When I first went into prison I watched these guys beat another inmate. They beat him and beat him and beat him.
They kept kicking him.
No guards came to help him.
I was afraid.
It ate me up for years. I didn't help him either.
He was afraid.
It broke the trance they were in and they stopped.
They laughed and said, "Yeah. We did."
Our prison's cultures are geared for everyone to fail.
We need prison reform.
All I need to do is explain to officer friendly everything I know. Really? That is what our only available option is?
The whole point of this post...Our prisons need reform.
The guards are selling phones with video cameras.
Why can't we do it legally?
I share my stories to bring the secrets of the dark into the light. We never had support to allow this. Never.
Well by God we have it now. It's a start.
It is not alright.
It's a tight rope we walk
I'm in. Thank you for being in with me.
Impeachment pales in comparison to prison politics.