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Alright, time to begin my #StarWars rewatch with my favorite movie about the taxation of trade routes!!
“A communications disruption can mean only one thing… invasion!”

Man, Naboo must have some AMAZING systems for their to be no other reason at all Sio Bibble can think of. Like do they just never lose their internet or have a bad signal? What a paradise.
When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon swim underwater with Jar Jar, it reminds me how much I like the Naboo Star Tours section when I get it.
Amongst some very cringey dialogue and the Neimoidians and the Jar Jar of it all, Phantom Menace is a visually beautiful movie. The space shots and everything on Naboo is just so dang pretty.
“That little droid did it!”

You bet your ass he did, Ric Olié. His name is R2-D2 and he’s not to be messed with.
"Padme, clean this droid up as best you can!"

Is Sabe just totally pushing it here with her Queen or is Padme like "Assign me to clean droids, refreshers, whatever. I gotta sell this handmaiden thing!"
I think many of the FX in Phantom Menace hold up, though of course things have wildly progressed in 20 years. Episode II looks more dated to me, probably because it was pushing things much more digitally, particularly with human figures, which stand out


George… Come on, man.
Anakin being the one to build C-3PO is so very random. Couldn't he just have been a Coruscant Senator's protocol droid? (Bail Organa would make the most sense, but he was cut from this movie...)
I like Qui-Gon's back and forth with Watto over the details of the race and their bet.
Jar Jar stepping in shit, getting his tongue fried, getting his hand stuck, getting a fart in the face... It's a lot.
"I wanna be the first one to see them all!" has a nice shading of darkness to it, given Anakin's future.
Jar Jar's "OH NO!" close up reaction shot after Watto says "Sebulba's gonna win I think" is so weird and out of place. Why such a big response to that line? It feels like that reaction was to a different moment and edited in there.
Sure, but Anakin is ALSO shown to have built (or rebuilt) a Pod on his own, so adding in Threepio isn't needed. And Anakin and Threepio have few meaningful moments in the rest of the prequels (much less after he's Vader) so it has no other significance
Ahh, you're totally right! Though still feels weird since Sebulba then doesn't even acknowledge Jar Jar
I like the pod race just fine (it certainly is a triumph of sound design!), though yes, a shorter version would be nice. Also, the Tusken Raiders popping up is making me think about how cool the nuance/perspective we got with them on The Mandalorian is.
"You... you swindled me!" may be one of my favorite Watto lines. I do enjoy quoting Watto.
"I will come back and free you, Mom. I promise."

...and then he never had any contact with her until he sensed she was in mortal danger.

I wish the movies would have explained why he never tried to make good on this promise.
We've already seen him by this point in the film (both as a hologram and as Sidious) but Ian McDiarmid is great in his first full scene as Palpatine with Padme, instantly showing how this guy expertly knows how to pull strings.
"Mired down by baseless accusations of corruption."
At the most important scene in The Phantom Menace... the first Jedi Council scene, where we meet YADDLE! Only the second of Yoda's species before the epic arrival of Baby Yoda.
The name "Palpatine" was only known to more hardcore Star Wars fans in 1999 - those who'd read the New Hope novelization (and remembered that!) or played the card game/kept up with the EU lore. Your average moviegoer wouldn't recognize the name at all
It's weird how bad the Phantom Menace Yoda puppet looked compared to the puppet many years before in Empire and Jedi, who looked great (Just pondering as I'm watching on Disney+ with the replaced digital Yoda, who just looks so much better).
I don't think Midi-chlorians take away from the idea that the Force is inside everyone, but it just is such an unnecessary scientific addition to something mystical. Just the idea that your amount of Force can be technically measured in any way feels off.
I tend to rewatch the Star Wars movies in chronological order and I know that's what Lucas prefers, but it's weird that Phantom Menace in no way gives you a decent overview of what the Force is and does a la Obi-Wan in A New Hope. All we get is the Midi-chlorian stuff.
I agree. If you don't know Palpatine is Sidious (and many kids especially don't), great! If you do know from the start or quickly figure it out, it's fun watching him manipulate everything. He is the title character of The Phantom Menace after all.
DUEL OF THE FATES TIME. This lightsaber fight rules as a fight and also just as an awesome mini-story with three strongly defined personas in battle. Lucas' dialogue got worse in the 22 years between A New Hope and Phantom Menace, but his visual storytelling got better.
Phantom Menace has so many parallels to A New Hope (still weird to me Force Awakens gets so called out on this when TPM does it too) so why not have Anakin truly/purposefully have a “use the Force” moment in the space battle so his actions don’t seem only like a bumbling kid?
I get it - Qui-Gon does say the Force helps him as far as his natural piloting skills go. But it would be nice to see the kid actually feel/connect to the Force, which he never actively does in this movie except more passively when he’s doing the test with the Jedi council.
But that sequence also doesn't really show Anakin using the Force in the way I'm speaking of. Like it's overall what's helping him, but we don't get him purposely tapping into it
Pissed off Obi-Wan fighting Darth Maul after Qui-Gon is struck down is absolutely thrilling. So many great touches in the choreography and the lightsaber sound FX are so intense.
I've managed to use Jar Jar's "Look, they all brokey” line quite a bit during my life in the past 20 years.
It’s still so funny to me that the Mace Windu stand in is so easy to spot in this scene and that it was never fixed during all of Lucas’ tinkering.
John Williams putting the Emperor’s theme into the happy celebration music in the final scene is so great. John Williams is so great.
Ahh, The Phantom Menace. What a beautiful mess of a movie you are. So many notable flaws, but I still have a lot of affection for you and great memories of this time as a Star Wars fan. And I feel like it’s a very watchable movie FWIW, even while it makes me cringe at times.
Episode II time. In recent years, it swapped with Phantom Menace for me, becoming my least favorite of the #StarWars movies.* Let's see how this viewing goes.

