Shares are dragging along the bottom and it's somewhere between 3-4x sales. If I'm right, this could be very cheap later on.
#HZD is a life sciences company. Here is how they describe themselves:
"Global leader in the application of gene editing and gene modulation technologies"
These things sell expensive and they rebuffed a bid from Abcam in 2018.
He's now gone. His holding - and more - was picked up by Valueact, who just got Merlin Ent's in the UK sold into the Lego family.
Valueact have repeatedly raised their holding, so it's not just me that sees something here.
"Cell line editing is in the same stage that antibodies was in the '80s. It's very early stages. Lots of people are doing their own work in their own labs."
HZD will do that work
RR did 58% of the revenues in HY1, grew at 12% and is expected to grow faster in HY2.
RR does Alan Hirzel's 80s cell line editing and CRISPR reagents.
Important changes happening here.
This is less important than just meaning you can sell more stuff - it means the company can bring prices down by a third to a half and most importantly *begin to sell what customers actually require*
It's not just a question of cheaper prices making customers happy; there is a bigger issue in the market - customers like this need bespoke.

Next up: screening - and I won't get into the weeds on these.
Biologics are hard to make. HZD solution starting to be picked up by customers, who validate the tech - which allows others to jump in to licence rather than test from ground up: flywheel…
Last year was a "knockout" for the division but they expect to match or with luck, exceed it this year.
Last: diagnostics.
Does cell lines which validate diagnostic tests for diseases.
If you can see past the turd to the raisins, they've just put new management in here and despite an awful half, expect to match last year on an FY basis.
Last year was "robust", would be quite a recovery
CRISPR produces lots of errors whereas base editing (the next next big thing is at ~95%)
Only one company out there with it and they keep it to themselves. HZD may bring this to market.
What's it worth?
Mid double digit growth, clear trajectory on gross margins and no reason to assume operating leverage won't begin to kick in as it scales.
10% of cap in cash, no non-lease debt.
Major shareholder with record of achieving takeovers.
Today's ex-cash 3-and-a-bit sales for close-to-breakeven, probably about right.
But look a few years down the line, could be cheap.