I'll list them in this thread, along with sample news stories about Trump that align with them.
Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao Zedong curated dysfunction in their respective governments, in order to gain power.
Trump's constant railing at the impeachment process itself betrays his intolerance for critical inquiry, as discussed in this Situation Room clip.
He famously promised to disclose his returns, and then fought like a rabid animal to prevent their lawful disclosure to Congress.
The resident has regularly promoted thoroughly-debunked conspiracy theories. Some more outlandish than others.
Don McGahn is just one example in a long list of targets for Trump's ire.
Some went on to write their own books (like the infamous op-ed "resistance" author), and others contributed to accounts like this one:
I'll just refer you to the brilliant "What the Fuck Just Happened Today", which aggregates all that fuckery daily.
I'll admit, I couldn't find any specific examples of this one in the news.
I spent some time looking for Fox and Friends sycophancy in action and decided that worked. So, you know, watch their show. I'm not linking to it.
See replies to Trump tweets, and the endless parade of surrogates breathlessly defending even his most ridiculous gaffes.
Oh, and Lindsey Graham.
Remember this one? "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."