*But look, I have love in my heart for all of them.
"There was no danger at all!" - Captain Typho seems like a dubious head of security for proclaiming that so quickly.
"I've thought about her every day since we parted!" You know Anakin's got some issues when he's even spouting his Padme obsession to Jar Jar.
I like Obi-Wan noting Padme is a politician "and not to be trusted." This idea of Obi-Wan being outright suspicious of Padme's motivations is interesting, albeit a non-starter.
Fun touch always using yellow as the signature color for Anakin's vehicles - His podracer, the Naboo starfighter he pilots in Ep I, the speeder he steals in Ep II, and his ship in Ep III.
Obi-Wan catching Anakin's lightsaber after he drops it during the speeder chase is great. I remember that got a big cheer opening night.
I was hyped for Zam Wesell before Episode II. Got her figure and the toy of her speeder. Then she quickly died. Alas.
Episode II Anakin is just so smarmy, creepy and sneery, when he should be at his most likable (with, yes, some hints of darkness to come). The Clone Wars deserves a lot of credit for helping to make him a much more relatable character to better set up the tragedy of his fall.
"That's why I'm here!" - Great delivery by McGregor. The love story in Ep II is not a subplot, it's the key plot (to the movie and the entire trilogy, given its importance to Anakin becoming Vader) yet it sadly just doesn't work. The Obi-Wan/Kamino scenes are much more involving.
Digital FX are not a bad thing. They can be remarkable. And Lucas deserves a ton of credit for pushing things forward so much. But I hate the all-digital Clone Troopers. There was just no need to not use people, plus the technology just wasn't 100% there yet. They don't look real
Anakin and Padme's argument about how he thinks the government should be run ("That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me") is their most interesting conversation and insight into the mind of the boy who will be Vader.
The mystery of who ordered the clone army and the Sifo-Dyas stuff is prominent in this movie and compelling... and then totally ignored in Episode III. It's weird. Yes, yes, other Star Wars media would cover this stuff, but that shouldn't be the case with something this notable.
I love the Obi-Wan/Jango Fett fight. Having it in the rain is a cool touch (we had some rain on Dagobah, but not during a big action scene) and we get to see a Fett really show how tough he is, holding his own against a powerful Jedi and finally delivering on that awesome look.
The seismic charges - such a cool sequence (and amazing sound effect!). I remember talking to Masi Oka about working on this sequence during his time at ILM while interviewing him during a Heroes set visit.
Threepio gets to call Anakin "The Maker!" when they're reunited and then... I can't remember them speaking again in the prequels? Certainly nothing of note. Sigh.
Anakin standing up at the table at the Lars homestead and being asked "Where are you going?" just like Luke is asked is one of my favorite echoes/callbacks (call forwards?) within these movies.

As someone once noted, it's like poetry. It rhymes!
Anakin's "I slaughtered them like animals!" moment is effectively chilling and Christensen delivers it well. It even has a horror movie pan in on Padme. But it's BEFORE they've gotten together and on top of all his creepy interaction with her. Why would she fall for this guy??
Palpatine playing Jar Jar like a fiddle is pretty great. "What senator would have the courage?" (the back of the Ep II Jar Jar figure totally gave away that Palpatine used Jar Jar to help him gain more power)
I have a lot of affection for Dooku and wish we got more of him. Christopher Lee gave him so much gravitas. His scene with Obi-Wan is strong and I like connecting him as Qui-Gon's mentor. I also love that Obi-Wan doesn't believe Dooku about Sidious, even though it's the truth.
The quick moments where C-3PO and Jango Fett are digitally created during the Geonosis foundry sequence stick out like sore thumbs. Again, I think the "too much CGI" thing is overstated, but when our eye can pick out established characters looking wrong, that's an issue.
There are some lovely visuals in Episode II, but Episode I looks so much better overall. I really dig a lot of the action on Geonosis but it also veers heavily into feeling obviously digital/video game-y with all the Geosisians hopping up and down in the stands and such.
Ep II's last 35 minutes had some of the most notable crowd reactions I've ever heard. Windu walking up (when you just see his robes) got cheers and the crowd lost it when he lit his saber and did the "This party's over" line. And then all the Jedi lighting sabers? Rock show vibe.
I love the Clone Toopers Episode II armor so much! Tied with the Shoretrooper as my favorite Trooper design. I just wish they were real guys in real suits. Sticks out even more with Jango in this movie being a guy in a suit (mostly).
Whether it was done to cover Christopher Lee not being able to move as much anymore or not, the surreal close-up lightsaber fight between Dooku and Anakin with their sabers swirling/lighting their faces is really cool.
The roar of over 1000 fans cheering in unison opening night when you heard Yoda's cane approaching Dooku and then the absolute ERUPTION of cheering/screaming when he lit his lightsaber is one of my favorite movie experiences ever.

Never. I'll never turn on this lightsaber fight.
The love story in Episode II doesn't work, but John Williams's love THEME sure does. "Across the Stars" is another terrific piece of music from a guy who has given us so many.
Alright, that’s it for Attack of the Clones. I love several moments in this movie on their own, but I fault it more than Phantom Menace for some of the wonky visuals at points and for how much it bungles the Anakin/Padme dynamic, given the movie was literally sold on it.
Time for some “War!”
That opening shot following Anakin and Obi-Wan’s ships into and through battle is damn cool.
Is this the first time I’ve noticed Obi-Wan tells Anakin “you’re gonna get us both killed!” during a space battle just like Anakin does to Artoo in Phantom Menace? (Okay, Anakin says “it’s” gonna get us both killed but pretty similar)
There’s a lot of slapstick in this opening with Artoo making the elevators go up and down and the Super Battle Droids slipping in oil and such. If you’re cool with that, I’m sure you’re cool with Poe’s mom joke to Hux.

(for the record, I’m cool with both!)
"Sith lords are our speciality!" is a great Obi-Wan line.
I love Ian McDiarmid using his Sidious voice to say "Do it!"
Revenge of the Sith is much more aesthetically pleasing than Attack of the Clones. Obviously, three years means three years of digital FX improvement, but it also just seems like everyone better understood how to make the colors and textures have a more vivid, inviting tone.
Ah, Grievous' line about never having met Anakin before. That would create quite an amusing challenge for The Clone Wars, with a lot of blast shield doors and escape ships stopping them from seeing each other by moments.
The long pause before Anakin says "That's wonderful" hearing Padme is pregnant, and his stumble on wonderful, seems to be setting up that he does NOT think it's wonderful, at least at first, but nothing ever comes of it.
So Grevious was aware of Sidious and that he was the power behind Dooku. How many of the Separatists knew about Sidious I wonder.... The Neimoidians did, or at least Nute Gunray and other leaders.
I enjoy the continuity of it being 13 years later and Anakin is still giving a pissed off look at Mace Windu saying something he doesn't like about his Jedi status.
When Obi-Wan is telling Anakin "Something is out of place!" regarding Palpatine staying in power so long and the moves he's making, I wish he would even acknowledge what Dooku told him about the Senate and Sidious in Attack of the Clones. Come on, Obi-Wan! Think, man!
“I don't believe that… and you’re sounding like a Separatist.” I do love Anakin and Padme’s occassional political arguments. Maybe because it’s when we actually see him having a strong point of view, not whining about feeling like he’s not being treated as well as he’d like.
Opera scene! Ian McDiarmid killing it. “Or the Senate, or the Republic, or Democracy for that matter!” Epic enunciation.
The reveal that Anakin's immaculate conception was caused by a Sith is pretty awesome. Quite a twisted subversion of the most famous immaculate conception. And at least partially (PARTIALLY) excuses Midi-chlorians for being introduced into canon.
The farewell scene between Obi-Wan and Anakin, the last time they see each other before Anakin's fall, has some poignancy, but again, is given much more depth by The Clone Wars better establishing their longterm friendship (though this film's opening does a bit more than Ep II)
I quite like Palpatine simply revealing who he is to Anakin and that Anakin initially does turn on him and light his saber. Palpatine knowing how to play him just right.
Obi-Wan kicking Grievous in the midst of a fight for his life and then yelling out in pain because, well, it hurts to kick metal is a nicely human/"real" moment in the midst of a trilogy where people overall don't act too naturally.
Anakin and Padme silently "looking at" each other across Coruscant is a really awesome scene with some wonderful music from John Williams that is unlike almost anything else in Star Wars.
What do you think: Was Palpatine in any way actually in danger of losing his fight with Mace or was he just so sure of Anakin arriving (and/or sensed him coming) he allowed himself to be knocked to the ground and seem so vulnerable at that very moment?
Sidious' makeup after he fights Mace and goes full Emperor is notably weaker than his makeup in a movie made 22 years before. So odd.
The Order 66 sequence is terrific. Williams' score is great (naturally) and the moment when Yoda feels what is happening and drops his cane... Dang.
Do you think Luke ever talked about Yoda and Chewbacca was like, "What?! I knew that dude!"

