Today three members of the Nubian community will testify about the challenges millions of Kenyans face in accessing documentation & risks of exclusion from #NIIMS

After some discussion about assistance for either side, they are moving forward in Swahili for now
He is being introduced to the court by counsel for petitioners @yussufugas
They have switched to a mix of both English & Swahili
Mr. Ahmed says he was first issued an ID card in 1962
Witness Mr. Ahmed Khalil says the ID was lost long ago - approximately around 1972 after he left the (police) force and returned to Nairobi
The witness confirms
The witness is asked about his previous work with Kenya police - he joined the force around 1965
The witness Mr. Ahmed Khalil replies that he first applied once the police began issuing abstracts, a long time ago
The witness replies a few weeks ago the government approached him and asked him to apply - now he has a waiting card
The witness replies he hoped the court could help with his registration process - he wants to apply for NHIF & NSSF
Counsel for petitioners has no further questions
The witness is released
Witness is the CEO of Nubian Rights Forum and adopts his affidavits as evidence
The witness states the other office bearers are not disclosed in the affidavits other than the third witness to be cross-examined today
Witness explains NRF has a legal empowerment program, a GBV program, and governance work
"When you signed the 1st affidavit on Feb 14th, had the NIIMS process commenced?"
Witness: no
"On the 12th April 2019 had NIIMS commenced?"
Witness cannot recall - counsel says he speaks to an ongoing process
Witness confirms
Counsels for petitioners raise an objection that the GoK counsel should lower his voice and not intimidate the witness
Judge Nyamwea is assisting with re-asking the question
GoK counsel asks if the witness had stated in the affidavit which "provisions" and which "bill" he refers to in another paragraph
The witness is silent in response
Witness agrees and adds "You cannot come with NIIMS without addressing these issues of discrimination"
GoK asks if the difficulties arise *because* of NIIMS
Witness: no
Witness says yes
Witness states there are two vettings
GoK refers again to "identification committees" - who is subjected to those identification committees?
The GoK counsel states "then the exercise is conducted with the participation of the Nubian community"
The witness disagrees
The counsel then asks, but there is a representative? Yes
Witness states "for an ID no, but for a passport yes"
Counsel asks "Have you ever participated as a member of a vetting committee?"
Witness states no
Witness states no
"So you have no experience with how data was collected?"
Witness again states no
Witness wants to give input on the data bill
"Where did NRF look for information on procurement?" since it has "not seen info" according to affidavit
Witness states "at the government domain"
GoK counsel asks if that is stated in the affidavit, witness says no
Witness states what he knows is "through my board members" & via media
Counsel for respondent states "so you wanted the govt to compare to a system unknown to you"
Witness asked and confirms the letter is from him to the NRB
Witness has been requested to read the letter - witness reads the thank you for the cooperation in a "mobile registration campaign"
Witness states "no"
Counsel indicates cross-examination is over - counsel @yussufugas will now re-examine Mr. Shafi Ali Hussein
He says "I wrote that letter like any Kenyan that can appreciate any good deed
I appreciate because we have a problem between civil society & government"
Often you call the govt and they don't come - like asking them to come issue IDs and birth certificates
Let me be clear this is not the role of NRF but the role of the govt, and we are willing to cooperate for better services
Witness: Mobile ID is a process is asking the registrar to come out to the grassroots and you mobilize citizens (in this case, in Kibera) and do legal empowerment
Witness: Helping people to understand their citizenship rights, to understand why they must get a birth certificate, ID, death certificate
Witness replies: "Why are you only vetting a specific set of people in this great nation and not vetting everybody?"
