Proceedings are scheduled to begin at 10am
The petitioners will also have 5 minutes to reply
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
For the petitioners, counsel @MarthaKarua will begin
No person may exercise state authority except as authorized by the constitution
They're also aware of the need to share information w/the public to facilitate meaningful public participation
They did not share any information on weaknesses
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
The gazette notice gave public 7 days to review the 68 pieces of legislation, form opinions, & submit memos, a "near impossible feat"
Especially the observation in that case that it's unsuitable to make substantive amendments through a misc. amendments bill
"This is revolutionary" as far as govt handling of data belonging to individuals is concerned
We submit both the Executive and Parliament are the duty bearers of ensuring meaningful public participation
What PS Kibicho calls public participation is dissemination of information on benefits of #NIIMS through chiefs
No partnership with civil society - it was a one-sided view
PS ICT Ochieng, the 5th respondent, confirmed the selective nature of the information given
Indeed, that data is being held in suspension courtesy of the Interim Orders of this court
PS Kibicho in his affidavit told the court the system would "benefit national and county government"
Some of the services listed - education, health, cash transfer to the needy. Those like health are devolved functions
So this impugned law affects counties
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
@MarthaKarua refers the court to Article 24(2) of the Constitution
The impugned law does not fulfill this requirement
The amendments are not in line with purpose limitation
All respondents say is "we don't expect to collect DNA"
It ought to be struck out
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
@MarthaKarua refers to the affidavit of Mr. Malombe on the dangers of indiscriminate collection of DNA
And, in the admission of the legal advisor of the govt the Attorney General that the #DataProtection Bill is now before Parliament for discussion
This confirms what the petitioners have said all along - there is an absence of an appropriate legal framework and institutions to support it
So what was all the rush?
We urge the court not to allow the respondents to put the data of 38 million Kenyans at risk by state and public officers by not having institutions set up before the roll-out
The respondents seem to think a self-taught expert is less than a person taught by faculty with certificates but not much experience of the practical issues
Matters of openness, matters of best practices - they have much in agreement
Why would the respondents fail to adhere to best practices that they themselves shopped for at great public expense?
Including the need to have a law passed for data protection before roll-out
They are still holding on to the pre-2010 constitutional order where everything was a top state secret and where govt knew best and did not need opinions of citizens
Yet they find nothing wrong with government contractors coming as witnesses
This is a case of double standards
Indeed, the PS ICT said "this is revolutionary and we cannot be left behind"
It infiltrates every sector - which is why you hear "single source of truth" says @yussufugas
By this we mean the system can perform the stated objectives such as security, health, agriculture, identification - but it can also do more than that
The question then becomes:does this limitation pass the test of proportionality as outlined in our constitution?
1. The current system isn't working; it has errors - one said we have a "crisis"
2. Trust us - we are the government - we know what we are doing
In the case Robinson vs. Jamaica - Justice Sykes quotes Justice Chandrachun that just because govt has certain information does not make taking of similar data again legitimate
Individuals are entitled not to have their personal information in the public domain - regulation is needed to guarantee this
It has come from evidence that there are no regulations to govern this system
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
If you don't know what is happening to your information, there will be fear
All are equal before the law & are entitled to rights without distinction of any kind
Indeed, in PS Kibicho's affidavit he lists ethnic groups that are vetted before they are granted nationality documents
The rest are government and security officials
Indeed, the PS stated vetting is a "government process"
Either the respondents are not interested or they don't have that information
But they don't state how the historical challenges faced by communities like Nubians are being handled
#HudumaNamba #GoodID
Answers could be:
A. He's a Nubian or
B. That he could be a foreigner
There is a positive obligation on the state not to discriminate based on ethnicity
You will not have seen any evidence of this infiltration or the nexus between the Nubians and this infiltration
@acerwc looked at the situation of Nubian Minors' and called upon the Kenyan state to take positive steps to address the historic marginalization
The fact that some Kenyans will be left out or left behind does not seem to concern the respondents
Because the system and its use is unclear, the potential to de-nationalize segments of the Kenyan population is real
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS #GoodID #DigitalID
But it actually goes deeper than that. It will affect budgetary allocation, elections, and every sector
It is inter-generational
The data capture form seeks extensive information, contrary to the principles of data minimization
Indeed, the #NIIMS administrator informed the court they don't expect to seek the consent of the individual once one has sought to enroll
Govt will share the info at their will
There are no requirements about purging of the data after a certain amount of time, and could lend itself to surveillance
Aadhaar had humanitarian aims - while #NIIMS includes objectives around crime and national security
This links with the exploration of alternatives - which could offer less restrictive effects on the right to privacy
