, 171 tweets, 20 min read
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Hello and welcome to another livetweeting of a livestream from Nick Rekieta, Alleged Internet Lawyer, regarding Vic Mignogna v. Funimation et al, subject of the famous #threadnought. We're live in a minute but a few brief reminders.
Nick talks very fast. I am typing and watching/listening to him in another stream. I will not be able to respond in real time to comments but COMMENTS ARE WELCOME.
Also, if you find this amusing, feel free to drop me a little something at Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/legalinspirati… Not necessary, always appreciated, and will probably be used for psych meds, which I'm going to need before this is all over.
Nick looks very pleased for someone who had one of his best friends disavow him under oath today. He's tough. Old-time tough.
Nick only has speculation. There's no transcript. Nobody knows what happened officially. Nobody. Especially not #lawtwitter.
Speaking of, Nick's hair is extra-thick tonight. Unlike them. On #lawtwitter. Who have been punished for their evil ways.
Nick reached out to Ty, but he was very busy today. As you can understand. Because the hearing went a lot longer than it was expected. Probably due to... billing. And INIQUITY. BILLING INIQUITY, if you didn't get that.
Nick wanted to be there. He would've. But he has responsibilities. He has family. He was teaching today. Even though someone asked him about COPPA. Which he is not an expert in. YET. So they were punished.
Nick wasn't there not because he feared subpoenas. He had to miss classes when he was in Hawaii. Hobnobbing. Moving. Shaking. And he can't miss any more. He's too responsible. As is known.
Word on the street, Nick says, is that the hearing had a theme. A consistent theme.

Nick has a shirt showing Ty manipulating a marionette Nick... but Nick with invisible strings ON TY OH MY GOD THE METAPHOR IT BURNS MY THIRD EYE IS FORCED OPEN THE UNIVERSE, IT BURNS, IT BURNS
If you DARE RISK YOUR SOULS, you can buy merch with this n-dimensional artwork on it, and a portion goes to the GFM. Which is good. Very good. Because that GFM. It is the thing that keeps their wickedness in check. That burns their evil souls more than the Hell that waits.
And, as the ancient Buddhist koan tells us, "Hoes mad."

Mad at Nick.

Nick is very sad that the video of him they wanted to show was not shown. Because then Chupp would have been Enlightened. Mostly about how fat everybody on the defense side is. But about everything else too.
Ty is in chat, by the way, but I'm not bothering with the chat. Nick's magnificence, it is very distracting.
As Lemoine would know. Since he mentioned Nick more than Nick himself could physically do in the time he has to share with us tonight.
But Nick appreciates the donations that people are giving to his friends. Not just Vic. Some other friend. Of which Nick has many. (Aside: it appears to be for a library. Which goes to show that the Devil may, etc.)
Nick's viewers raised more money in ONE DAY for this charity than Jamie Marchi raised in EIGHT MONTHS for her wackjob SJW charity. ONE DAY. EIGHT MONTHS. Because of course EVERY PENNY of those donations comes from the Nicky Mouse Club. EVERY. PENNY. NOWHERE ELSE.
But this stream is about Vic. And so we're going to hear a lot about Vic's GFM tonight. The other side is pathetic. They can't do good things. They can't even do selfish things. They can't do anything. Because their "supporters" don't care. They only want to be asshats.
The defendants' fans aren't real fans. They only care about getting their TWITTER ACTIVISM done. Not like Nick's fans. They're real. They CARE. And that's why they'll beat these people.

Well, not THESE these people. But in general.
Vic's GFM is at $261,986. That's two hundred thousand POKES RIGHT IN THE EYE for the forces of Evil. And it burns them. Oh, how they burn. They seethe. They boil. In the flames of RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Chat: "Good job bringing in Martinez. He seems like a prize fighter."