(but, you know, in Shyriiwook)
Ah, I forgot that Sidious sends his "When my new apprentice, Darth Vader, arrives, he will take care of you!" message to ALL of the remaining Separatist leaders, so they all at least knew about him already it seems.
It's not like we can believe his intentions based on his previous actions, but Nute Gunray's "Lord Sidious promised us peace!" final words as Vader kills him are pretty wonderfully pathetic.
Ahh, I'm all in on Anakin and Obi-Wan's confrontation before the fight (and I love the fight). "I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!" And again, this really is one of Williams' best scores top to bottom.
(Though I could go with a few less Emperor cackles. Gotta save them for the right moments, Sheev!)
He has the high ground, Anakin.
A reminder that no Star Wars movie until Revenge of the Sith had been anything but a PG. And that Anakin vividly burning up is pretty dang gnarly for a Star Wars movie.
Suffice to say, as many have noted, Padme "losing the will to live" is lame as hell.
The juxtaposition of Padme in labor with Anakin being "reborn" in the Vader suit, including the mirrored shots of them from above, is terrific. Again, Lucas is one hell of a visual storyteller.
Yes, I wish the "NOOOO!" weren't there. But the rest of that scene with Vader rising up is great. There is something very effective about hearing James Earl Jones as Vader saying the name "Padme." It unites it all in one simple move. And Palpatine's smile of triumph is perfect.
It's too bad they couldn't actually film a Liam Neeson appearance as planned and that Qui-Gon is only mentioned and not seen. Glad we got to get some appearances on The Clone Wars though.
That final shot of Vader and the Emperor together on the bridge of the Star Destroyer as he crosses his arms is great but I can't believe it was given away in the trailers.
I'm still pretty high on Revenge of the Sith. The bad Lucas dialogue is still present and there are still some cringey Anakin/Padme love scenes early on, but most of it works well if you embrace its operatic (using that word again!) nature. The music and visuals are stirring.
Alright, time for Solo on the rewatch. The thing is, I saw this movie twice in the theater... and haven't seen it since. I usually see each Star Wars movie at least 7 times in the theater (I know). This is also the only Star Wars movie I didn't buy on Blu-ray. So... let's see.
The kids are mentioning getting "portions" from Proxima, so I guess that's a thing across the galaxy, not just on Jakku.
It's funny how for 40 years, the dice hanging from the Falcon's cockpit were just a fun bit of set dec that casual viewers wouldn't even know about and then Last Jedi and Solo made them this very focused on element.
This is a fun movie that couldn't overcome the central issue that it was telling a story (Han Solo's origin) that we didn't need to know. It being a Han origin story is what drags it down. I wish it had focused on someone else, even if Han still popped up
The scene where he is given the name Solo... WHY??? This movie feels like a parody when it comes to "explanations for things no one needed explanations for" moments. Ooooh, why is his name Solo? Ooooh, why does he call Chewbacca "Chewie"? NO ONE NEEDED TO KNOW THESE THINGS.
The same goes for someone saying "Oh, you know how the Falcon has a computer? What if we explain how there was a droid whose data was merged with it!" This is not a thing that needed to be expanded on. And I enjoy much of the movie around this stuff, but yeesh!
A valid question and even a seemingly bad idea can turn out great - which is why Lord & Miller doing Solo suddenly got folks excited, given their track record. But there are core ideas that just sound "right" or not from the start. And Solo had hurdles.
It is what it is, but there's a reason so many fans were wary of Solo from the moment it was announced but have been excited by even the idea of a Obi-Wan movie (now series) set between III and IV. Neither "needs" to happen, but one just feels like a better path than the other.
Yeah, so odd to feel that needs to be verbalized. "Jonathan? That's way too much to say! I'm gonna call you John."
I quite enjoy Beckett from the start. "No one cares." Harrelson is a great addition to Star Wars in the crime realm. I wish we got to know Val more. Casting Thandie Newton as she was giving this amazing performance in Westworld and then having her do so little is a shame.
Sigh, I forgot they even over-explain Han's blaster. I mean if Beckett just gave it to him, okay, if extraneous. But showing it as a larger rifle that is split apart once more puts this huge spotlight on something so casual. ("Fly casual!")
Solo gives us one of my top five favorite Trooper designs. I love the Range Troopers! Fur on top of armor? Those giant magnetic boots? Amazing. I'm guessing we won't be getting more Hot Toys from this movie, but I would buy this one. Just sayin'.
The cinematography in Solo is pretty spectacular. The movie has a great look. The theaters I saw it at, the Chinese and the El Capitan, had great projection, and I had none of the "too dark to see details" stuff some mentioned, so I think it likely was shoddy projection issues.
Beckett, Dryden Vos, Qi'ra... I like seeing this criminal component of Star Wars focused on. Whether it be about Beckett's crew or Lando, you could shift things around to make it less awkward, with Han as part of the crew still, yet not showing All The Important Han Things.
I like learning Beckett killed Aurra Sing. That screams "Story we'll see told in a comic book or novel one day."
This is my first time watching Solo since watching Fleabag (or anything with/from Phoebe Waller-Bridge), so now I can empathize with how people were excited by her involvement!
Enfys Nest seems cool but why bother hiding her gender with the voice distortion? Haven't we moved past "this cool character was actually a GIRL the whole time!" as a reveal?
True, but you could still make it clear she's a female. She's meant to be perceived as male until she takes her helmet off. Yes, she's ALSO younger than expected (and I like that!), but both aren't needed
I like Beckett wearing the same disguise ("Surprise, surprise! Beckett's in disguise!") Lando does in Return of the Jedi. Yes, it's trading on "Remember this?" but the idea that it's a suit Lando had onhand in the Falcon for jobs works - and it's not over-explained!!
Heh, the "Calrissian Chronicles" bit is great. Glover is perfect (really, the whole cast is strong in this film)
The Star Destroyer appearing inside the clouds is a cool visual and the use of the original Empire/Death Star music cue from A New Hope is a nice touch.
I can't deny that seeing Chewie sit down next to Han in the Falcon's cockpit for the first time doesn't make me smile. But it would have been a nice moment in "Beckett's Crew: A Star Wars Story" too.
Oh yeah, it totally feels that way. Beckett says "All they know is killing!" and she takes her mask off and he looks surprised... but there's nothing to it. And if it's just her age, well, we've seen 14-year-old fighting queens in this galaxy already
Han, smiling: "You don't know everything."
Qi'ra, melancholy: "No... just a bit more to you."