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
Counsel Victor Kamau of 3rd petitioner @HakiKNCHR is now beginning
1. Was there any meaningful public participation?
Not just technical, formal - meaningful public participation governed by Article 10 & Article 118 of the Constitution of Kenya
This requirement was not met for #NIIMS
All that happened was 7 short days to deal with such a technical system
If people knew that potential, they would have made a more informed decision
And whether what Parliament did is reasonable in all the circumstances
-Rules to govern public participation
-Nature of legislation being considered
-Whether legislation is needed urgently
As a witness who submitted recommendations, he hardly had any information on the system itself
It is the duty of the respondents to prove public participation undertaken was sufficient
In this case, the respondents have not done so
The court of appeal expressed it was an error for the learned judge to require appellate to prove - burden shifted to the respondent
The Supreme Court leads to the clear conclusion that Article 10(2) of the Constitution is justiceable and enforceable immediately
How much more would the ordinary Kenyan be completely mixed up?
Here, only had short 7 days
PS Kibicho talked about conversations with "hundreds" but didn't speak to quality of those conversations
Nothing filed so far has convinced us to the contrary
The 3rd petitioner supports digitization
Misc. Amendments Bill for minor amendments - but allowing collection of GPS, DNA are substantial and have far-reaching effects on the public
Including that the 1st respondent table the bill before Parliament in consultation - and this is again where it falls - with all organs engaged and concerned with constitutional implementation
It explains that "substantive law as the part of law that creates, defines, and regulates parties rights & duties & power of parties"
We submit the amendments conferred power to the respondents to collect additional data
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
And to that extent, the entire measure is null & void
Judge asks - she has 2 issues: public participation & procedural impropriety
Co-counsel clarifies the third issue is potential breach of right to privacy
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
Is #NIIMS something our Constitution allows?
That short sentence packs within it at least 5 data protection principles that should cover the entire process of data processing, even collection
1. Purpose Limitation - define a specific purpose explicitly and make sure it's legitimate
2. Data Minimization - once you set purpose, collect just enough to fulfill that purpose
3. Lawful Processing - must be a law
5. Consent - Article 31 clear data comes from data subject
For example, they say #GDPR does not apply to Kenya
But these basic principles are already embedded in Article 31(c) & we cannot run away from that
If this law applies only to citizens over the age of 18, where did respondents get authority to collect data from minors or foreigners?
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
We don't get the answer from the long title of the Registration of Persons Act
If we look at the long title of the Misc. Amendments Bill, we get nothing - to amend 67 pieces of legislation
--To make government's work easier
--To make citizens carry less ID cards
Is that a proportional limitation to the right to privacy?
Biometric data is highly portable and unique instantly erodes anonymity and discloses more than just identifying information
This brings the risk of covert surveillance, of monitoring all behavior - and opens the door for profiling
This is the kind of data under consideration
1. Unlawful registration process took place
Goal itself unlawful - no law, no hansard speak to purpose
Manner in which it was carried out - data capture form & training manual which are not statutory documents
Form said it was mandatory, though respondent in court said it was not mandatory
Citizens told if they don't register they won't access service
That people queued is not consent
Case from Jamaica - safeguards must proceed process of biometric registration; there is no shortcut
Govt must know limits of system before it's set up
Different govt institutions need different information; it is not okay to have one database with all this info and say it's for the convenience for all other institutions
Not about a hacker
What will happen to 3rd respondent should he decide to do something outside the purview of Article 31?
