Yes I am late starting it today.
Now confirmed Coronavirus can live on surfaces 9 days.
Surfaces can be disinfected.
If not, it is transmissible from surface contact w/out immediate hand washing w/hot water & soap or effective sanitizer.
28,364 confirmed globally
566 fatalities
3,859 serious
1,153 recovered
24,702 suspected
Suspected cases globally outside CHI are not being reported with any regularity and mostly only coming from local news reports in states or countries if then.

For anyone questioning veracity of above vid, OP by NBC Asian correspondent.
US evacuees last flight last night headed to 1 of 6 designated US mil bases for quarantine w/large teams of CDC & local health officials.
China did 1st report his death and then ..... CHI media control.
@turnbolt11 @kjgillenwater @DoodlesTrks
Assuming for ppl from commercial flights.

273 people on the cruise ship were being tested for coronavirus and all of the test results are in: 61 confirmed cases. Everyone else on the ship (about 3,700 people) will remain in quarantine in their cabin for 14 days - NHK
33 crew members tested negative.
1 crew member w/ fever taken to hospital.
31,481 confirmed global +625 from earlier
639 deaths- plus 4 more not in table yet.
4,821 serious
1,540 recovered
26,359 suspected
See next tweet

Waits for more info .... 15 second transmission time in close proximity?…
Cdn citizen evacuees w/be quarantined @ Trenton base.
A few Cdn citizens also transported via US plan/will go to Trenton.
2nd plan from Wuhan w/leave for Cdn 2/10.
No idea yet where they will quarantine them.
2600 on cruise ship quarantined off Taiwan coast
3rd cruise ship
- 28 Japanese
- 11 American
- 7 Australian
- 7 Canadian
- 3 Chinese
- 1 each from: New Zealand, Taiwan, Philippines, Argentina, UK
H/T @turnbolt11
23 people at a shopping mall 🤦♀️in Tianjin CHI found with coronavirus?!
196 salespeople quarantined leading to another 9200 quarantined?
2 State Dept chartered planes of 300 people
1 will refuel @ Travis base and go on to Omaha, NE via Lackland.
1 will go via Vancouver, Canada to Miramar base.
Cytokine storms are deadly.
Treat the "white lung storm"/improve the outcome.
H/T @turnbolt11