, 117 tweets, 19 min read Read on Twitter
1/110 So this may be controversial to say on Twitter, but I fully support @JoeBiden for President. @BarackObama is the living embodiment of all that is good in us as Americans, and he trusted Joe to carry on his vision of a better world for all of us. But it's more than that.
2/ Joe Biden was not just another useless VP during a typical President’s term. He and Barack were best friends, and Barack frequently leaned on Joe’s expertise to make himself a better leader for us.
3/ Barack has said repeatedly that naming Joe his VP was the best decision he ever made. He praised Joe’s integrity and personal sacrifice in service of our country, and showed us all what a truly good man is capable of.
4/ A good leader sets the example, and doesn’t need to brag about his achievements and constantly inflate his own perception of himself.
5/ Joe Biden is right for this moment because he shows the world exactly what Trump is not. Joe is kind, Trump is a seething pile of hate. Joe is honest, Trump is pathologically dishonest. Joe is honorable, Trump has to hide in shame from dead war heroes.
6/ People constantly say Joe’s too old, too white, or too male to contrast Trump. This is exactly backwards. We need someone demographically identical to Trump to nullify the white identity politics he has so gleefully feasted on for years.
7/ It’s a darkness inside of us as Americans that Trump has exploited to great effect. It’s not enough to bring our strongest & smartest but demographically diverse champion against the evil that Trump represents in the world.
8/ Obama showed us it doesn’t matter how brilliant or inspirational or transcendent our nominee is...we will lose all we have worked for because hate is stronger than love. Fear is stronger than pride. And there are a lot fewer good men in the world than we wanted to believe.
9/ Obama's only crime was being a black man in the highest office with the audacity to be a better person than most white men believe themselves to be. Immediately after his historic victory, we took even more historic losses. It wasn’t because he didn’t work hard enough.
10/ Obama worked harder for the people than any white president in my lifetime, and over & over again he was punished for it. But we powered through. We took the losses. We thought after 8 years we had made progress. That maybe we wouldn’t lose everything we loved to vile hate.
11/ In 2016 we tried again. We chose the most eminently qualified and capable person to ever seek the office. Confident, sharp, unbreakable. A truly respected life-long public servant with a lifetime of success in a power structure that was stacked against good people.
12/ The contest was a slam dunk. Our nominee faced a petulant, dishonest, vile, childish, hateful, illiterate, sociopathic, cruel, racist, misogynistic bloviating gasbag. A man who embodied the very concept of all that is evil in our society. There was no easier choice to make.
13/ And that horrible night in 2016, our worst fears about humanity were tragically confirmed, when we as a society chose to reject the notion we could be better people, in favor of the very evil we disappointing few had been screaming against for centuries.
14/ And what egregious mistake did we make to merit this outcome? Due to what insufferable hubris did we deserve to be punished in the eyes of the universe? We dared to support a woman who tried to take something that white men felt belonged rightfully to them.
15/ I have never experienced such crushing sadness as I did that night. That was the moment I realized there was so much more evil in the world than I had ever imagined. I thought most other white men were like me, motivated by kindness, integrity, and honor. I was wrong.
16/I realized that *I* was the weird one...for always aspiring to be a better man, to make the world a better place for people that didn’t win the cosmic lottery like I did. It opened my eyes like never before. These aren’t people we can reason with or win over with better ideas.
17/ A white man's power only erodes when he is convinced to remain silent, mollified that the world is sufficiently subservient to his righteous place at the top of the social hierarchy.
18/ This is where we must strategize. The most difficult thing about white men from a strategic standpoint is that they are become obscenely powerful when they're angry or defensive, far beyond what their demographic numbers would suggest.
19/ Because they believe they have a rightful place at the top of the social hierarchy, they are willing to support policies and ideology they *know* will harm them, because they're willing to endure that pain if they believe it will hurt a "lesser" group even more than them.
20/ Trump's ridiculous tariff war with China is an obvious example of this. Farmers are willing to tolerate senseless financial trauma wrought by an economically illiterate lunatic, simply because he looks like them.
21/This is the code they hear from their fellow white male leader: "as long as *those people* are hurt worse, any amount of pain I inflict on you will preserve your status at the top". As long as it's a white man kicking them around, they'll happily keep paying for his new shoes.