Nice exchange and nod to the film noir aspects Qi'ra represents.
Qi'ra using her sword to hook into the handle on Vos' blade and stab him with his own weapon is pretty neat.
As someone all in on Clone Wars and Rebels, I loved the Maul appearance, while also acknowledging how utterly random/baffling it would be for those not following that stuff.
Also, hologram Maul amusingly uses the Force to call his lightsaber to him and lights it for no reason except it looks cool.
I can appreciate the now extra-meta aspect of Han decidedly shooting first (and mid-monologue no less). No Maclunkey for Beckett.
There's no getting around how Han choosing to risk his life to help a group of scrappy Rebels completely undercuts his big decision at the end of A New Hope, even if he chooses to go back to smuggling afterward.
It's so weird/frustrating to think that Lord & Miller shot so much of a different version of Solo we'll never see. What we got was entertaining but also hindered by the core conceit and how much it overly leaned into "here's how Han Solo got his start!" in a notably silly way.
If it hadn't been about Han Solo, I wonder if Lord & Miller would have been given more freedom and stayed on because maybe Lucasfilm/Lawrence Kasdan would have been less precious about it. But who knows.
I would like to see a follow-up on the Maul/Qi’ra stuff. I’m sure we will in SOME form, since comics and novels are an option here. But live action would be cool. And Disney+ gives more options now since a straight-up sequel to this movie obviously won’t ever happen.
It doesn’t even need to be a show ABOUT them, since you can do, say, a season of the Cassian Andor show (depending on when it’s set in comparison to Maul’s death) involving Crimson Dawn. We shall see.
Thrilled my rewatch has reached one of my very favorite #StarWars movies - for me, easily the best one made since the 1980s.
Rogue One is excellent from the moment it begins. The visuals are so great, you’ve got the Death Troopers and Krennic’s arrival, and then stuff like this:

Galen: “You’re confusing peace with terror.”

Krennic: “Well, you’ve got to start somewhere!”
I love Genevieve O'Reilly getting to play Mon Mothma in Rogue One after all of her actual scenes/dialogue were cut from Attack of the Clones. That must have been a nice surprise phone call for her!
Remember when people were claiming, with no evidence, that Disney-era Lucasfilm were going to ignore the prequels and then they put Genevieve O'Reilly and Jimmy Smits in the second Star Wars movie they made?
“I find that answer vague and unconvincing!” - K-2SO is the best droid character.
The one story element that really doesn’t work in Rogue One is Saw Gerrera. I love the idea of making him an extremist who left the Rebellion but onscreen he’s just sort of randomly weird and crazy and they never really figured him out.
I have mixed feelings on CGI Tarkin. I feel like it’s right to have him have a presence in the movie but maybe it would have been best to keep him with his back to camera and holograms or such. He’s still a bit too uncanny valley unfortunately. He looks ALMOST right but not quite
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me!” I love Chirrut and him representing someone who is not a Jedi and yet who clearly is somewhat Force-sensitive
Krennic is one of my favorite Star Wars characters. Casually cruel and witty. Clever but not clever enough to stop the likes of Tarkin from pushing him aside. It feels like he is genuinely screwed over within the Imperial hierarchy yet still a bad guy who gets what he deserves.
I love getting this look at Vader’s castle on Mustafar and also the glimpse of the pained way he lives his life when he’s not on a Star Destroyer.
“I would trust her with my life.” Awww! We never got Bail and adult Leia onscreen together but that one little moment with him mentioning her is so nice.
“If we can make it to the ground, we'll take the next chance... and the next, on and on, until we win... or the chances are spent.” I love how Felicity Jones delivers this speech.
It’s hard to introduce distinctive new environment planets at this point, but Scarif is definitely the best of the recent Star Wars movies. Putting a Rebels vs. Empire fight in this tropical environment works so well - it’s so cool looking. Plus, it gives us Shoretroooers!
The audience cheers seeing Gold Leader and Red Leader in “new” footage in Rogue One were so great. What a fun use of alternate/unused takes. And I like meeting poor, doomed Blue Squadron who wont make it to the Battle of Yavin (along with the Red Five before Luke)
This is one of the best space battles in the whole series. Taking huge influence from the New Hope and Return of the Jedi battles but amping things up in exciting, inventive ways.
RIP, K-2SO. :( Going into Rogue One, given the storyline and time frame, you had to figure we would lose many, if not most, of the team. But I know I personally didn’t expect it to go as far as it did once the deaths began. I expected SOMEONE to make it out.
Chirrut’s last stand, making that walk to the switch, is one of my favorite sequences in Star Wars. And Baze saying “The Force is with me and I’m one with the Force” as Chirrut dies in his arms... come on! I cry.
The Hammerhead ship causing the two Star Destoyers to collide is so awesome! The way they now move back and forth between sadness and loss and genuine action thrills is so impressive. Ahh, this movie rules.
Giacchino’s big finale score, that kicks in as Jyn successfully sends the plans, is so perfect. Beautifully conveys the simultaneous mix of loss and hope (I said it!) that is occurring.
The final minutes of this movie blow me away with how they manage to go from the huge emotion of Jyn and Cassian’s deaths, into the amazing horror movie like Vader massacre, into the Blockade Runner’s uplifting escape so well. What a triumph.
Only other quibble is that the final shot of Leia also veers into uncanny valley territory and may have been best served with her keeping the hood on to somewhat obscure her face more. But no matter - this movie is so damn good.
Anyway, I freaking love Rogue One with all my heart as you can tell. It makes me tear up pretty much every time I watch it. Top three Star Wars for me, only outdone by A New Hope and Empire. Speaking of which, onto Episode IV!
It’s time to get funky with Maclunkey!!(Yes, I’m mostly watching these on Disney+)
It's really great to have the 20th Century Fox logo and fanfare back on these movies, though putting the modern Lucasfilm logo then feels a bit weird and the timing feels a bit off with the music.
Do you think Owen and Beru were just told Anakin died, or was Obi-Wan like, "Hey, I'm bringing you this kid. Your stepbrother has turned evil, killed a bunch of people, and is now vice president of the galaxy."
I assume Artoo's noise after Obi-Wan's "I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" translates to, "Yeah, but we were still around each a ton of times, dude!"
How many Imperial Stormtroopers has Obi-Wan actually encountered? Maybe he assumes they're "so precise" (their lack of shooting skills being mocked just this week on The Mandalorian) because he doesn't realize how less-skilled they are compared to the Clone Troopers he knew.
Wait, did the Jawa falling off the Ronto never say "Utinni!" (once it was added in 97) or is this a newer change to, um, one of the changes? Maybe I just misremember it because it definitely did say that in the Special Edition trailer.
“Several of the escape pods have been jettisoned.” Just how many does the Falcon have?
Luke and Han together is such a fun dynamic. It really propels the middle of this movie/all the Death Star stuff. A great mismatched duo.
Leia seems to be well aware of the name “Ben Kenobi.” Were the Organas ever in touch with Obi-Wan during his time on Tatooine or did Obi-Wan and Bail brainstorm on Obi-Wan’s new name before they parted ways at the end of Revenge of the Sith?
Those black visors we see some of the X-Wing pilots have on their helmets as they take off from Yavin are pretty cool, even though we never see them again (either in this film or elsewhere, as far as I know).
I quite enjoy watching A New Hope right after Rogue One.

