Cons are adamantly working to destabilize Canada politically and economically.
Have cons denounced activities in Ukraine & Syria?
An experienced professional communication strategist is behind CEC. This man’s job is to infiltrate the Canadian mindset.…

Totalism is Lifton’s terminology for fundamentalism. Also known as extremism.…
Kenney & Harper. Both treated as demigods spreading the word of God and the divine support for their ideology.
Both are Dominionist Christians with a clear agenda to impose Dominionist Christian policies on all citizens.
This is psychological warfare. It doesn’t matter if Russia is involved or not, it’s destroying Canadian democracy.
Eliminate dissent.
Promote only Con dogma.
Indoctrinate youth and the vulnerable.
Control the electorate’s thoughts by eliminating contrary narratives.
Eviscerate & destroy former cons.
Destroy democracy.
Like Russia, China & N. Korea do to their citizens.
This is a significant threat to every global democracy.
There’s a reason authoritarians keep winning.
Data analytics of personal data is one of the reasons why.
Up to 65 nations were impacted by Cambridge Analytica interference.
Three nations have been profiled. The intent is to profile them all on @HindsightFiles account. Please follow it for continued updates.
Political parties like United Conservative Party (UCP) and the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) are using data analytics to learn about & manipulate the electorate. They’ve completed the indoctrination of the most vulnerable.
It’s also not just the uneducated or low information citizen who is vulnerable to this attack.
Shopping, social media posts, browse histories, petitions, personality quizzes.
Breaches of personal data are common. Here is a recent one.
Data analysts have the data to know you better than you know yourself.
It’s a matter of time before data analysts crack the code to everyone’s vulnerabilities. Your education, critical thinking & strong will won’t protect you.
Those are our options. Like it or not!
1. Get a Guide
2. Focus Local
3. Join & Organize
4. Climate Action
5. Be a Candidate
6. Protect Voters
7. Protect Voting
8. Inspire Voting
9. Stay Civil
10. Read
Gaslit nation advises “Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story” or “The ALL NEW Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate.”
Also “Post Truth & Political Discourse” David Block.
Know how federal govt works.
Provincial & municipal govt’s manage policies that impact daily quality of life. Focus on volunteering for a candidate, answering phones, helping trusted candidates become better known in their communities. Encourage your community members to meet local candidates.
Join a political party, an activist movement, a group seeking justice. You can’t change a thing lamenting about the state of the world from twitter.
Then organize information campaigns, protests, demonstrations, letter writing campaigns.
The largest global grift in history is climate denial and doubt. Millions are spent to create climate denial, including $30M/yr of taxpayers funds in Alberta.
Climate activism is what authoritarians are attempting to stop. So, be a volunteer climate activist.
If you don’t like the candidates, or you have the will and the desire to lead, become one. Federal, Provincial, Municipal, School Trustees, Community League, Parent Teacher Committee. Doesn’t matter. Don’t second guess yourself, just do it. And do it well.
Voter suppression is a growing problem in Alberta. It’s accomplished by voter intimidation (cultural communities), implying there is no opportunity for progressives to win & fomenting apathy. Let’s politically engage the 1/3 of Albertans who didn’t vote in 2019.
Monitoring votes is required. Several allegations of multiple votes being cast, religious communities and cultural groups being told to vote conservative, ballot stuffing, etc.
We need people to monitor the entire voting process. From beginning to end.
One third of Alberta eligible voters have given up on voting. Find one of those individuals and inspire them to vote. Every vote makes a difference.
In Alberta, 1/3 of the population is dictating the govt. Change that by removing apathy through inspiration.
Conservatives are creating a narrative that progressives & centrists are violent, abusive, totalitarian & elitist. Don’t add to the stereotype. It’s hard. It’s really hard. I struggle with it daily. But stay civil. Don’t lose integrity by exploding in frustration.
Read multiple sources for information. Read articles by conservatives. Read articles by progressives & centrists as well. Read information from around the globe. Develop a big picture view, along with a local focus. Stay informed.
This is a hybrid war using psychological warfare. Employing techniques used in thought reform, using aggregated personal data to design narratives that play on our fears and insecurities,
So we better start acting like we are at war and fight back.
Their lives are at stake and so are yours and your children’s.
Join the Canadian resistance to neo-fascism. Before it’s too late.