Would you like to hear them.
(Speech here in case you want your own thoughts not mine. pm.gov.au/media/address-…)
Do you sense a "But..." coming?
There's "But..."

In the very next paragraph, he's telling people - Indigenous people - what he thinks needs to happen. #ClosingTheGap

- A voice to parliament
- A Makarrata commission
- Scrapping the Healthy Welfare card
- Reinstating funding of Aboriginal Housing
- Funding ACCHOs commensurate with need

If he means this, he'll implement the findings of the Royal Commission into deaths in custody


So this sounds like the same old same old failure

This is what I said at the time. croakey.org/is-this-just-a… If the PM means what he said, he'll ditch it

(What say you, @JaneCaro?)

How much does this matter to him?

He needs to read the ATSISPEP report first atsispep.sis.uwa.edu.au
Then he needs to consider the effect of (illegal!) robodebt and low Newstart and widespread institutional racism too.

Forgive me for being cynical. I have reasons.
You can't manage diabetes, depression, heart disease, anything, if you've no fridge, cooking facilities, steps you can't get up, family/medical services nearby or public transport or a roof over your head.
That's how low bar is.
{Flourishes cape, and exits dramatically}