@OmidyarNetwork @NubianRights @Haki_na_Sheria

The court will be hearing submissions for two petitions.
Pet56,58&59 of 2019 ( #huduma case)
Pet 163 Okiya Omtatah v AG
1. The passing of the Data protection Act which dealt with matters in the petition
Take judicial notice of the passing of the Act or
Give parties an opportunity to make any comments or submissions on the Act.
SC @MarthaKarua However seeks to know if this is a decision by the Court on its own motion or following a letter written by the 5th Respondent.
The party says he forgot to cc the parties.
However the court has taken judicial notice of the passing of the Act.
Counsel may wish that the court takes judicial notice of the Act.
Further petition 454 which challenges the constitutionality of the Data Protection Act is ongoing.
Any submissions on the DPA should be limites to that petition
They urge the court to take judicial notice of the passing of the Act and proceed with judgement.
She however questions the conduct of Mr.mwendwa in communicating with the court unilaterally.
However the respondents always said they had an adequate data protection regime.
He echo's SC sentiments that the conduct by MR. Mwendwa reitarates the treatment of the petitioners
She says this petition is one of public interest.
It requires the court to avail all parties an opportunity to be heard which the court did and thereafter render its decision.
She takes not of petition 454 challenging the Data Protection Act
She asks what Mr. Mwendwa seeks in asking the court to take notice of the DPA and still limit itself in line with petition 454
Court can only take judicial notice of the enactment of the Act and nothing more.
It can't be applied to the proceedings as at the time the Act was not operational.
The complaint of a party being left out impact on the perception of administration of justice.
We ask the court to consider what is now termed as an 'inadvertent' mistake.
He says the Act is already enforced and the court should in writing the judgement consider it.
1. Use of statute miscellaneous Act
2. Exclusion of the senate
3. Public participation
Pegs on the procedure.
He says the proceeding have been re-opened.
The court says it can on its own motion re-open the hearing.
The court asks him whether he should be given more time to make his submission.
He agrees to leave the matter to the decision of the court.
The petitioners are acting as if thet only have the right to tell the court of New law.
Court agrees.
He says that he has agreed with his co-petitioners in petition 163 to not give submissions on the Data protection Act.
He will address the DPA in pet 454