22/ Now, let's introduce a new element. A Democrat offers this struggling white man what Democrats are known for--respite from the financial torment they are forced to endure from the Donald Trumps of the world, through direct aid and commonsense government assistance programs.
23/ These programs have immense economic and societal benefits felt by everyone, particularly the masses of poorly educated whites in every state who make up the bulk of the poor population in America. But there's a problem.
24/ Because it would be politically impossible & downright immoral to offer these programs to only poor whites, instead of seeing good and morally just government functions that help *everyone* including them, they see programs that help "those people" more than it helps them.
25/ The perverse paradox here is that technically they are correct. When a program helps *everyone*, the ones at the very bottom will necessarily receive a proportionally greater benefit than those on the top.
26/ That's exactly what the programs are intended to do--to give everyone a fair shot, to allow everyone the same opportunities to succeed!
27/ There is absolutely no acceptable moral justification as a Democrat or even as an American in pursuing the only two outcomes acceptable to this vastly powerful demographic: either a) allowing racially discriminatory government aid/punishment programs;
28/ or b) allowing them to directly harm themselves AND even more disadvantaged groups in their communities in order to preserve their perceived place in the social hierarchy that they feel they deserve.
29/ To oversimplify centuries of American history for a moment, there is nothing more destructive to progressive change than white males who fear the erosion of their overwhelming dominance within our social order.
30/ Because white men react almost blindly in defense of that one and only goal of protecting their privilege, they are at their strongest against a strategy of confrontation, and at their weakest against a strategy of *subversion*.
31/ White men's burning rage and massive numbers makes a confrontational strategy extremely unwise. Their numbers are indeed dwindling, but directly confronting them now in a way that makes them feel their privilege is being threatened would result in a Pyrrhic victory at best.
32/ We might win the presidency (our base is bigger than theirs), but they are so efficiently distributed across the country there's no chance we'd secure the congressional majorities we ALSO need in order to have any hope of undoing the damage they are capable of inflicting.
33/ Subversion is the better choice. Our sneering antagonist army will protect its privilege with unrelenting ferocity, but this also blinds them to smaller, more sustained progressive change. The 2018 midterm election results are a clear example of this.
34/ Once white men safely "returned" the country's highest office to the right type of person (despite that person being laughably unqualified for the position and immensely destructive to our standing in the world), they got ROLLED in the House by progressives of all types!
35/ We elevated women and people of color to historic levels of representation in government, almost entirely consisting of Democrats. Congress is where real progressive change happens--achieved as a group, not by Presidential decree. This is how Democrats operate best.
36/ We don't take our marching orders from one leader like Republicans do. We cooperate with each other, we judge each action on its own merits, and we each arrive at similar conclusions. This is because we are bound together by our ideals, not by our leaders as Republicans are.
37/ The Democratic president we need is one who is exactly this type of well-known team player. One whose most important test in the eyes of history will be their ability to sign everything a progressive Democratic Congress puts on their desk.
38/ While at the same time protecting the progress we will have made by avoiding (or significantly softening) the inevitable conservative backlash in the following midterm elections against that very progress we fought so hard to achieve.
39/Joe Biden is our greatest asset in this war. He is our Trojan horse we're delivering to our enemy's strongholds in the Midwest and the eastern borderlands. We know what's inside that horse, our enemies won't. Look to his tenure in the Executive Branch to find his true beliefs.
40/ Among all the Democrats running for President, Joe alone has a unique and invaluable ability to lull the unending mass of voters that share his racial and gender identity into thinking their privilege is safe with him in charge.
41/ To be clear, the goal here is NOT to lure Trump supporters into voting Dem by offering them a genuine conservative. The REAL goal is to trick them into thinking their delicate white male sensitivities wouldn't be threatened under good old President "Middle-class Joe" Biden.
42/ This effectively subdues their otherwise rabid thirst for a belligerent right-wing blowhard to protect them from all the scary multiculturalisms.
43/ Successfully pacified, they then fail to muster the existential fear of liberals in many, many, MANY positions of power below the Chief Executive.
