This is becoming highly relevant in light of the ongoing bushfire crisis here in Aus, so I wanted to write some thoughts based on my experience and research. /1

I also work on adaptation to urban areas, but fire-affected habitat can be classified as a novel environment as well, as the resulting habitat and resource availability is drastically changed. /2
Parrots learn what is food, where to find it, and how to process it from conspecifics (other individuals of the same species). Usually this is parents teaching their young.
I'm trying to document novel food use by parrots using the #HungryParrots hashtag and eventually a citizen science project.
Captive diets for Glossies I have worked with included parrot pellets, sprouted seeds, fresh veggies (no fruit), and casuarina cones.
The Glossies might be hungry and desperate enough to investigate new foods. But they could also be confused and stressed, and less likely to take risks.
Might be possible for Glossies to adapt to new foods, but possibly not in the short timeframe required.