Let's get going!
Let’s clap for a moment here.
It was a huge financial risk he too, after all.
A political man!
He even likes, just a bit, how his “deranged about politics” conservative readers are tickling him when they disagree.
He likes their tickles better than the criticism of "unhinged SJW gender lunatics," that much is certain.
Please, let’s applaud him again—so politically insightful, so scientific, so brave and full of his own foamy rightthink—Joooooon Kayyyyyy!
The amazing Ernst Busch—who performed in the original production of the *Threepenny Opera*—singing *Der Revoluzzer.* (Listen to those rolling Rs!)
Dann ist er zu Haus' geblieben
Und hat dort ein Buch geschrieben:
Nämlich, wie man revoluzzt –
Nämlich, wie man revoluzzt –
Nämlich, wie man revoluzzt –
Und dabei, und dabei, und dabei –
Doch Lampen putzt!