1. There was mischief in establishing this system in the Misc. Amendments Bill
2. The amendments were not minor or inconsequential - they were significant changes affecting fundamental rights & freedoms of Kenyans
Case of LSK vs. AG & another - Constitutional Petition 3 of 2016
Decided by 5 judges of High Court, including 2 of the judges before us today
"An omnibus bill is an avenue for making general, housekeeping amendments to legislation - for relatively minor, non-controversial amendments & repeal acts no longer required"
It is not in dispute that govt has spent a significant amount of public funds in the product of the amendments that were introduced to the Registration of Persons Act
That is the real question the court must grapple with in this case, says counsel Julie Soweto
Civil Appeal 96 of 2014
Could they be introduced as minor through a Statute Law Misc. Amendments Act?
(a) to create, manage, maintain, and operate a national population register as a single source of information
(b) to assign a unique national identification number to every person registered in the register
It is clear Section 9(A) went beyond correcting anomalies or inconsistencies in the law
It creates a new system of identification of Kenyans
Huduma is service - it's not just an identification number
And the amendments altered rights of citizens & foreigners in ways not envisaged in the Act
It is our submission that the use of Misc. Amendments bill was to circumvent public participation
"to inform them about the benefits of #HudumaNamba"
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
Public participation should not be equated with mere consultation
Public participation is not a cosmetic venture or PR exercise
Respondents rely on hiding in hand amendments to existing laws to sneak in substantial amendments
The court will now break for one hour, resuming at 3:30pm
Counsel for respondents will now begin highlighting their submissions
Jubilee rode to power on the agenda of technological advancement, with digitization of public records being a key plank in their commitment to the people of Kenya
Digitization of records at the lands registry, talk about 3rd generation ID cards, talk of new generation driving licenses, a new generation passport was actually rolled out
Massive duplicate of govt efforts & rolls, resulting in unacceptable levels of wastefulness and inefficiency
1. Consolidate all personal identification information that govt already held in multiple repositories
2. Ultimately, a Huduma Card would be issued, capturing digitally Wanjiku's personal records from cradle to grave - it would be the single source of truth on personal identity
-Developed an ICT policy
-Comprehensive SWOT analysis w/UNICEF
-Commissioned leading expert Dr. Brian Omwenga to come up w/report on best practice
-Benchmarking tours across the globe
You were told this morning the govt did no more than sensitization, that is incorrect - it was a deliberate campaign
That govt exhibits impunity & disregard of the law
That govt is undertaking the exercise in an opaque manner w/out transparency
Court allowed mass registration of Kenyans to proceed, albeit on certain conditions
If one is on a fault-finding mission, poking holes in any system, one would most likely succeed as there is no 100% perfect system
They state digitization of personal information is here to stay, but they seek certain mitigation measures
This is an insult to Wanjiku
Wanjiku is more knowledgeable than we think
Billions that NIIMS, yes, has costed - 7 billion, climbing steadily to 9 billion
He gave you other figures - other billions saved through, say, the Ministry of Agriculture in replicating, duplicating collecting data
Even the most fierce critic of #NIIMS has to recognize those
What we have done in our docs is to demonstrate to you that those concerns were anticipated ahead of time, they are well taken care of
You were referred to Article 31(c) - that's a score for govt, in our laws we have Article 31(c)
Can't identify anyone anywhere if they don't share their info - their name, where they were born, etc.
