"I already have to show an ID to vote."
Yes, you have to show *something* but not a *photo* ID. (I show my credit card.) The proposed law would change that, requiring an unexpired photo ID. 1/
No, you don't. Every instance when we think we *must* show a photo ID, there's always a workaround.
And none of those things are fundamental rights to our democracy. 2/
No, it won't. Photo ID laws prevent only one kind of voter fraud: in-person impersonation. And that simply does not occur. It would be a dumb way to throw an election. 3/
No, it wouldn't. A study showed that people feel essentially the same about the security of their elections whether their state has a photo ID requirement or not. 4/ review.law.stanford.edu/wp-content/upl…
That's simply not true.
One study found that about 17,000 voters (and probably more) didn't vote in Wisconsin due to the photo ID law. 5/ nytimes.com/2017/09/25/us/…
Correct! Although numbers are still relatively small, minorities are more likely not to have a photo ID. Women are more likely to change their names upon marriage or divorce. 6/
That's unprovable and probably false. Voter ID laws have an impact, but it's hard to say the exact level of that impact. 7/
In my world, we rely on facts, not hyperbole or speculation. Let's focus on the facts in the debate over voter ID. 8/
We need to amend the proposal to ensure it does not have a disenfranchising effect.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. /end