But I will say this:
That was a *massive* story (still is)... and it was a time when the big media dickheads should have given Couch respect/credit...
But, they didn’t - even @DRUDGE, who normally brings light to Indy Media, linked to another outlet... that ran their story w/o even giving a HAT TIP!
Drudge wasn’t alone in their douchebaggery; it has happened for years now.
It’s not about ‘credit for the sake of credit’ - hear me out!
If Drudge and other media giants simply gave credit to Couch for breaking that story...
And that is what ‘Big Media’ denied Matt by not crediting him on breaking that story.
We won’t forget!
But to all of those media giants out there that scrape his work w/o even giving him a Hat Tip - SCREW YOU!
... all you do is increase his risk, when all it takes is a H/T
Yesterday ‘Seth Rich’ was trending... and I suspect it’ll be in media more over the next couple months.
Visit and get a refresher on all of the work that flew under the radar the last couple years.
Sharing = Risk Mitigation
... and shit may start to get a little bumpy again before long.