We want to make the world a better place.
The first step is to make war a crime. No justification for war. No justification for killing innocents. Anywhere.
No justification for shooting down passenger airliners. You do that you go to prison. it goes as high as the person who authorizes it.
Illegal occupations must end.
The continued illegal occupation of Iraq rests with the President of the United States, his policy advisors, and all those under him prolonging and funding the Occupation.
Illegal occupations must end.
The continued illegal occupation of Palestine rests with the President of the Illegitimate Israeli Entity, his policy advisors and all those under that position prolonging and funding the Occupation.
Bombings of civilians areas must end. Blockades of food, water and medicines to afflicted populations must end.
The US military is the largest institutional consumer of oil in the world. It is one of the greatest polluters whether by biological, chemical or nuclear means. Take this beast out of the picture, temper our over-production and waste and we have a chance.