And that there is no intention to collect that
Barring that, there is nothing else that is new
Petitioners have not shown a breach of any law here - only gleaning from data protection principles from around the world, treaties, etc., that do not form part of our law
Heavy reliance on #GDPR - EU standards
Even in regards to Article 2(6) of our Constitution
You will find all this detailed in supp. submissions
Counsel again refers to submissions
We have also noted the enactment of the Data Protection Bill, 2018, at an advanced stage - 2nd reading
Rather, it was an attempt to augment and consolidate various laws on data protection
#HudumaNamba #DataprotectionKE
Government should be commended, not condemned, for improving its legislative context
We often enact new laws - new land laws 2012 - did it mean no laws in place? No, it was an attempt to consolidate - that's what is happening here
They told us about ethical hackers who carried out penetration test
PS Kibicho dared any hacker to try to break into #NIIMS
Counsel again refers to specific paragraphs in the submissions
We refer case of Jackeline Okayo vs. AG - attempted to bring out primary elements of discrimination and so on
Nowhere does it make distinction about mainstream Kenyans vs. border communities or Nubians
Petition could not have been triggered by amendments, because vetting has existed for years upon years
PS Kibicho said all Kenyans are vetted prior to issuance of IDs, normally by Assistant Chief
You remember PS gave an example of a Kikuyu in Turkana - clearly he's not a mainstream Turkana, Asst. Chief would constitute a committee on the spot
It came before #NIIMS
Therefore it's not discriminatory
And let's remember why vetting is needed in the first place - to balance between two competing interests
On the other hand, you want to ensure people who are not Kenyan do not acquire Kenyan identification
The cases before the @ACHPR & @acerwc - look at our submissions
Those recommendations - and by the way, they were no more than that - were not binding on govt - but govt has taken certain measures that amount to meeting standards set
Free primary education for children resident in Kenya, including the stateless
Mode of enactment - so-called omnibus bill
Counsel again refers to supplementary submissions where "we have dealt with this at length"
In appreciation of separation of powers, it's left to Parliament
What is minor and what is major will depend on so, so many things
We think not
Three key words in that amendment are "in digital form"
When you look at it in proper context, really it's not a major amendment - it's minor, limited to digitization
Possible relevant evidence was not presented from party with relevant records
We are saying public participation is an issue of fact
Parliament has constitutional mandate of deciding best method of public participation
Affidavit from clerk of National Assembly details what happened in public participation
The amendment did not concern the Senate w/in the meaning of Article 110(1) of the Constitution - the fact a devolved function might be mentioned doesn't mean entitlement of Senate
A lot of issues being complained about here rest solely within executive mandate of government - unfair for petitioners to ask court to adjudicate on sufficiency of government policy
"The truth is that they do not exist"
The main problem was that 1st petitioner misrepresented what govt witnesses had actually said
Counsel refers to where this is dealt with in submissions and states there are no inconsistencies
Constitution binds court to consider public interest
We have cited IEBC vs. NASA - it is that decision that says principle of proportionality is now part of jurisprudence
And using the test of proportionality decide on which side the scale tilts
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
The 38 million plus who voluntary marched to registration centers
The billions that have been invested already - irreversibly - in #NIIMS
The vast number of Kenyans vs. small number of petitioners here
In other words, if #NIIMS is rolled back - where do we find ourselves as a country?
It's a balancing act
AG had only said committee was formed to look into some aspects of enacting a law - a committee
In Kenya, we are way ahead, says Counsel Rugeru
The way the Supreme Court of India decided is very instructive to this court
Those new issues were never responded to by government and it's wholly unacceptable they can now bring in brand new issues
We have dealt with that in supplementary submissions
Pray for court to dismiss petitions
#HudumaNamba registration, having been launched in April, registered slightly over 38 million people
The registration process cost upwards of 7 billion Kenyan Shillings
A sum that would build and equip major development projects like referral hospitals
Is it feasible that the court should ignore the economic loss of the 7 billion shillings?