"My respected govt cannot vet a specific community and leave the rest of the Kenyans
It is a constitutional right that govt should do everything equitable - Art 27 says everyone has equality before the law"
-no adequate public participation
-3/4 people didn't have adequate information on #HudumaNamba
-system rolled out before law to guide it
-People without documents were turned away - could be locked out
-I have a list of people here who have been struggling to get IDs
If this can be sorted and we all move together, I would have no issue with #HudumaNamba
Mr. Shafi states "Government should apply the law equally to every person"
The third witness from the Nubian community, Fatuma Abdulrahman, is now on the stand being introduced by counsel for the petitioners
She does small business and is an official at NRF
The witness replies:
This issue is particularly challenging registration for #HudumaNamba especially in issuance of IDs to the Nubian community
The witness did not register for #HudumaNamba
Witness reads "Nubians can only apply for IDs on Tuesdays and Thursdays because that is when elders sit"
Witness asked & confirms that 1st stage of vetting is by elders
Witness says: We do
Counsel asks: Do you understand which documents you can use to register for #HudumaNamba?
Witness replies "passport, ID, birth certificate"
Witness: according to the court's orders the process should be continuous
"Nubians have previously gone to court around discrimination in access to documents and they had to go to the African regional level because nothing was done" says witness
The witness states she observed the vetting of her daughter and the questions asked were related to security and not IDs
Witness: "If we have difficulties to obtain an ID or passport, how can I register? And looking at the amount of time it takes to get an ID
Even if registration will be continuous, how much time will it take?"
Why can't we be equal to the rest?" exclaims the witness
#HudumaNamba #NIIMS
The petitioners have concluded their case
Respondents can avail two witnesses in the afternoon Mr Omwenga and Mr Muchemi; the two PSs are still unavailable
Petitioners said the petition was urgent and a witness had come from India to be present
Although court did not specify dates and times for each witness, it was envisaged they would be available
Court is finding in the respondents’ favor, but this is last opportunity to avail the witnesses
Court will now proceed with respondents’ opening statement
#NIIMS is “nothing complex” and would hold data the government has already been collecting for 100 years
Government proposes to consolidate that information and store it digitally for ease of retrieval and use
Kenya cannot be expected to be held back as the rest of the world makes strides in technological advances
#NIIMS has come at the right time and would be of immense benefit to citizens of the country & foreigners who register
Answer of respondents is a “firm no”
Counsel says bench will hear about the locally developed software and that it has all necessary aspects to meet and mitigate these challenges
Do not take discrimation lightly but will show in evidence the giver ember does not discriminate against any segment of the population
Evidence will be brought about vetting and that community elders are the “first point of call”
The #NIIMS Adminstrator will be here as directed by the court and will share that 38 million people “voted with their fingerprints” by registering for #HudumaNamba
Data Protection Bill & #HudumaBill2019 shared with court
“But introduction of these bills does not in any way suggest the current law is deficient” but to “reinforce what is already an existing & robust legal framework to protect privacy, data, and so on”
Not the role of the court to substitute its views with that if the legislature
Courts have said in other cases Parliament in its wisdom has enacted this law
“Let Kenyans step into the future and embrace technology like the rest of the world”
No perfect system, but proper safeguards in place for #NIIMS to serve the country
He is being introduced and adopting his affidavit as evidence before cross-examination by the petitioners will begin
Counsel for GoK says he is introducing the witness
Court agrees introduction acceptable for expert witnesses
He has adopted his affidavit and cross-examination will now begin, led first by counsel for petitioners @yussufugas
“Does the first actual mention of #NIIMS occur in paragraph 21?”
Witness confirms
Counsel Bashir: “And you start that paragraph with ‘To the best of my knowledge’?”
Witness confirms
Counsel for petitioners asks “How many contracts have you done for GoK?”
“Do you have a contract with the government currently?”
Witness says he has fulfilled contract, then says no current contract
Witness says “not for govt”
For who?
Political party - Jubilee
Which case?
Presidential petition - both cases
Witness was contracted to advise Jubilee - “extending to role” in court
Witness states “I’ve been paid for advice”
Witness: No I haven’t
Bashir: No current contract with govt, so no involvement in #NIIMS?
Witness: “if they ask me a question I answer”
Bashir: Who
Witness: PS ICT
Witness: My documents are in their possession, my architecture is in their possession
One firm has contract with GoK - National Library
300,000 shillings a year, renewable
And is also providing testimony to NIIMS case which are both alleged to have been contracted by OT morpho
You’ll require more data to be able to reach out of the threshold of identity
Which could be probabilistic