If a language will make you a better programmer, why wouldn't you want to use it all the time?
Agree wholeheartedly -- which is one of many reasons why Roamresearch.com was written in Clojurescript

I started taking Clojurescript seriously when I read the inspiration docs from @dan_abramov's Redux library and saw @bhauman's talk on figwheel
Decided to fly out to the Conj and Clojure/West
Community is curious, practical, warm, humble & resourceful
I met my cofounder at 42.us.org when we were both learning C
The piscine was basically an endurance test for autodidacts
He was in the lab till 4am most nights, teaching himself and helping poor fools like myself on the problem sets
He was interested, so I told him I'd give him a job if he taught himself Clojure.
His first commit was less than 6 weeks later.
Offered him a cofounder equity stake less than a month after that
You hire for character (grit, resilience, integrity), then intelligence, then skill, in that order.
I think of it as
"hire for talent, train for skill"
where talent also includes things like virtue, values, desire to learn and solve problems
Folks like @nathanmarz who have had tons of professional success, raised tons of money for their startups, but would still be spending hours on slack answering qs from noobs like myself
The kind of people who learn Clojure are so often the kind of people I just want to be around day to day.
Met him at my first clojure conference, I'd learned Reagent from his YouTube videos
He'd been working in CLJ for 10 years, I had like 8 months, yet he agreed to help me start a research club
Tim, and @djwhitt helped me figure that out, for free, over hours of skype calls, way before I had a product or any hope of funding
Years later, we're still using lots of that code
Forgot that @stuarthalloway -- prob most central figure in the community besides @richhickey -- first learned it because of "beating the averages"
Also, everything I was saying about why you want to hire Clojurians PG said here