1. What is a Currency Swap
Its a Derivative currency trading instrument where the principal and interest in a currency is swapped or exchanged for the principal and currency of another currency
Eg i swap US Dollars for Japanese Yen
To reduce currency exchange risk ..lets assume i have US Dollars and want to import Honda cars from Japan, i can simply swap my USD for Japanese Yen and buy the cars in Japan…
(I am being simplistic)
Normally if you want to trade globally you use US Dollars. So to import from China I take Naira convert to Dollar then convert my Dollar to Yuan (Basic unit of Chinese Currency).
The effect is a potential reduction in demand 4 USD for trading & settling of trades between China and Nigeria. I stress potentially.This reduces demand for USD to fund Chinese Imports thus a potential strengthening of the Naira, all things being equal
Nigeria largest imports are from China, so payments for Chinese imports take a big chunk of $ Fx
Pay for imports with Naira helps the balance of payment. Nigeria's US Dollars fx reserves last longer, thus improvement in soverign confidence
Nigeria has also agreed to hold a larger percentage of our Foreign Reserves in Chinese Currency. This is good, as its a diversification of Nigeri's reserves.
The key drivers of the exchange rate are the revenues from crude oil and pace of imports.
Swap address the issues of pressure on fx reserves to fund imports from China…it cant address revenues from crude oil..