I have nothing to add to that. Nothing at all.
something something something follower counts support ya boi Zack what I don't even know something
Nick never anticipated his little GFM would do what it did. Others were bigger. Famouser. Less humble. But it did.
Nick expected the other side to start their own GFM. They didn't. Because they knew it would not work. Also they are stupidheads. Both of those things. That's why only Vic has a GFM. No other reason. At all.
They didn't start theirs and spent nine months complaining about Nick's. Because they hate him. Because HE CAN PROVE that they are liars. HE. CAN. PROVE. IT. About Azumi-con. About Nick's Canadian girlfriend in college. ABOUT EVERYTHING.
And that's why they hate him SO MUCH. Because he knows the TRUTH. And the truth is they HAVE NO EVIDENCE. No proof. Nothing. That Vic ever did anything. Except maybe Vic admitting a few things. And some sworn testimony. But OTHER THAN THAT.
*random mockery of a person with disability*
And NOTHING THEY HAVE SAID IN COURT has impressed the judge. Judge doesn't care Ty is on livestreams. Judge doesn't care. Judge doesn't care about Nick's PERHAPS A TINY LITTLE TINY BIT abrasive CAVALCADE OF TRUTH online. Judge doesn't care.
Anyway, either they have no evidence - which is probably what's up because Vic did nothing, Nick is merely the voice of reason and truth, and they are evil - or their lawyers have told them to clam up. As liars do when their lies are EXPOSED.
And that's EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. As they feared. They feared being exposed as SJW c-words, AND LO IT HAS COME TO PASS. Because of Nick, your humble supporter of Truth, Righteousness, and Unapproved GFM-Based Champerty.
Did Nick mention that every dollar in the GFM makes him smile, because it makes bad people cry? Because it does. And it does. Every dollar, a vote for TRUTH. For a man wronged to have his DAY IN COURT.
(Aside: Sorry for all the STRONG DECLARATIONS, but Nick is really on fire tonight.)
The GFM is up AS WE SPEAK. Those are Justice Dollars, that's what they are. As #lawtwitter knows. That's why they've been so quiet. Because they know.
No, they were quiet. They were *muted.* Because they got DESTROYED. Even Chupp, that strayer from righteousness, has finally HAD ENOUGH. Even SHARON GRIGSBY, that hack, published a *muted* article.
Nick, of course, reminds us that Chupp could do whatever. The hearing is no guarantee of outcome. He could revert to his idiocy and award them EVERYTHING THEY ASK FOR, minus a little haircut to show "independence." That's what Nick thinks he will do, in fact.
But anything more than ten percent? That's a VICTORY. That's DEVASTATING to the defendants. It probably costs them their homes. Their souls. But remember, Chupp is a foister. he's going to foist it off on the Appeals Court. As a foister would do.
something something de novo I failed civ pro II something pardon me what I had a little blackout there
Chat is begging for BHBW swag. Ty mentions they have good swag for clients, maybe they can put it online. Because the people, they demand it. (Aside: This might be a good revenue source for the increased insurance premiums they're probably looking at.)
Nick thinks that Chupp basically has an overall total of fees and sanctions, a rough amount, and he's just going to divide that up among the defendants. (Aside: This is... an interesting theory.) We'll see. Chupp is the wild card.
Nick reminds us - as he has from the beginning - that the Human Element is the one thing in court you can never account for. A human makes a decision. It is what they decide. Even in the face of law, the face of evidence, the face of JUSTICE, it is what it is.
Nick says there is still a "weird theory" floating around that until Chupp actually closes the case, he could reconsider ANYTHING. He could Redo from Start. He COULD.
Lemoine is trying to sneak in a reconsideration. Because despite that he basically won in a walk and Nick thinks he'll get almost everything he asked for, HE'S SCARED. He's scared of the appeals court. He wants to bolster his house of cards, built on shifting sands.

