This is what Palpatine has done since the beginning. He uses others for their power and he latched onto the Skywalkers ASAP.
Who else would make the opening gambit for the Sith's revenge against the Jedi the taxation of trade routes of outlying star systems?
I don't think Palpatine knew about his son, though. Not until much later. Not until after his exile on Exegol.
AotC: Sith manipulation of Jar Jar starts the war
OT: Jedi exile and faith in the next generation wins the war
ST: Palpatine's exile and manipulation of the next generation is supposed to do the same
Think about Anakin trying to save his mother in Attack of the Clones. If he wanted to save her for her sake, COULD he have sacrificed himself to keep her alive?
Losing her causes him to reach into a well of the dark side.
"Love can't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that."
It's why he's so devastated by the loss of his father. It's why he shows Rey tenderness in The Last Jedi.
It's the Ben that should have been poking through the clouds of Palpatine.
He also found immortality. He and Rey can pal around and understand each other for eternity now, something that wouldn't have been true without his sacrifice.
Kylo Ren: Show me, grandfather, and I will finish... what you started.
Ben Solo: Finishes Palpatine AND learns to stop people from dying.
Palpatine thinking HIS power was in her is an interesting comment on men thinking they can possess women.
Which I find incredibly powerful.
I wish I would have had the courage to reject his name and take on one that was more meaningful to me. Seeing Rey do it here brought me to tears. It meant so much.
You also need to take the Mortis arc into account.
As soon as they get to Ochi's ship, that's exactly what BB-8 does for D-O.
It recalls both their lineage versus their status quo AND the yin-yang style symbol in the pool in the 1st Jedi Temple in TLJ
I still think he should have been there at the end. Along with Ben.
And it all comes back to the will of the Force and Anakin’s decisions in that netherworld.
Famous last words.