44/ Every Dem group is absolutely SEETHING at the chance to vote against the embodiment of evil currently occupying the White House & NONE OF US will stay home just because we didn't nominate a black woman or a young man or a sufficiently liberal policy wonk. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho
45/ Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee would completely nullify every bit of "threatening" identity difference Trump would otherwise successfully exploit against every other serious Democratic candidate.
46/ Obama was a fantastic president, and Democrats took countless losses over and over during his tenure because they hated the fact he was black more than we loved the fact he was competent.
47/ In 2016, the most qualified and capable candidate, which I was proud to celebrate as a role model for my infant daughter, was rejected by that same ignorant privileged ideology because she was a woman. We didn't value her competence more than they hated her womanhood.
48/These repeated electoral losses since 2010 were devastating to the Democratic party, as well as later we'd find out, the very rule of law. We routinely are now forced to accept an alternate reality than what we see with our own eyes, a reality redefined by insecure white men.
49/ We learned a very painful and tragic lesson from those elections. The quality of our character and the extent of our experience didn't matter. If our headliner's racial and gender identity wasn't white and male, Democrats would be met with repeated electoral catastrophe.
50/ One candidate faces an especially horrible reality. I love and respect Senator Kamala Harris so much, who to me so perfectly represents what the United States is truly supposed to be: she's extremely intelligent, very tough, and a wonderful role model for young women today.
51/ But we're still the same bigoted country that just 3 years ago elected a repulsive sewer gorilla over an intelligent, tough female role model. Its entire appeal was skin that was the right color (orange was still okay somehow) and its claim it technically had a penis.
52/ I am *horrified* to imagine what kind of nightmare goblin we'd be forced to sacrifice our firstborn children to in 2024 because a *black* *woman* dared to dream of serving as the leader of such an irredeemably misogynistic and racist society.
53/ This is the kind of harsh realization that truly broke my heart to admit to myself, because it forced me to acknowledge that sometimes, it just doesn't matter how hard you work, how smart you are, or how much more competent you are than everyone else.
54/ Sometimes all that matters is whether your opponent was fortunate enough to be a member of that privileged group. It was such a tragic realization for me because it was that very privilege that had prevented me from seeing until then what was plainly obvious to everyone else.
55/ Recognizing I am not the victim here, I must dutifully move on. Let's look at the hand we were actually dealt in the Democratic field. There is an extremely positive and morally justified reason we want Biden to face off against Trump, beyond the obvious that we want to win.
56/ Biden & Trump demographically are not just similar, THEY'RE VIRTUALLY IDENTICAL. Perhaps counter-intuitively, this is a very good thing as I will explain further down.
57/ While some may imagine such a showdown as a clear choice between good and evil, nearly all humans--even ones generally regarded as unquestionably evil--convince themselves in their own mind that what they're doing is right. Trump is no different.
58/ As humans forged in the crucible of cold evolution, we have an insatiable desire to perceive of ourselves as the heroes of our own story regardless of what decisions need to be made to achieve this. From the point of view of any lesser creatures, the human is a psychopath.
59/ Because of this, I prefer to view morality on a scale between altruism & egotism. Pure altruism is motivated entirely by the desire to help others regardless of personal cost, while pure egotism is motivated entirely by the desire to sacrifice all in service of the self.
60/ I'll save you the time from reading supporting arguments and just state what we all know: Donald Trump is the purest manifestation of egotism I have seen in my lifetime, what I consider the very worst of human existence. In a sense, true evil.
61/ Maybe Biden doesn't quite represent pure altruism, but considering his tragic personal history, lifetime of public service, legendary empathy for the underprivileged, and sterling character references, it's safe to say he's pretty much the polar opposite of Trump morally.
62/ Why this is so important is that it removes all the identity-related variables Trump has successfully exploited to ascend in influence, then win and hold political power. A choice between Biden and Trump will allow us to affirm exactly who we as a society have chosen to be.
63/ Removing every single identity-related variable between Biden and Trump leaves a decision entirely based on their personal moral characters...their places on the altruism vs. egotism scale.
64/ After we willingly chose the worst egotism (evil) imaginable over the most qualified and well-prepared candidate I could have hoped for, I began to question, is this really who we are as a nation?