(Aside: You better have hooked those irony shields into the main ZPE reactor like I told you to after last time, Engineering.)
Sharon Grigsby used the world "reasonable" about Vic's case so obviously SHE HAS COMPLETELY TURNED. The PR is working. That's gotta hurt them. Hurt them bad. As they deserve.
Superchat: *random word soup, very reminiscent of Edgar Cayce, which seems to impress the heck out of Nick*
Nick pauses to tell us that he has Deep Thoughts on the Logos and how it runs through the Bible, which should surprise no one. He's Deep. It is known.
Nick has a thought. He wants to share it with the lawyers in the audience. He hopes they're listening. (Aside: Yep.)
Sharon Grigsby has been referring to defendants as "us" and plaintiff as "them," so obviously THE FIX WAS IN, points out a keenly-insighted person who apparently wrote to the paper to complain. AND THEN THE PAPER REPLIED. Stand by.
The editor asks for... if you can believe this... EVIDENCE. Imagine such a thing. Nick doesn't know if there's any evidence. But he hopes it finds its way to him. Because Nick fears nothing. And there's nothing he wouldn't dare. For JUSTICE.
Someone is directing Nick to something important in Nick's Discord. Please stand by.
Some Superchats, some random mockery of people with disabilities, you know the drill. Please continue to stand by.
*random incredibly misogynist comment*
A question about the recent YouTube settlement and policies on content creators. Nick says the First Amendment will not stand for this. (Aside: He's might be kinda sorta right.)
Nick is slipping into full Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon mode on that GFM. He updates the total frequently and is now reading donor names.
While Nick supports the freedom of speech, he reminds us that hilarious joke names on donations like "Ron Toye Beats Women" get returned. Guys. Time place and manner. That's a TWITTER joke, not a GFM joke.
Now we're into Sharon Grigsby's article. (Aside: I don't care that the headline is allegedly slanted, but it's WAY TOO LONG.) And she may have seen the light. MAY HAVE.
Nick praises Grigsby's work ethic for getting the article done so fast. Then immediately conditions it. Compliments from Nick are a rare and powerful thing, and without some limitation, they could cause spontaneous holes in the fabric of reality. Just so you know.
Vic was HOUNDED by allegations, says Grigsby. And you know who gets hounded? INNOCENT PREY. That's who.
Grigsby says Ty "immediately" said that he was going to appeal, but it was SIX DAYS LATER that Ty filed an appeal, which isn't "immediately," so bad factual reporting there, ma'am. (Aside: Ty said "Halftime" the day the ruling came down.)
But at least she realized that Vic's testimony HELPED him even though he was interviewed by, and I quote, "a wheezy, iron-lunged monster," because he is a "professional communicator," as opposed to a "professional swamp-beast."
And that's where Lemoine made his FATAL MISTAKE. Because people LIKE Vic. It's his JOB to make people like him. He's a PROFESSIONAL LIAR.

Well okay that last bit is paraphrasing.
People don't like shrill, ugly, nasty women. They like people like Vic. Putting him on the stand? HUGE. MISTAKE.

And Greg Doucette? He's... and Nick's sorry, he just doesn't know how to say it, he's just not a smart man. Lemoine listening to him was just dumb.
*random ranting about how stupid and bad Greg is, he's so awful not only did the voters flee, so did his money, and here Lemoine is taking his Tweets as Holy Writ.*
(Aside: Nick just admitted, for the first time I've seen, that he was outright thrown off Twitter.)

Nobody likes Greg except Lemoine and like 14 other people. Because he's stupid. And he smells bad.
(Aside: Nick is getting very emotional. It's almost like it upsets him that Greg has a zillion followers on Twitter and Nick is permabanned.)
People would rather listen to Vic admit that he hires prostitutes and cheats on his spouse than listen to Lemione talk about saving children from a burning building. (Aside: that is exactly and literally what he said.)
All the defendants have on their side is a bunch of random weirdos and, you know, every lawyer in the world Vic isn't paying. They didn't pay attention to the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. And now it has come home to roost.
And Lemoine's not so great. Nick's seen his house. He's no Hugh Hefner. A lot of Nick's audience makes more money than Lemoine. A LOT. THEY TOTALLY DO. And their girlfriends? They don't be dimes, they be MF dollas.
Anyway, the moment someone sees Vic's dreamy face, hears his thrilling voice? All that "law" and "evidence" and "facts" is all RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. In the court of public opinion, it's VERDICTS FOR VIC all night and day.
Nick has just realized he's not drinking. A shot of Jack Daniels is required. Please stand by.
Article points out Vic doesn't know anything about his lawsuit or his life. Nick could have told them. If only they had asked.
And Vic not knowing his own net worth? Who knows their net worth? Nobody. Not even Nick. That's how silly the idea is. If somebody as sharp as Nick doesn't know? Why would anybody?
Maybe Grigsby and Lemoine don't know how COMPLICATED it is to know your net worth. You know. When you're SUCCESSFUL. Like Vic. And Nick.
Nick has just noticed that Lemoine has a microphone in front of his face in the photo and he has a "Hitler Mustache." Immediately asks for a photoshop of an armband placed onto Lemoine.
*random Holocaust jokes, funny shit, I tell you what, oh, have I mentioned lately: GARBAGE. HUMAN. BEING*
*additional antisemitic ranting, which amuses Nick so much that he literally has to stop because he can't stop giggling*
Nick does quibble with Grigsby's characterizations of the "long-standing allegations" against Vic, as they are all about the same ten people who have only been saying them for, you know, a decade.
Nick's Vic imitation is also dreamy. Not as dreamy as the real thing, of course - a painting of the sun gives no warmth, but is still beautiful. Like that.
Vic's quotes are being added to the record. And that's a good thing. His vulnerability, his innocence, his pure spirit and desperation? All in the record. And the appeals court? It's made of people. And people like Vic.
Vic's answer that he filed only after they had been tweeting for months. BRILLIANT. GENIUS. He didn't ask for a protective order. He only asked for EVIDENCE. For TRUTH. Because the truth would set Vic free.
Because it's a dumb narrative. There's no evidence. None. Except, you know, sworn testimony from both sides. Besides that.
Grigsby is admitting that this is the first time she's heard Vic in person. Seen his dreamy face. Heard his dreamy voice. First time. Probably to CHA after that DEVASTATING email to the editor about her blatant partisanship.
Nick wonders if "Griftsby" got a little nudge from her editor. After that email. After exposure to the TRUTH. So she had to make something up. Because... I'm not clear why really but Nick seems to understand it.
Nick really likes being called a "hate megaphone," so well done Ms. Grigsby.
Nick is putting up the article as he goes and apologizes in advance that there is a picture of Monica Rial and Ron Toye. *random misogynistic comment*
Nick pauses to let us know, triumphantly, that the GFM is up EXACTLY A THOUSAND DOLLARS just since this article posted.

