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May 24th 2023

🎬 Now on stage Professor @giovannilandoni talking about what we DON'T KNOW about #cardiocirculatory drugs

#Norepineprhine is the most used vasoactive drug in the guidelines for:

🔹 #sepsis
🔹#cardiogenic shock❗(Scandinavian)


@Smart_Meeting_M @SRAnesthesiaICU Image

BUT... #Norepineprhine (base) does not exist❗

🚫 base is not soluble, unstable and unable to reach target receptors
💡 Let's make it a salt!
🤔 But which one?

⚠️ Available Norepineprhine salts has different #dilution
⚠️ Sometimes with misleading #labeling Image

➡️ Please do not change you're clinical practice for this ⬅️

But consider the possible implications on:

🔹Second line drugs initiation
🔹Co- administration of other vasopressors
❗Comunication of your results!!!

#FOAMed #FOAMcc Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
The findings show an absence of a systematic and coordinated plot to take over these schools and an absence of any concerted and deliberate plot to promote radicalisation and violent extremism of Muslim children in these schools or elsewhere

language used to talk about the issues of “radicalisation” & “extremism” is itself the subject of considerable debate (Kundnani 2012; Lynch 2013). There is also a difficulty in understanding fully these issues cos there is a lack of an objective or universally accepted definition
As soon as the media took hold of the allegations, there was huge publicity about the promotion of extremism, radicalisation & terrorism.
At the time, the press also expressed many irrational anxieties about these Muslim majority schools (Arthur 2015). Even though, from the
Read 80 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
‘The Trojan Horse Scandal and the Problem of Equalities in Britain Today’.

The event examined the scandal from a broad range of perspectives, engaging with debates on #equalities, #liberalism, and #Britishness.…
It also provided an opportunity to discuss and generate a dialogue about the significance of the 'Trojan Horse’ scandal and the duty placed on schools after the scandal to promote Fundamental British Values (FBV) in the promotion of #democracy.
Speakers analysed how both are reproducing narratives of racial discrimination & inequalities in a context that is informed by minoritising communities, #problematising specific religious #values, & essentialising the signification of social, religious, & cultural identities.
Read 47 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
NÓW @ @OANN the TRUTH abt #CoronaVirus!AGAIN @POTUS=RIGHT!The DAY àfter the Elections the TRUTH wld be told!Dr Brian Tyson,dr George Fareed,MD,#RECOVERED PATIENTS: #HydroxyChloroquine SAFED their lives!100.000 PEOPLE r #DEAD bc #OBSTRUCTION by #FMN & #DEEPSTATE LEFTISTS!SUE THEM!…
Have you been lied 2 4 the last eight months? What u r abt 2 C could change your life. The following documentary was made with the help of doctors and medical scientists, but that won’t stop YouTube, Facebook & all the other tech giants from censoring it.…
They don’t want u 2 know the truth,but that doesn’t matter bc.@OANN=committed 2 exposing the truth wherever we find it. Th= program cld be the most important 28 minutes of ur life &, in fact,it cld even save ur life or the lives of ur FRIENDS & FAMILY
Read 35 tweets

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