here. Next : child care, interpreters would help. Next: the fact the Hall of Records is surrounded by deputies makes it harder for some to come to these meetings. Next :more
publicity needed for these meetings. Multi languages want to speak. Jennifer Rojas with ICE out of Fresno. Wants truth from Sheriff Dept. They have told us many times that they are in support of immigrant but Freedom of Info Act showed Sheriff invites ICE to this public Forum.
Next: community demands a meeting with Sheriff Mims to meet but no response. “I am asking you now”. County Counsel Cedarborg says the meeting request of Sheriff was dropped and that was his fault. Next: ICE intimidates those trying to access help to become a citizen. Next: in
support of Sheriff, ICE, the Wall, Trump. We don’t need open borders. She is sorry that these young speakers today don’t know our history. Rapists are not considered violent criminals in California. Sex slavery is awful. We need ICE.” Next: Linda Doubles: supports Mims. She has
to know the law. It was an honor for Mims to meet with President Trump at the White House. Next: this shouldn’t be a forum on Mims or Law Enforcement. We all need them but PUBLIC servants job is to protect the PUBLIC. All need to be able to report crime without fear from LE.
Some released from jail are not necessarily convicted of a crime. Next:Jim Lingrums of Clovis and Faith in the Valley @FaithInFresno County can change what federal government is doing to make it hard and Law Enforcement is part of that. Next: She was at husband’s grave and saw
three cars and soon was surrounded by law enforcement. They asked her if she had seen anyone. “No”. Can we search you? She didn’t feel safe with the situation. Shouldn’t have happened. Next: Karen Turgen: she is a daughter of an immigrant. We were taught to be respectful of law
and to not use our native tongue. ICE has been made a bogeyman. She is supportive of Mims and The Wall. Next: relative works for Coalijga LE. Other children are successful. They are all children of an immigrant. Next: Said LE came up to person she wa sitting next to today. LE
Put face next to her and said “you can be arrested for those kinds of threats”. This meeting today needs to be a respectful place for everyone. Next: Sheriff told us that transfers were 3 but not really transfers. Another report said 4. Better running of this data needs to be
done. Definition of transfers ? If ICE picks up inmates released in Sheriff lobby perhaps that should count as a transfer. Next: Ernesto is here legally and has a criminality degree. LE has a hard time speaking to public and helping solve crime because public is often fearful to
cooperate. Some Supervisors are farmers. Who works farms? Often illegals. If you are rich it is easy to immigrate everyone else has to work hard to do it legally. In his criminality class there was a case study of a deputy that would pull over vehicles he thought was driven by
immigrants and take money $100-400 from their wallet as he knew they couldn’t report it. Next: last public speaker. Barbara Barstow she feels for those who come here for safety but we need to support our laws or we will become like the countries they are fleeing. @stevebrandau
Emphatically supports Mims and she is very transparent. Magisg: feels all of us up here support the Sheriff. After seeing that ICE only received 3 transfers maybe this Forum wasn’t needed. Those three were violent. He heard that perhaps those who hadn’t committed violent crimes
shouldn’t be held at the jail but crimes that may not be considered violent like drunk driving does effect the victims. Going to Board Comments: Pacheco has a way to help boost census tracking. Quintero also received the same phone call. @stevebrandau will part of 9/11 Memorial
at 8:30 am at former Pelco. Among Closed session:
Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code, section 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Joy Cronin; Employee Organization: SEIU-Local 2015 - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment
SEIU 2015 representatives speaking on later Closed Session negotiation for a 40 cent raise ( they have asked for $1). She appreciates what the Supervisors have to do in allocating funds but care givers work hard too. Inflation is 2.4% and this raise doesn’t cover it. Can you
use discretionary funds to help raise that 40 cents to something more? Please shadow a care giver and see what they do. Thank you! Next: Thanks @stevebrandau for being willing to shadow a caregiver. Next: County pays 16% of care givers pay. Is the 40 cent from the 16%? The more
The County provides the more the federal matches. Both the supervisors and us are all getting older and we need to start fixing things for the future. NEXT MEETINGS:
September 16 through 20, 2019 - 9:00 AM Budget Hearings September 24, 2019 - 9:00 AM
October 8, 2019 - 9:00 AM.
Supervisors going to Closed Session now. Please “Heart” or “Like” if you like these reports. Forgive any typos or mistakes!
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