Counsel refers to statements made by @MarthaKarua and @waikwawanyoike that digitization is a trend we can't reverse
Here we point to Article 31(c) of the Constitution
Counsel says they are showing information being sought is necessary - not just to issue each person a unique number, but for a single source of truth
#NIIMS will eradicate incidence of fake IDs and improve on security against all manner of crimes
Petition also acknowledges specifics are not in the public domain
Evidence from Mr. Anand should not be seen in a vacuum - considered alongside evidence of other witnesses like Mr. Brian Omwenga & Mr. Edward Muchemi & Mr. Loyford Mureithi
Counsel submits court should look favorably on govt witness
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
Then, data is authenticated and verified
Then comes the third component (3) #HudumaNamba
This card is secured using both a personal identification number (PIN) and one selected biometric ID
Finally, the fourth (?) component of the #NIIMS system an application programming interface which allows services providers in private & public sector to verify holder of that doc
Mr. Brian Omwenga said it's neither entirely centralized nor entirely decentralized because identities, once authenticated, are stored in centralized database
[Didn't Mr. Anand say "centralized & federated"?]
PS ICT includes in his evidence one such report, which calls Aadhaar a "remarkable example of reach"
All electronic systems have a measure of risk, yet globally we are moving away from hard paper and entertaining digitization in all spheres of our lives
Is the data that has been electronically captured & stored safe?
We are moving from the general to the specific and in this motion, it cannot be said there is a dearth of legal provisions on data protection
He says he will summarize
Counsel Nyaundi feels that sums it up - in submissions, govt has made a run-down of issues for court to consider
Includes rationality & proportionality
He prays court finds the petitions are without merit and dismissed with costs
Highlighting moves to next counsel for respondents, who says he will be brief
1. Procedure
2. Content
What Constitution prescribes in Article 118 is that the public must have access & be given an opportunity to participate in a legislative process
They only challenge participation
Courts have had occasion to examine standing orders of Parliament,which set our procedure - courts have found standing orders provide 4 public participation
Next issue is omnibus bills
Constitution recognizes Parliament has discretion to determine procedure
Counsel says petitioners have an issue with nomenclature, not the content of the process
Public participation is not limited to pre-legislative state, but public has access through 1st reading, 2nd reading or even to petition president before assent
In the #Aadhaar decision there is an entire chapter on comparative jurisprudence - the court said there is no uniform conceptualization of the right to privacy
The court construed that right from other rights
In Kenya, we have a specific article that speaks to that right
If the information is necessary, it cannot be unconstitutional to ask for it
Amendments about changing format - from manual to digital - that is, in essence, what it's doing
The framers of the Constitution did not anticipate the right to privacy is contingent on another legislation
Registration of Persons Act does not give effect to data protection
But other Acts do give effect to data protection and you will find them in our submissions
A large majority of the Kenyan population voluntarily registered for this process
Considerable public resources were employed to undertake this process
Highlighting for that counsel is finished and on to the next...
Public participation - counsel refers to gazette notice of the Misc. Amendments Bill
He states not all Kenyans would be interested because "it's a very boring exercise"
He says the law was submitted to public participation, even at committee stage
They can only give their views and consult w/representatives
No guarantee that what is brought must be adopted by the House
If we want to make law, let us go sit in the House
This is not unique to us - see what applies in New Zealand on omnibus, the word used in other jurisdictions - a word unique to legislature
Not the way we want to call it: minor
Unless question arises that this is a matter that involves county governments, it won't be referred to Senate
It's not every time
The bill was on national framework
Counsel Rugeru responds that Counsel Karua went over time - the judges say she took exactly 30 minutes
He wants to only highlight on public participation
He submits it is not the same - one is a principle of governance, the other is a positive obligation imposed on Parliament
Article 118 should not be construed in such a manner that it's a clawback of legislative ability by people of Kenyan
That clawback of sovereignty would be an unconstitutional clawback
A coup against legislative sovereignty ceded by people of Kenya to Parliament
He has now concluded
Article 31 is not an absolute right and is subject to limitation
