"Heard from White House -- assuming President Z convinces trump he will investigate/'get to the bottom of what happened' in 2016, we will nail down date for visit to Washington."
"Hi Mr Mayor! Had a good chat with Yermak last night. He was pleased with your phone call. Mentioned Z making a statement. Can we all get on the phone to make sure I advise Z correctly as to what he should be saying?"
Sondland: (NSC official Tim) "Morrison ready to get dates as soon as Yermak confirms.
Volker: "Excellent!! How did you sway him? :)
Sondland raises the issue of a statement by the Ukrainians committing to the "deliverable":
"....Might we ask Andrey for a draft statement (embargoed) so that we can see exactly what they propose to cover."
"Hi Kurt...I think it's possible to make this declaration and mention all these things...But it will be logic to do after we receive a confirmation of date..."
Volker: "...Let's iron out statement and use that to get date..."
Burisma is the company that hired Hunter Biden
Sondland Aug 17 to Volker: "Do we still want Ze to give us am unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?
Volker: "That's the clear message so far.
On Sept 1 Taylor texts Sondland: ""Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?"
Sondland: "Call me."
He suggests they stop texting. And they do.