An appeal's pending, but we know how those things go. Coordinated false-flagging works and Twitter does jack diddly about it
Screech is undoubtedly quite chafed by Percy's performance, and doesn't want us pointing out how R.Broly's case has 0 chance on appeal
I'd let him handle it but he was *really* and truly annoyed after last time
He either writes up a ruling over the weekend because he wants this over with, or waits until the standard deadline (I'm leaning toward the latter)
Percy is Ty Beard's first name that he never uses because he has to sound like a Big Bad Alpha
Not only will an appeal end in the same result, it will cost more money in fees and sanctions, *and* lead to a published opinion where Vic Mignogna's perving is memorialized forever
Will do a poll in the next tweet
If we set up a GoFundMe for it, would you chip in $5?
For a not-quite-four-hour hearing, the price is high but not obscene relative to NC
Transcript, then a portion of any surplus should reimburse @shane_holmberg for buying the docs from ReSearchTX
And I think it would be fitting if the rest went to RAINN 🤔…
This sort of insanity – threatening a judge on social media 🤦♂️ – needs to be memorialized
The honesty here reveals a *lot* 🤣🤣🤣
Just finished listening, I enjoyed it!
Unpublished means it's like a trial court judgment: it exists, you can read it, but not precedent
Published means it's rulings are binding on lower court cases w/ similar facts
...and then instablock them too, while they whine to their 0 followers 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
The CHUD who said the fire was because of this LOLsuit was the one who sent me a pic of his sword threatening to kill me
I'd encourage to closely read each screenshot here, and ponder the source of that legal wisdom
As @questauthority and others have explained, the Texas Supreme Court ruling in In Re Lipsky held that requires more than just the notice pleading of identifying cons
But Percy is lazy, and incompetent. And Screech doesn't understand the law. So none of that work was done.
There is a 0% chance Judge Chupp's rulings are overturned on appeal
Nothing stopped him from asking nicely, or submitting what they already had, or asking the court
But he opposed it, b/c it meant Screech would get deposed
I've been trying to explain that Nick Rekieta is dumber than a bucketful of used condoms when it comes to the law. And folks don't believe me!
That was the case we settled in the 20-hour mediation I mentioned a few weeks back
If they don't appeal, they admit to their fans that he is
But Ty Beard doesn't 👏 know 👏 what 👏 he's 👏 doing 👏
Vic Mignogna ends up owing the Defendants for their appellate court costs and their appellate attorney fees
@NC_CyberLaw, you do appellate work: can you offer a guesstimate?
Catastrophic error by inept LOLyer who'd never litigated a case before this one
Oral contracts are enforceable in most states except for a small subset governed by a "Statute of Frauds"
➡️ Marriage (prenups)
➡️ A term requiring more than 1 Year to complete (e.g. leases)
➡️ Land
➡️ Executorship of an estate
➡️ Sale of Goods over $500 USD
➡️ Being a Surety / guarantor
Otherwise, an oral contract is fine but you better have all the details known if you want to sue on them
My sympathy for Vic Mignogna is limited solely to the fact that even sexual predators and pedophiles deserve competent attorneys
My point was proving the existence of an oral contract happens in courtrooms all over the country every day
I'm torn between lamenting their stupidity and wanting to egg on the idea that Screech was helping the defense 🤣
To be entirely honest, most of non-law Twitter has been miles ahead of him too
He was/is just in way over his head, new to litigation, and exceptionally dumb.
I guess count me as one of them for the $1K we raised for me to apply to the Texas Bar, but f*ckin' yikes
I f*ckin' love happy warriors 👊
Nick Rekieta does *not* understand basic legal concepts. I don't know if that's because he never learned them, or he forgot them, or he's faking it for an audience.
But his legal analysis is shit.
Nick Rekieta does not grasp the fundamentals. Thinking he has the slightest clue what he's talking about now is LOLable.
Now... 🙃
Both of these guys deserve hazard LOLbux for taking that bullet for the rest of us 🤣
(Yes, that's "parol" – no E like parole)
So the party will, of course, continue here and on the assorted side ships until then 🙃
...but I'm locked out of my account until next Monday
Can I get RT commitments from y'all? 😬
They've almost certainly already started the transcription though, so once they've got the check it's quick
If y'all don't mind, please RT the below tweet in case other folks missed it
He also doesn't seem to understand what the Sharpe case is about...
I'm skeptical
For reference:
Any conVics who tell you I thought it would be dismissed on the spot 9/6 are lying to you 🙃
Sure sounds like she's saying R.Broly is aware of and approves of the Kiwi Farms' involvement in systematically doxxing and harassing people...
Could this be useful to @marchimark's attorney or @TXantislapplaw? 🤔

You'll notice the TCPA rulings haven't been released yet, so if you're trying to argue I was wrong here you're quite mistaken
Then @sadogre asked what I thought about the case and here we are
If you were one of the people doxxed by someone on the farms, having an identity would make it easier to know who to sue for IIED... 🤔
Toei: "Here, Funimation, have a fresh license to one of our most successful products."…
The Streisand-Mignogna Effect strikes again!
Small part of me toyed with the idea of sending him a single bullet via FedEx when we file it, but then I thought that would be overkill
"Here's when and where you can harass this victim! But don't. Lulz." is rather incongruous with being "I'm such a great reader of females I would totally notice when one was in distress! Lulz."
I don't speak for a hashtag though.
Screech doesn't understand evidence
And the TIPBR claim is even worse: getting less-favorable terms on a future contract doesn't count at all
See, e.g.,…

A Motion to Reconsider will fail
An appeal will fail
You heard it here first
All before failing because of the justification defense
The Percy-Screech Method of LOLyering is just recursive fails tbh
The keys are 1️⃣ written and 2️⃣ signed
But that would require humility and acknowledging they're morons
That is, apparently, hateful conduct
I'm skeptical the rumors are true until I see source documents or hear a confession. It's still hard to think they could be that dumb
The question is who is the trustee managing it? 🤔