65/ Are we a beacon of light, a symbol of freedom to the huddled masses of the world...or are we a nation that gleefully oppresses its most vulnerable communities?
66/ Are we noble and righteous leaders of the free world, where justice is ensured for all...or are we an evil empire denying justice to the powerless as we take all that is not willingly given?
67/ Are we benevolent stewards of Earth's most precious resources, inspiring others to emulate our success...or are we corrupt and cynical tyrants whose death will be met with cheers and sighs of relief?
68/ This is the choice we deserve as citizens and as Democrats. The result of this choice is the bedrock upon which we will rebuild our nation, and only overwhelming and undeniable victory can confirm the choice has been made.
69/ It is no real victory at all to wage the political fight of our lives with another candidate if, as a result, it sparks a new decade of racist recrimination and spiteful misogyny from an unending circus of permanently triggered right-wing psychopaths.
70/ It would be a waking nightmare world enduring years of incessant commentary from supposedly "serious" journalists and pundits preening in unbearably smug yet bizarrely acceptable language why President Harris, for example, is struggling to connect with the "common people"...
71/ while at the same time pumping out article after article undermining her constitutional authority because she is a black female. Mainstream media commentary would focus extensively on nonsensical standards a man would never be expected to concern himself with.
72/ Such as what weight is "unacceptable" for a president, wall-to-wall coverage of any tiny change in her wardrobe, the tone & pitch of her voice, and her volatile (and yet somehow also withering) emotional state, all presented with the utmost seriousness by mainstream networks.
73/ In the darker corners of the media cesspool, right-wing sites will generate tons of powerful influence by spewing an endless stream of sewage about things like her "fuckability", "uppity demeanor", and her "rightful place" relative to men.
74/ Beyond their racist and offensive efforts to subjugate her political authority, we would be subjected to an endless barrage of grotesque rape and revenge fantasies targeting her explicitly because she is the Commander in Chief of the United States.
75/ The thought of such a predictable outcome as essentially our BEST CASE scenario makes me sick to my stomach. Even in victory, such an outcome wouldn't inflict a fraction of the damage that this malignant tumor on our soul deserves.
76/As appalling as it is, Trump is not the source of the corruption in the Republican party. The corruption is in the very core of their ideology itself. Nothing will change unless they are washed out together. It's not enough just to beat Trump. This election needs to HURT THEM.
77/ The best way to ensure a decisive defeat of their despicable ideology? Take out every variable other than that one specific choice between the moral characters of Trump's unrestrained egotism, and Biden's affable good nature and genuine altruism.
78/ Let's proactively game out the attacks Trump will certainly attempt to use against Joe Biden:
79/ Joe's really old! ... Trump's the same age.
80/ Joe's handsy and kinda creepy sometimes! ... Don't. Fucking. Even.
81/ But he's a gaffe machine! ... Gaffes aren't even a thing anymore. Now a gaffe is when you openly admit your crimes on national television, and don't see one shred of consequence as a result.
82/ His voting history!! Healthcare! Blahblah Crime Bill! Rabble rabble Anita Hill!
Trump advocates war crimes. "You have to take out their families."
83/ Joe's pretty old, what about his mental state? He could go senile at any time!!
President Trump is out of his goddamned mind EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. His twitter feed is a nightmare-fueled descent into the mind of a raving lunatic.
84/ Sleepy Joe!!
Says President Executive Time, dutifully attending to a full day of doing FUCKING NOTHING.
85/ ...hair plugs, maybe? I bet his teeth aren't even real!...
Trump's hairpiece has its own circulatory system, and his dental glue is obviously made in the same Chinese factory that manufactures his ugly ties. "God Bless the United Shtates"
86/ Ahh, but he's too close to shady bank interests! Corporate Dem sellout!
Trump has been obviously laundering money from Russia for years, possibly decades. (Prove me wrong, President Asshole)
87/ Oh, oh! The economy! Stock markets and all that shit!! SURELY the economy would suffer under Tax & Spend Liberal Biden, he's never managed a business!!
88/ Now let's consider the decision from the other direction, comparing which one's moral character is more likely to resonate with the American electorate, because that is, after all, the most distinguishing characteristic they represent the choice between.
