"All Hallows Eve is by the Welsh called ‘Nos Calan Gaeaf,’ meaning the first night of winter. It is one of the three nights for spirits, upon which ghosts walk and fairies are abroad." 1/
#Wales #Halloween #HalloweenCountdown #folklorethursday

Pic: Tintern Abbey
#Wales #HalloweenCountdown

#Wales #HalloweenCountdown #mondaythoughts

"On #Halloween it is customary for the young people, gathered in many a merry circle, to seek by tricks and charms of various sort to become acquainted with their future lovers and sweethearts."
#Wales #HalloweenCountdown #halloween2019

"The two other two are May-day eve and Midsummer eve; which with #Halloween were three great festivals of the ancient Druids, when they commemorated the powers of Nature and love."

"Thomas Williams, the preacher, slept in the hills on a Nos Ysprydnos (spirit night), and although he used no charms nor tricks of any sort, he saw his future wife."


#halloween2019 #Halloween

Folklore of #Wales

Wissel wassel, bread and possel,
Cwrw da, plas yma:
An apple or a pear, a plum or a cherry,
Or any good thing to make us merry. 1/3

Pray you, good missus, a sol cake;
One for Peter, and two for Paul,
And three for the good man that made us all... 2/3
My shoes are very thin,
I’ve got a little pocket,
To put a penny in.
Up with the kettle and down with the pan,
Give us an answer and we’ll be gan.
(A loud rap at the door.)
Spoken: Please to give us a ’apenny." 3/3
#wales #halloween #halloween2019

#Halloween #Wales

That's the end of this "Halloween in Wales" thread, but I've got lots more spooky goodness coming up between now and October 31.
Thanks for joining me for the ride, and feel free to add your own titbits of eerie info....
#Halloween19 #Halloween
You can read all about the 'dreaded ghost' here:
#wales #Halloween19 #halloween