Also, I kind of wish the exhaust port had an arrow pointing into it and the message "'You're welcome' - Galen"
Finished A New Hope. It's still my favorite movie. In general, safe to say not as much tweeting during the original trilogy will occur, because not much new to say aside from some of the larger franchise continuity questions that come up.
Time for a truly excellent sequel that would have been completely divisive and led to horrible arguments if the internet and internet mentality existed in 1980!
Hey, I've never noticed this third female Rebel (besides Leia and Toryn Farr) in Empire Strikes Back! She's actually in the background like two seconds after you first see Toryn Farr
The truth of the matter is, the majority of the Special Editions, um, additions, I don't mind or even enjoy, like seeing more of the Wampa. It's just a couple that feel wrong REALLY feel wrong.
Yay, John Ratzenberger! You know, considering he's in Star Wars, the original Superman movies, and the Toy Story movies (and a million other Pixar films and the Cheers-verse of course), can we please get him into the MCU?!
The part of General Dodonna will now be played by General Rieekan. Rebel leaders in the original Star Wars trilogy are like IMF heads in the Mission: Impossible movies as far as constantly vanishing between films.

(yes, yes, Hunley broke this tradition for M:I in Fallout)
Marathoning Star Wars movies seems like a good time to finally drink the Sprite from Galaxy’s Edge I’ve had in my fridge for a few months.
Hoth was a false flag.
Han asking Threepio to talk to the Falcon's computer is meant to be more meaningful because of Solo (the movie, not the man) but it makes me annoyed at Solo doing all that extraneous stuff again, alas.
Yoda! A reminder that he wasn't shown at all in the lead up to Empire's release. It happened quite a bit back then (the Gremlins weren't seen until Gremlins opened) but today would lead to outright anger and "What are they hiding from us?" and all sorts of stupid fallout.
"I know" gets all the love but "I'm nice men" might be even better.
Mark Hamill and Frank Oz created onscreen magic. Luke and Yoda's dynamic feels so genuine and is easy to connect with.
As a little kid, the scene with the Mynocks and reveal of what they're actually walking on kind of freaked me out.
Bounty hunter scene! I noted this recently, but once more I need to commend Joe Johnston on his initial Boba Fett design. If Boba hadn't had such a distinct, cool look, The Mandalorian wouldn't exist. That suit made people want to know more in such a specific way.
Vader's double take at the end when the Falcon escapes is nearly as good as Paul Rudd's in Wet Hot American Summer.
That's it for The Empire Strikes Back! Guess what? Still terrific!
Alright, let’s see the Death Star... 2!!
Ugh... the "Jedi Rocks" Jabba's palace song addition to ROTJ Special Edition is one of those "Why??" changes. Just doesn't look or feel at right at all.
Leia in her Boushh disguise was one of my favorite action figures as a kid. Love that costume.
Seeing that great Jabba puppet, I always think about how fascinated I was watching "From Star Wars to Jedi" as a kid and seeing the seven different people puppeteering him. (I'm glad it's on Star Wars' official YouTube, but why in nine parts??) youtube.com/watch?v=F6Xa6C…
There's no getting around the fact that the matte lines around the Rancor pre-Special Edition were really blatant and kind of ruined the illusion and I'm glad they were able to update it. (Sacrilege?)
"There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know?"

"You're gonna die here, you know? Convenient!"

I loved this line so much as a kid. It cracked me up and I would quote it all the time.

Turns out I still love it!
Yes, Boba Fett has an embarrassing death. But at least we got to see him use his jetpack and that cool wrist line thingy first! He didn't show off any of his wonderful toys in Empire.
The Emperor's Royal Guard were another example of a design that was so cool, it didn't matter that they never actually did anything.
Yoda's death scene. Makes you think about how one day Baby Yoda will die too. Deal with it.
"Luke... Luke... There is... another... Skyyyywalkerrrr...

Oh! Also... Luke... Luke... Your father... was made... by... midi... chlorians."

"Wait, by WHAT, Master Yoda??"

*Yoda dies*
Han and Lando kind of needed one extra scene together after Han's rescue to work things out, given Han's last memories pre-Carbonite would have been his betrayal. Yes, he saw Lando helped in his rescue, but still.
"I don't know, fly casual!" was another oft-quoted line by Lil' Eric. Even if Han didn't have much depth in this movie, he did have plenty of funny!
Wicket! I love Ewoks. Ewoks 4-Life. Team Ewoks.

Don't forget, they will consume the flesh of their enemies.
Baby Ewok walked so Baby Yoda could run
Here’s when Leia straight up lies about remembering her real mother for some reason.
Vader never seems to consider Luke had training from anyone but Obi-Wan. But Palpatine (and, we can presume, Vader) knows Yoda survived the initial Jedi purge. So did they ever try to find him specifically? They had to consider him a threat.
Love me some Ian McDiarmid. “Oh, I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive!” He brought a whole different energy to this series. Very cool he’s now gotten to be in all three trilogies.
Williams’ music when Luke goes on the attack against Vader, leading to him cutting his hand off and coming close to the dark side, is so powerful.
I realize all sorts of shit is going down but you’d think at least a couple of Stormtroopers or Imperial Officers would stop and go “That Rebel has Lord Vader!” and try and stop him when Luke is trying to get off the Death Star with him.
Sebastian Shaw was in his late 70s when he played Anakin in Return of the Jedi, but Anakin is only in his mid-40s when he dies. Still, I guess the horrific burning, followed bu decades of dark siding inside a metal suit might age you more physically.
I nostalgically miss “Yub Nub” but feel like the Special Edition music is more appropriate for a grand finale to this trilogy. I like seeing the other worlds, plus, Luke and Wedge get a hug in this version! Aww!!
After a few decades of watching this movie, I just noticed for the first time the “stardestroyer captain” typo in the closing credits (Star Destroyer is two words, as any Star Wars toy collector can tell you!)
Return of the Jedi is great! Yes, it’s the weakest of the trilogy but that just means there are two movies that are even more awesome. I have decided “Jedi Rocks” is my least favorite Special Edition change though. If I could undo just one SE thing in the trilogy, it’d be that.
Okay, on to the modern era for the home stretch!
I'm a fan of the new trilogy films. I also have issues with both, some tied into each other. I like making the First Order pseudo-Neo-Nazis, inspired by the Empire, but also feel like copying SO much of the original trilogy imagery with stormtroopers, etc., feels a bit much.
"Rey's Theme" is another John Williams classic. Getting ahead of myself, but Last Jedi is the only Star Wars movie that I felt didn't deliver on at least one big memorable/hummable new Williams theme. (not saying it wasn't still great music, but didn't have The Big New Theme)
Rey sitting with that downed AT-AT is a very effective way of using imagery we know to show how time has moved on. It's just a piece of rusting junk now.
I dig it every time I hear it and I also can’t hum it without really, really thinking about it. This is how I feel about Zimmer’s Batman scores. Good music, it just doesn’t have that “thing” I like with my favorite character/movie themes.
I wish we ever got some real insight into Finn thinking on his time as a Stormtrooper, if he ever had any true friends among them, and what it means to now fight them. On the other hand, he (and Boyega's performance) make him so damn likable/charming once he escapes with Poe.
Finn and Poe's escape is great. They really do have instant chemistry that makes you want to see more of them together. Meanwhile, if Poe had died at the end of this sequence, as originally planned, his loss would have been felt, even this early in the movie, which is impressive.
I truly love that everyone is pronouncing "Jakku" differently. It's like the name "Leia" in the original films. A Star Wars tradition!
"They're obviously skilled at committing high treason!" I quite enjoy the Kylo snark.
Finn going from running to help Rey to running AWAY from her within a few seconds is damn funny. Abrams is so skilled at making these characters likable very quickly.
Daisy Ridley's enunciation on "That one's GARBAGE" is the best (all the better to set up the Falcon reveal).
Rey is terrible at getting the Falcon off the ground, sliding it along first and smashing into a bunch of stuff. But the internet told me she is absolutely flawless and perfect at everything instantly and I should hate her. So curious.
The Falcon just took a hit from a TIE-Fighter. How could Rey not avoid every shot? She's perfect! She's so ruining this "never makes a mistake" thing. (but for real, this Falcon/TIE battle is very cool. Seeing the Falcon fight right above the ground like this works really well)
Kylo's first big lightsaber slashing tantrum goes right into Poe getting BB-8 to help him and the thumbs up and the "No, no, the one I'm pointing at!" and "You got a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend?" and damn all the character-building here is excellent!
"Chewie... we're home." I mean, come on. Man, seeing that moment in the trailer when it debuted at Celebration and being part of the crowd collectively losing it together is such a great Star Wars fan memory.
The Guavian security soldier is this movie's contribution to the "striking look even if they don't do anything" Star Wars tradition.
I don't think the Rathtar sequence is particularly memorable. But it's there because having a little mini-adventure along the way of the big adventure is a Star Wars staple (see the trash compacter, space slug, Geonosian foundry, etc.)
Han: "Watch the thrust. We're going out of here at lightspeed."
Rey: "From inside the hangar? Is that even possible? "
Han: "I never ask that question until after I've done it."