He also refers to precedence from Kenya that acknowledged Article 31 can be subject to limitation
Counsel asks court to weigh between national security concerns & private rights espoused by petitioners
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
A report attached to affidavit of 9th interested party highlights this
There is a presumption that once someone has given their data to someone else, can't claim right to privacy when same data is collected again
Counsel refers to case from the US where court made determination on US 4th Amendment
Specifically, #digitalidentity is one of the goals of UNDP under #SDG16 16.9 to provide legal identity for all, including #birthregistration
The World Bank has come up with Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development #ID4D
Could also result in fraud savings - decreased payroll fraud
There will also be an increased tax collection because govt knows who is working
In Indonesia, high % of children married have no identification
#HudumaNamba #Aadhaar #NIIMS
Petitioners now have 5 minutes to respond
@yussufugas will start
He urges the court to use the test from the recently cited case
It was cited by Justice Sykes of Jamaica as the best way to protect rights
Counsel for respondents objects and judges ask Counsel Bashir to focus on Mr. Anand
His understanding of the system was clear for all to see
The onus is on the govt to provide convincing & legitimate reasons for every step they take
In cost-benefit analysis, even non-financial benefits are assigned a value
Respondents will spend billions w/out this most basic consideration having been taken into account
Today, counsel for respondents say #GDPR does not apply
Also failure to show how system will protect children b/c no information on architecture has been shared - it's simply opaque
It says -
Collection of most forms of biometric data requires some infringement of data subject's personal space
For hackers - it's about the benefit they will obtain; big data in a centralized system is very attractive for hackers
Justice Chandrachud in India was very aware of this
#HudumaNamba #Aadhaar
The affidavit of PS Kibicho lists communities who are vetted - Nubians, Somalis, Digos - there is a whole list
Counsel suggested we have no option but to vet these individuals. There are several options - rely on the documentation that govt issues
#HudumaNamba #GoodID
This is because of the opaqueness of the information
Citizens can only assume the worst
No amount of giving evidence from the bar will change that
Counsel for 1st petitioner has concluded
Not about amount spent or benefits of #NIIMS - but whether impugned amendments meet constitutional requirements
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
Legally not tenable to quote Mr. Anand on something they appreciate & demonize him where he says something that doesn't suit them
Why? Because his evidence was straightforward
It's clear and even respondents have shown they have proposed a Data Protection Bill & show best practices from benchmarking that they have not adopted
These safeguards are being introduced afterwards - you have the powers to extend the orders stopping the utilization of data collected until these Constitutional imperatives are in place
Purpose limitation is a constitutional imperative, it cannot be wished away
Our trust should be in the law and in institutions, not in persons
We have no guarantee in the next minute he will be in the same office
We invite the court to look at @amunyua's uncontroverted affidavit - no one sought to cross-examine her
It speaks to benefits of open source code which would allow members of the public to test the system and build trust
Impugned amendments cannot change section 2 - a later Act could supercede, but not a section that defines scope
Another law is needed for collection of data from children, refugees, & aliens
But is it right if now people will be left out of #NIIMS because they lack documentation and which will also be needed for access to services?
Using the court's power under 165(3) we submit this court should hold amendments unconstitutional
That is what the Court of Appeal held in LSK vs. National Assembly
The court was cautioning on the use of omnibus bill to make substantial amendments - not approving the use
They must be referring to pre-2010, when Parliament was supreme
In Article 1 of the Constitution, it's the people of Kenya who donate sovereign power to govt to be used in accordance w/Constitution
These are the best practices of openness, informed consent, & mitigating risks to ensure data safety through statute
High-ranking public officers want us to go despite dangers ahead w/out learning from yesterday's mistakes
That is totally untenable
We urge court to find the impugned law is unconstitutional & to strike it out
It is obvious in the course of these proceedings that the petitioners are viewed as irritants
Counsel Rugeru agrees with Counsel Karua "for once" - and adds his thanks to the bench
The judges hope they will do justice for all the work that has been done
We wait for the judgement in December