People can use their own version of logic, their own version of facts, their own version of history.
But reality doesn't care.
Russia's economy lost 40+% of its per-capita GDP in about a year and a half.
Great Depression+ levels.
While you're implicated in a massive Russo-Chinese attack on our democracy.
Meanwhile, everyone can talk about Americans not being able to handle *real* problems, but how many of them ran unconventional warfare through some of the most implausible vulnerable tools possible?
Trillions of dollars in global offshored wealth, all of it not only susceptible to tracking, but literally forming a giant map to... itself.
And all of those tied to it.
And if you missed the fact that you're fantastically dependent on that nations you're effectively at war with - that you haven't even built a Potemkin Village of a plausible rump economy to carry on with once you've driven *yourself* in to exile...
For all the chest beating about national psychology or alternative ideologies...
Your people cannot eat lies.
If, after decades of resentful planning, you can't figure out even a fanciful path forward without the Americans & their key allies..
Actually, many painful lessons.
And Reality still won't care.
Fine. Let's talk about that.
Look like an cynic sneering at *everything?*
Except a belief that America, like Santa Claus or Superman, will somehow pull them back from the abyss.
*Any* drop in the global economy, of which America and the West are the driving force, will cut global oil demand by millions of barrels a day.
We're around 80-million+ barrels/day in production.
Cut the economy 5%, that's 4-million+.
10%, 8-million+.
Which means a slowdown - say, from the Corona virus - can crush prices forever.
What do our oil-producing enemies and allies and "allies" count on?
Also America, America and...
America, America, America.
Eric's point about starvation in China under Mao is well taken.
They ended an alliance with a nation whose pilots gave up their officers' ranks and went to serve a foreign military in order to defend the world's oldest civilization, who fought their way across the Pacific...
Now, they've swapped out America for the Kremlin again.
And what's the plan for the Corona virus and potential mass famine.
America, America, America.
They don't even seem to bother planning for mortal threats they're self-evidently barreling into, full-tilt, apparently in the belief - conscious or otherwise - that in the end, somehow, some way...
It's not like they've got shrine with an American flag somewhere.
In some ways, it's worse.
They think about us like oxygen.
You don't question whether oxygen will always be there for you, or if one day it will no longer breathable at all.
I was heartened that Putin finally mentioned growing more vegetables.
The difference is you would only be committing suicide *once.*
Chanted endlessly.
That's their plan for everything.
We don't *have* to be the "Indispensable Nation."
But our *allies* - even when taking us for granted - clearly think more deeply about what they would do without us.
China without manufacturing exports or imported food.
Not to mention all the other oil-exporters who want to bring us down.
What happens if you lose.
But what happens if you magically win?
So you've defeated oxygen. What's your plan for breathing methane, again?