This is a classic Han bit in all the right ways.
The fact that Luke is "The Last Jedi" is underlined in Force Awakens. He's called it in the opening crawl and Snoke calls him that. He also says, "If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise." In TLJ, Luke appearing on Crait is clearly going to inspire like w/ broom boy. Neat!
"Luke felt responsible. He just walked away from everything." I mean, Han clearly tells us before Luke does...
It's been said many times, but seeing Han now as a believer -- "It's true. All of it"-- after his cynicism about the Force when we met him is excellent.
Harrison Ford is so good in this movie. I love the look Han gives Rey when she says she never imagined so much green could exist. The bond that forms between Han and Rey (him asking her to join the Falcon crew!) is so sweet.
Maz's castle, like Canto Bight, is filled with all sorts of interesting new alien species. Which is great! But both also appear fairly devoid of any familiar species, which feels oddly distracting at this point for Star Wars. Gimme a random Rodian or such! #randomrodian
Maz is a really fun/quirky inclusion. Lupita Nyong'o gives her such a distinct delivery. "I like that Wookiee."
I love Finn talking about being ashamed of being a Stormtrooper and why his instinct is to run away now. (I just wish we got him talking about more about what it was like being raised and living among them for so long)
"I don't want any part of this!" Hey, Rey is refusing the call, like she's on some sort of classic hero's journey!
Oh, yes. Starkiller Base. This is the weakest aspect of the movie by far. It feels like they included a Death Star-like base because they felt they had to and it's just sort of there.
I really don't mind that this movie evokes New Hope in many ways. Lucas did the exact same thing with Phantom Menace (and Return of the Jedi!) making it part of Star Wars' DNA. Starkiller Base just feels tacked on though. It wasn't needed.
It also underlines my one big issue with the new trilogy - not getting a proper explanation for how the galaxy is operating now. How powerful is the New Republic? What has the First Order accomplished and what do they want to accomplish exactly? It's all murky in the film itself.
I get we can assume the First Order wants "to rule." I know the comics/books explain more. But the movie needed more, including the New Republic's connection (or not) to the Resistance. There's zero weight to all the deaths Starkiller Base causes because we don't have context.
A New Hope doesn't explain the details but we get that an Empire is in charge and Rebels fight them. The senate has been dismantled. Alderaan is Leia's home planet which is why it's destruction matters. It's enough to give us the big picture and these movies have lacked that.
I disagree on Snoke. It's like how initially I don't think people cared who the Emperor was because "he's in charge of an evil Empire" was enough. I don't care about the specifics on Snoke as much as the specifics on what the First Order is trying to do
Dang it, seeing Carrie Fisher as Leia reunite with Harrison Ford as Han Solo and hearing that music playing underneath it still packs quite a wallop.
"And Han Solo... You feel like he's the father you never had. ...He would have disappointed you." Perfect matter of fact delivery by Adam Driver here.
Kylo and Snoke directly talk about how remarkable it is that Rey could resist Kylo Ren's power. "She is strong with the Force. Untrained, but stronger than she knows." SHE CLEARLY HAS A LOT OF MIDI-CHLORIANS, OKAY? Ugh, people who complain about her being powerful...
"That's not how The Force works!" is just gold!
I think Jessica Henwick is great, so I wish we got to see more of Jessika Pava outside the one X-Wing battle.
Han yelling "Ben!" to make him stop is a great moment.
It's interesting because there was something about Han's death scene that I felt was kind of off - that stopped it from landing as much as it should. But it got me more this time. The lead-up is really strong. Driver sells Kylo's pain/conflict. (and some nice Anakin echoes)
Kylo hitting the wound Chewie gave him to sort of psych himself up/overcome the pain before confronting Finn and Rey is super weird and specific in a way I utterly love.
Abrams does a very good job of making this lightsaber fight feel visceral. You feel the power behind those strikes/pain when it hits Finn. And Rey calling the lightsaber to herself?! CHILLS. What a fantastic moment. One of the best in the series.
The X-Wings attacking Starkiller Base can't compete with the stuff happening with Rey vs. Kylo. When it cuts back to it, it's like, "Oh, yeah, this is happening too."
Kylo has Rey on the defense for much of this fight. Yes, she wins in the end, but it's not all easy for her! (also, I have new admiration for the visuals of them fighting in a snowy forest, which was something new)
Yeah, but the Return of the Jedi battle has a lot of cool spectacle going for it. Yes, Luke/Vader/Emperor is where the true emotions are, but the rest was still exciting
The non-Leia/Chewie hug/acknowledgment after Han's death was made glaring because Chewie is visibly in the frame walking by as Leia walks towards Rey. If he hadn't been onscreen then, it wouldn't feel like they are outright ignoring each other. A bizarre oversight to make.
Leia being the one to say "May the Force be With You" at the end and the fact that it's the final line of the movie is perfect. And Rey sitting down next to Chewie in the Falcon's cockpit gets me really emotional. Han would endorse that.
Another great piece of music as Rey climbs up that mountain to find Luke. It's a really wonderful/evocative final moment as we see Luke at last, though I think it also created problems for Last Jedi (which I will tweet about very shortly!)
I love The Force Awakens! The first half feels a bit stronger in some sense because it's so good at introducing these characters and I deduct some points for Starkiller Base in the second half, but there's a ton to love throughout.
Let me get into Force Awakens' ending a bit more before I begin Last Jedi, because my issues with TLJ, which I love, are mostly smaller ones and not the things I mainly see people complain about, which I rarely agree with much. But mine stem a lot from TFA's ending looking back.
Force Awakens is only the second true cliffhanger Star Wars ever had. But where Empire Strikes Back's was "Was Vader telling the truth? And can Han be rescued?", Force Awakens was SO in the moment. She found Luke, so now what? What will he say? What happens between them??
Rian Johnson said he couldn't imagine NOT picking up from that moment. And I get it. If he hadn't, people would have felt robbed. But by doing that, we also had our first Star Wars sequel with no time jump between, and I think that caused OTHER problems I'll get to as I watch.
So Force Awakens' ending, while super compelling on its own, caused a real damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Last Jedi as far as continuing the story with or without a standard Star Wars time jump. It's complicated!
And don't forget, certain unstated rules have never been broken in the Skywalker Saga (the standalone movies are different). Like could Last Jedi have opened with Luke and Rey and then done a six-month time jump? I guess, but it would be weird for the saga, right? Complicated!
Kylo Ren is a brilliant addition to Star Wars. He so desperately wants to evoke the scary, intimidating Darth Vader but so often evokes the petulant, entitled Anakin Skywalker. Echoing his grandfather one way or the other.
And now my rewatch culminates...
The opening crawl tells us the First Order is seizing "military control" of the galaxy. That's kind of all we get as far as understanding what the power structure is after the New Republic's leadership was destroyed. It's hard to understand how the galaxy at large is reacting.
My first of many "I liked or loved a thing people complained about" comes with Poe's bit messing with Hux. "Hi, I'm holding for General Hux?" and making him repeat himself. This cracked me up then and does again now. This is freaking great!
A: This feels like a variation on Han's "We're fine, how are you?" bit.