Reading some donor names. Heroes, one and all.
Nick is drinking Jack Daniels in honor of Ty, but he keeps forgetting that's what's in the cup. And looking like he's about to vomit. That's friendship. That's bonding. That's honor.
Nick thinks it's hilarious that the Dallas Morning News quoted him because the quote they found is, in his estimation, practically harmless. And Nick, he's not harmless. He's dangerous. He's SPICY.
Nick is also amused that people think he's lying. When people know he's not. Lemoine. He knows. Nick's not obsessed with him. Lemoine's obsessed with NICK. Lemoine Lemoine Lemoine.
Lemoine, he lies. Nick has not lied once. Not once. Everything he says? Backed up. Everything Lemoine says? Not backed up. Not at all.
Nick finds Vic's comment about foolishly thinking everyone he knows is his friend quite endearing. And who wouldn't?

Someone has photoshopped a swastika armband onto the photo of Lemoine. Nick can barely breathe with amusement.
This requires whisky and time to regain his composure. Please stand by.
Nick has heard that somehow Vic threw Nick under the bus, according to those idiots on #lawtwitter.

Nick, he's not sure if Vic likes him, but really, it's more likely that Vic was talking about Monica and Jamie and the rest of the defendants.
If Vic hates Nick, he'll find out next time they're at the same convention. Hanging out. Smoking cigars. Sitting around in their underpants. As men do.
But anyway, if Vic hates Nick, how could Nick have been Vic's agent, like Lemione's wrong theory of wrongness suggests? It's not like in the last month or so Vic could have been exposed to life-changing financial consequences and reevaluated Nick or anything, right?
And by the way, if Nick's internet words are important enough to be relevant to sanctions, HOW CAN THE DEFENDANT'S INTERNET WORDS NOT BE DEFAMATORY AND DAMAGING? They're WORDS. They're on the INTERNET. Either they all matter OR NONE OF THEM DO.
How can you be so BRAIN-DEAD as to not realize that words on the internet are internet words? HOW? Nick is at a loss. (Aside: Nick is getting very worked up about this. It's really sort of sad, thinking that he might believe that this is how defamation works.)
Nick didn't rant Vic into winning, so how can Nick's words be relevant when the words that DESTROYED AN INNOCENT MAN aren't? HOW? Answer Nick, you COWARDS.
SuperChat: What's your favorite plot twist so far?

Nick: That God ordained that we all know Lemoine is Hitler because of that photograph.
(Aside: I wonder how long Nick will keep his permabanned Twitter handle on his splash screens.)
Nick finds it deliciously ironic that the defendants complained about loss of work, internet harassment, etc today when those are the consequences their iniquity VISITED ON VIC.
Things like that help commentators and pundits, like Nick, who can hold their own in the rough-and-tumble, but you wimps? You got what you should have anticipated. If you had asked Nick. But you didn't. You fools.
*random mockery of the disabled and AIDS*
Superchat: You didn't read my superchat.

Nick: give me more money or wait until I feel like reading it

Superchat: here's more money
New photoshop of Lemoine, with armband and also with mockery of his name. New name is "Lemon-Führer," apparently. (Aside: Congrats, Mr. Lemoine. There is no praise higher than the opprobrium of evil men.)