89/ Joe is well respected in the military community...Donald Trump has to hide his cowardly eyes from even SEEING THE NAME of a dead war hero who once very patriotically told him to go fuck himself. (RIP John McCain)
90/ Joe was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (With Distinction!) for his lifetime of selfless public service - the highest civilian award a President can bestow...Trump posthumously awarded the medal to Elvis Presley, 41 years after his bloated ass died on the toilet.
91/ Joe is well known for his deep empathy and personal integrity...Trump calls children stupid for believing in Santa, forgets dead soldiers' names when consoling their widows, and laments that putting frightened and helpless children in cages ISN'T CRUEL ENOUGH.
92/ Joe is well-known for dutifully commuting to Washington DC for decades using understated public transportation.
Trump saddles up a fucking motorcade to travel 100 feet across the street.
93/ Joe served honorably for two full terms as the Vice President, adviser and close personal friend of a beloved former president.
Trump brags about the size of his dick on national television.
(And as any woman can tell you, you're not fooling anyone, Captain Tinydick)
94/ Brief aside for all the dudes that haven't gotten this memo: Any man who claims to have an uncommonly large member (or similarly, brags about his epic sexual prowess) is transparently insecure & assumed to be very obviously lying about his tiny penis. There are no exceptions.
95/ Last one: Joe's wife is an accomplished educator with a PhD...Trump's (currently third) wife is a Slovenian "fashion model" two decades younger than him.
96/ Her notable achievements include modeling a very classy line of invisible clothing (that's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with), and being somehow successfully impregnated by a man with a mushroom dick so tiny he has to talk it up on TV.
97/ Democrats, liberals, & progressives do not follow the same social rules and organizational structures that Republicans, conservatives, and right-wingers enforce upon themselves.
98/ We cannot collectively thrive under a centralized command structure, because each of us individually *becomes* a leader when the moment calls for it. Each of us is driven by that same desire to build a better world for ourselves and our society, and it calls on us to step up.
99/ You can see it in every new #Resist account, who, if they're like me, joined Twitter for the sole purpose of expressing my outrage at our Russia-installed illegitimate wannabe dictator and every terrible part of humanity that he revels in exploiting.
100/ The country itself is at stake, & all Democrats have heard the alarm. It's that sense of shared responsibility and duty that drives ordinary people like me to spend hours writing missives like this in the hope I might help make the world just a tiny bit better by sharing it.
101/ I share these thoughts openly, despite knowing full well it's likely to have no more impact on the world than had I simply spent this time screaming into the void instead.
102/ Republicans have absolutely no concept of this. Without being constantly triggered by their sole purpose in life--to protect their power and privilege at all costs--they have no collective goals, and no inner call to service to orient their moral compass.
103/ In fact, that's how Trump was able to hold his party to merely "historic" midterm losses, rather than "inconceivable" losses in 2018. They need a leader to dictate their purpose, and that's exactly what he gives them.
104/ Republicans need a powerful leader to dominate them, because in their twisted minds, the strength of their unquestioned leader allows each of them to hide the true extent of their own weaknesses as individuals.
105/ Democratic-aligned groups are rarely afforded this luxury. We are routinely punished intensely at the ballot box for daring to dream of making this world a better place for our loved ones and for future generations.
106/ When you are a racial, ethnic, even ideological minority surrounded on all sides by a vast and unsympathetic (and frequently cruel) majority, you know simply calling Daddy for help isn't going to make your problems go away. Only the privileged majority gets away with that.
107/ Connecting with our friends, family or even just like-minded people we've never met in real life is what gives us our collective purpose. As strong as I know many of you are individually, we are vastly stronger together.
108/ Only by working together to the best of each of our unique abilities--each of us in the roles that best support our collective strength--can we hope to triumph over the darkness in our souls that Donald Trump has revealed was always there.
109/ Trump is not going to be removed from office early, and even if he was, an even more dangerous sycophant would quickly take his place. That is why I support @JoeBiden for the Democratic nomination.
110/110 I am honored to be fighting alongside all of you in the #Resistance at this moment in history. This is the showdown America deserves.
*they are able to become
I support Beto; I support Kamala; I support Pete; and I support Elizabeth. All of them would make great Presidents in America's future, we just need to survive this moment in history to get there!
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