B: Again, one of the lead characters in a previous movie STEPPED IN SHIT AND HAD A CREATURE FART IN HIS FACE. But sure, this "ruins" the sanctity of this series.

C: This is funny.
I like Captain Canady. Good presence. I kind of wish we had more of him being all villainy.
Revenge of the Sith's opening battle (which I also like) had similar moments of comedy/levity throughout.
Terrific sequence focusing on Paige Tico here that almost functions as a harrowing, almost dialogue-free Star Wars battle short.
On the comedy that doesn't work so hot for me, Finn waking up and falling over is a bit too slapstick for me. Though Poe's "Finn naked leaking bag?" makes me laugh a moment later. The layers of comedy!
I love Luke throwing the lightsaber! It's a great funny/fun beat on its own and then it's completely in line with what we learn about his viewpoint of the Jedi as we meet him in the film.
The X-Wing under the water is a cool visual, a nice nod to how much Luke intended to never leave, and also a good red herring for setting up how Luke could leave the planet later.
I get it's hard to balance with how hardened Luke is until near the end of the film but it's too bad they cut him mourning Han and I really wish he had SOME moment of connection with Chewbacca in the film. He basically ignores him after Chewie first enters his hut.
Snoke calling out Kylo for being beaten by Rey (hey, I've heard of people doing that!) and then Kylo throwing a Kylo-tantrum and smashing the helmet after is great.
I specifically remember people being mad about Luke using the term "laser sword" even though Anakin does it in Phantom Menace and some guy named George Lucas had used that term for lightsabers too.
Next in my "what the hell are people bitching about?" is Luke drinking the green milk straight from the teat. He was a farm boy. Now he's grizzled and low tech. So weird people find this offensive/anger-inducing in some manner.
So interesting to see actual physical books in Star Wars via the sacred Jedi texts. But hey, this galaxy couldn't have ALWAYS only used computers and machines for everything!
When Rey says, "Leia sent me here with hope" I kind of wish Jyn Erso popped in and said, "Did someone ring for me?"
I wish Holdo were in these earlier scenes with Leia before her coma so we could see their friendship and establish a dynamic with Poe beforehand. She could be present for Poe's demotion.
Kylo not being able to bring himself to fire on Leia is another fascinating touch to his character. Presumably, we would have finally seen these two onscreen together in Episode IX. We'll see how they deal with that dramatically. (miss you, Carrie Fisher!!)
My opening night crowd cheered for Leia using the Force to save herself. Finally, the payoff to Leia being a Skywalker, and in such a big, lovely and operatic way! So great to see! Seeing the hate for it online after was so weird.
He may mostly ignore poor Chewie, but I'm glad Luke and Artoo at least have a moment. And oh my god, seeing that New Hope hologram of Leia again!!! "That was a cheap move." But a brilliant, incredibly touching one, Luke.
Rose's intro is so good! Her hero worship of Finn and "Wow..." when he says "May the Force be with you" are perfect.
Finn being so motivated to help/protect Rey, even as he tries to leave the Resistance, is a great throughline from Force Awakens, especially given they don't get to appear onscreen together for so much of the film.
Maz's appearance is really weird. First off, Poe seems so familiar with her and we've never seen them together. Also, another "no time jump" problem is her ancient castle was destroyed, like, a week go, right? And now she's off on some other adventure? Just feels off.
The first Rey and Kylo Force-contact scene! This stuff is EXCELLENT. Their mutual confusion and intrigue are handled so well. I love how he's so curious from the start, while she's enraged.
Rey describing the Force as "A power that Jedi have that lets them control people and... make things float" is super funny and also makes me think back to the lack of Force description in Phantom Menace that bugged me. And Luke hitting her hand with the leaf! So good.
Rey tapping into the Force and truly feeling it everywhere is so lovely and the most moving depiction of it in the entire series.
Both the Rey/Luke and Rey/Kylo dynamics in this movie are so strong and compelling.
Rey smiling as she puts her hand in the rain is such a wonderful, silent little beat. The desert-raised girl is still delighted by these different environments.
Canto Bight's buildings evoke Naboo. It's the only time outside the prequels we see opulence like this, but naturally it would still exist in parts of the galaxy. I just wish there were some familiar aliens here or there!
"I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy, beautiful town" is a hell of a good line. Feels like it's out of a film noir.
Justin Theroux cameo! Hey, watch The Leftovers if you haven't, people. That advice is eternal.
Rey going from practicing with her staff to her lightsaber in the same scene seems there for people of the "how could she ever fight with a lightsaber when she had never swung one before?" side of things. It's underlining, "THIS IS HOW."
I love Luke talking about the failings of the Jedi contributing to their own undoing because that is very much clear in the prequels (and stated by Lucas). I love hearing him say the name "Darth Sidious," bringing it outside the prequels for the first time.
Luke feeling the weight and guilt of such a huge failure on his part because he's perceived as "Luke Skywalker... a legend" is terrific. And the anger some people have over Luke's depiction in this film seems like a weird/fascinating mirror of his feelings here.
I love Luke in this movie. I love this take on Luke. My one issue is that I ask "Well, even if you felt the Jedi were themselves a danger, why couldn't you still stay to help fight the First Order, even without the Force?" He could have an answer. I just wish Rey asked him that.
I think everything on Canto Bight is solid except for the chase through the streets and casinos which falls flat.
"I'd rather not do this now."
"Yeah, me too."
The Rey/Kylo stuff is so great. And yes, it adds some notable sexual tension to the series for the first time since Han and Leia (huge counterpoint to how Anakin and Padme doesn't sell even when it's mean to).
So bizarre how people say this movie's message must be "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to" because that line is said by Kylo Ren. Just like all of those messages we were meant to take away from our hero, Darth Vader, in Empire Strikes Back.
Rey in the cave and her duplicates with the snapping and such is so trippy and different. And the reveal that it's Kylo she's telling the story to is great. Just a lot of very new and cool vibes to this story.
Kylo and Rey are both tempting each other. Both are legitimately drawn to and nearly swayed by the other. Whether you "ship" them or not, this is such a compelling dynamic (though yes, them holding hands is Star Wars' first sex scene, obviously).
I have zero issues with Luke feeling the dark side in Ben and for a brief moment feeling the impulse to strike him down. Luke nearly killed his father in rage. To say he never had any failings ever again is ludicrous. Luke knows it was a shameful moment. But it's a believable one
What a legit pleasant surprise it was to see Yoda pop up in this movie! I don't like a Force ghost being able to so directly do something as tangible like Yoda does with the lightning to the tree but adore their following conversation.
Yoda's expansion of his "Pass on what you have learned" instruction is so wonderful.