Oh, by the way: GARBAGE. HUMAN. BEINGS.
Nick reminds us that the court can award little to NO sanctions if they don't think that it will deter future frivolous suits. And only REASONABLE fees are required. Not all fees.
This leads into how it doesn't matter if Martinez quoted a statute that doesn't apply, because the court can do whatever it wants despite any stupid statutory mandates, so his misstatement of the law is, like, no harm no foul.
And citing that photo of Nick, Vic, and Ty living not only their best lives, but the best of ALL lives smoking cigars and being dreamy? Hoes mad. That's the definition of hoes mad. Period. End of sentence. Those garden implements are INCANDESCENTLY angry.
And their attempts to get Vic to consider honorable self-dissolution? EVIL. WRONG. HORRIBLE. But a COMPLETE FAILURE. That's what they wanted. They want him dead. But he fought BACK. And he's the real winner. He's working. He's succeeding. HE. IS. THE. WINNER.
Sorry, Twitter glitch. While I fixed it, Nick reaffirmed that Vic is the winner.

And Rooster Teeth? Oh, we'll get to them. We will indeed.
Grigsby says the defendants want Vic deterred from future unsubstantiated lawsuits. Nick thinks Chupp doesn't think the lawsuit WAS unsubstantiated. Only that he let the defendants win based on a rule. That, you know, he decided applied. But wasn't substantiated.
Summary: The article was DEVASTATING to the other side. DEVASTATING. Because even though Grigsby was basically PLANTED in their corner, even SHE has started to see the light. Staged photos? Misleading language? NOT. ENOUGH.
Stick a fork in the defendants, says Nick, they're DONE. But he wasn't there, he reminds us. And he also did say Chupp would probably give the defendants everything they wanted. But they're still done.
Nick HOPES that the judge will see the light of Truth tomorrow, but he expects that evil will temporarily win out tomorrow. It saddens him. But Nick, he's a man of the world. He knows the evil that men do. And all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good judges to foist.
Nick apparently thinks that Grigsby is somehow being paid by Volney and Johnson and that's why they aren't mentioned in this article. I'm not sure why he thinks that, but as I mentioned, Nick has Deep Thoughts.
Nick points out that the judge pointed out the YUUUUGE discrepancy between the fee requests from the defendants and basically the cheapest guy did the best job, so how can Lemoine justify his outrageous fees?
And of course none of that was in the article, it was all Vic versus Lemoine. She glossed over the MOST IMPORTANT TESTIMONY by calling it "boring billing stuff." The fix, as Nick has pointed out, is in, and still this is the best she could do.
Nick wants discovery to find out if Volney and Johnson are literally writing checks to Grigsby. (Aside: That is literally what he said)
Nick thinks the judge is getting ready to foist. Sanctions and fees ruled? Foist accomplished. Jurisdiction passes to the appeals court. It's gone. it's done. FOISTING MANAGED.
Chupp doesn't want to be the reason Vic misses an appeal window. He doesn't want to be the reason that Lemoine makes some stupid argument about appeals being ripe. He's READY TO FOIST, thinks Nick.
$263,141 in the GFM. 263,141 POKES IN THE EYES OF THE ADVERSARY. GFM be praised.
Nick is allegedly the puppetmaster of this suit, he said incredulously. How can that be when he's sat with teeth clenched and fists balled and lamented the direction of the plaintiff's case at hearings? He controls NOTHING.
Nick's not part of this. He's an observer. A commenter. A scholar. A supporter of justice. But he's no puppet master. If he were, despite the fact that Ty did almost nothing wrong, Vic would have won. If you needed evidence, THERE IT IS.
Plaintiffs wanted unredacted billing and Chupp denied it. YET ANOTHER GROUNDS FOR APPEAL. Because you know what was probably redacted? EVIDENCE OF PERJURY. It was dacted in there, bold as brass, clear as crystal. And then they redacted it. As liars would.
Casey Erick and Andrea Perez have been at EVERY SINGLE HEARING... except this one, Nick asks you to consider. Because it is a thing to consider. It is considerable.
If they HAD been at the hearing, they were in danger of being called to the stand to expose some of these LIES. So they stayed away. Lemoine probably hid them in his Lemon-Führer bunker.
They're still employed. They're still billing. They're still making money. But now they are HIDING.

Could be a coincidence.

Could be.

Nick doesn't know if they did it. Nick thinks they did it. But he doesn't know. Even Nick can't know everything.

What's important is that it's in the record. It's grounds for appeal. It will be what it will be.
And now: Rooster Teeth. Please stand by.
Nick is stunned by the evil that men do. And he senses a theme.

And by the way, Nick thinks that the attack occurred DURING THE NOVEMBER 8 HEARING. Is that a coincidence?

Could be.

But another of Vic's persecutors turns out to be a bad, bad person. Surprising no one. At least not Nick. He is never surprised. He can't be. Because he knows things. He drinks and he knows things.
Nick is trying to get case information on this and has learned that it takes time. It's like he always has somebody else get records he can access for free.
SuperChat: Can the court of appeals request the unredacted billing?

Nick: Better yet, they can ORDER it.

(Aside: This may be technically true.)
Nick: The press shouldn't be surprised that the police are dragging their feet about records for the wife-beating allegations as first they have to finish beating THEIR wives.
Anyway, THIS IS HOW YOU REPORT ABUSE, says Nick. You call the cops. You don't call the cops? Why wouldn't you? Huh? HUH?
This poor woman was under the control of her husband. She was in danger of dying. And SHE went to the cops. Did Vic's persecutors go to the authorities with their slander? Don't make Nick laugh. Even though they would have faced ZERO consequences. They didn't do it.
(Aside: Garbage. Human. Being.)
Nick wants to know what the Rooster Teeth guy looks like. Please stand by.
Nick has found a group photo of some of the RT staff and is roundly mocking them for their lack of masculinity. And if anybody knows masculinity, it's Nick.
*random homophobic joke*
Nick is describing domestic abuse with disturbing ease. Probably because he's so empathetic.
Bond set for RT guy at $100K. Not enough, says Nick, Master of Texas Criminal Bonding Procedure.
Nick thinks it would be amazing if Monica Rial has ever tweeted about RT guy. He's checking. Please stand by.
Nick seems to have found a tweet where Monica called RT guy a "good man." This offends him. Because it is offensive.
Or maybe not because Nick just remembered he's permabanned and can't access Twitter. Please stand by. Apparently a chatter found it, not Nick.
Ah, apparently what they meant was that she has never NOT said he WASN'T a good man, which is the same thing, really. Silence implies enthusiastic support, as the saying goes.
Now Nick, Master of Logic, is looking for more people who obviously support RT Guy by way of never having said anything about him.
Has Rooster Teeth denounced RT Guy? If not, ENTHUSIASTIC SUPPORT OF DOMESTIC ABUSE is the only possible reason. RT *fired* Vic in a blog post and Vic didn't do NOTHING. This guy? They love him. He'll probably get a bonus.
$263,181 in the GFM is 263,181 times the virtuous say GFY to evil!
Nick appears to be running out of steam. And even Nick, after that powerful performance, could be forgiven.
Nick has found RT Guy's twitter account. Revelations are doubtless incoming.

RT guy is not active on Twitter and Nick, the Unjustly Banished, can't look at his tweet history. The heavens weep for justice denied.
Superchats and Justice Chats incoming!

Also, Nick will be on Twitch later, if you just can't get enough, just can't get enough.

Nick will also have a show tomorrow night if there is a ruling. Good or bad. If there's a ruling, there's a show.
And once there's a ruling, there will be analysis of what comes next, from the guy who's been right about every single thing so far, so you won't want to miss it.
If Nick wasn't too manly to have emotions in public, he'd have an emotion about how generous his fans are. Fortunately, he is. So he won't.
(Aside: Superchats are usually stupid, incoherent, or horrible, or some mix of the three, so it's hard for me to pay attention to them.)
*random mockery of Lemoine*

*random reading of oral sex joke made by someone mentally about 11 years old*
Superchat: I want to be a lawyer, any tips?

Nick: Do well. Also, be a good writer. (Aside: well, not WRONG.)
SuperChat: Do you have confidence in the appeal?

Nick: I have confidence that the appeal is valid but I don't know how the appeals court will rule.
Ty Beard sent Nick a SuperChat... Nick is distraught that he's exposed their payola scheme.
*random superchat antisemitic/ableist joke which Nick finds extremely funny*
Superchatter pays $20 to complain I'm paraphrasing Superchats to get clicks. BUSTED!

But still, attention. I feel all tingly.
sorry, dopamine overload, this must be what it feels like to do speedballs
SuperChat: How long until we get transcript for today?

Nick: As soon as Greg raises the money and pay... I mean, as soon as I can.
Superchatter asks Nick to pray for his sister, who's in a coma. To his credit, Nick says he will in a completely sincere voice.

Then he immediately reads a joke about dead prostitutes.
Nick's on his way to Twitch, if you need more. I can only do so much of the pure dopamine bliss that is Nick, so I'm off to read comments. Thanks for reading along. And don't forget: ko-fi.com/legalinspirati…
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