"We are what they grow beyond." Another perfect moment here as they sit together watching the tree burn.
In general, I love Benicio del Toro and really like the depiction of DJ as a Han Solo/Lando type WITHOUT a heart of gold, but wish he'd gone lighter on the tics and stutter. It's all a bit too mannered.
I like Poe needing to learn a lesson about not being so headstrong and better listening to orders but Holdo also goes so far in not explaining her plan to questionable lengths. Hell, why not lock him up and then tell him the plan? Poe's lesson gets muddy as a result.
I really love how after Force Awakens echoed New Hope, Last Jedi echoes elements of Empire Strikes Back AND Return of the Jedi. Now JJ may still choose to emulate ROTJ (I mean, we know the Emperor is back in some manner), but it opens up the possibilities.
Yeah, it almost feels like a missing element. She's heard about Poe from Leia, which means she's heard the good too besides his problem side (Leia is clearly affectionate towards him). If there was a genuine spy element/concern, it would help a lot
Holdo not being in the early scenes puts a LOT of heavy lifting on the one Holdo/Leia scene, as Holdo decides to stay behind to sacrifice herself for the escape. Dern and Fisher sell it, but I really wish we had more of them together.
Serkis is a lot of fun as Snoke in this movie, fakeout/swerve though he may be.
Rey pulls her lightsaber to her with the Force but then Snoke takes control of it and slams it into her head. Then she attacks him with Kylo's saber and he effortlessly pushes her away. She is helpless to stop him until Kylo Ren's betrayal. What a Mary Sue, right?
The saber igniting through Snoke and flying into Rey's hand, and then her and Kylo Ren teaming up to fight the guards is EPIC. Another "Crowd loses their shit" opening night memory. If you don't like this sequence, do you even Star Wars?!
Ahh, the ending of this fight, with Rey throwing her lightsaber to "Ben," who ignites it into the face of the guard holding him is so great... but unfortunately for Rey, just because you artfully killed some guards together doesn't mean you're on the same side beyond that.
I wish there were more to Phasma as a character, but dang, she's so alluringly shiny in this movie! #shinyphasma
Holdo's sacrificial hyperspace trick to destroy the First Order ships is one of the most beautiful, evocative images in this entire series.
There was a collective gasp from many in my audience
Oh man, that shot of Leia looking out the door of the base on Crait is so gorgeous. This very much feels like the most artful Star Wars movie. So many excellent images.
Crait is the most interesting new planet we've gotten in the sequel trilogy to date. The sand over the red crystals and those crystal caves are so cool. (And make for a great Star Tours section!)
I do wish we'd seen the Ski Speeders the Resistance uses on Crait do, well, ANYTHING. Yes, Poe calls them "rust buckets" but we never actually see them use any weapons before the order to retreat is given.
"Blow that piece of junk OUT OF THE SKY!"
"Oh, they hate that ship!"
Some really fun lines once the Falcon arrives on Crait.
Finn disobeys Poe's order to back off. The movie opened with Poe himself disobeying a similar order. It feels like it should be Poe, not Rose, who stops Finn here, whether it be part of a love story (I'm for it for the record) or not. Would be good full circle for both.
Other media may better explain it, but seems very odd that NO ONE (Lando, Wedge, Snap, etc.) answers Leia's distress call. I get why it should feel like all hope is lost in the moment but still feels weird.
Oh man, the Luke and Leia scene is so great! Luke telling Leia "No one's ever really gone" has the plot poignancy of Luke about to sacrifice himself and the real world poignancy of Carrie Fisher's loss. Such a lovely scene.
Just Threepio's "Master Luke" and Luke's wink... Ahh. Weepy.
And yes, while not a memorable new character or story theme in the same sense I feel is missing from this movie, Williams' score when Luke walks outside to confront the First Order is fantastic. Standout piece in the movie for sure.
Yeah, I know a lot of this stuff IS filled in by the books and comics, but it feels these movies have really lacked some key info on the Resistance that most viewers simply will never know
I love everything about the Luke/Kylo face off, including the big reveal that Luke's a Force projection (another big cheer from the opening night crowd!). Luke is essentially now Obi-Wan in A New Hope in terms of his approach to this fight and it feels incredibly appropriate.
"I failed you, Ben" - Luke echoing Obi-Wan's "I've failed you, Anakin" in Revenge of the Sith.
"And I will not be the Last Jedi." And there you have it. Luke has such a perfect arc in this film, going from someone who's left it all behind to embracing the future and what the next generation can bring. His death is beautifully handled and performed by Hamill.
Poe and Rey finally meeting is fun to see though certainly odd for two of the leads in a trilogy that only has one chapter left! (I suspect we'll get many stories set between Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker down the line)
Luke having now expanded the "legend" label he once scorned, as those kids share the story of him facing down the First Order on Crait by himself, and directly seeing how he's helping inspire potential new members of the Resistance and potential Jedi... That's a hell of a thing!
Was really interesting revisiting The Last Jedi. I love it! It has a lot of micro problems to me, but it does so many great things with Rey, Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker (the most important folks in this movie). And it's got so many standout moments and imagery and so much heart.
Alright, this has been a fun Star Wars rewatch! Tomorrow night, I'll be seeing how this Skywalker Saga comes to a close, which is insane to ponder. Thanks to those who read this entire, babbling thread!
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