Last night
Me: what stuff shall we put in the basement when its finished?
Hubster: cool posters!
Me: what kind of posters?
Hubster: resistor poster?
Me: 🙄
Hubster: @Raspberry_Pi pin out poster?
If you're going to laser cut the border why not stick an LED in and light up the sign?
Most of them in the pic below still have the protective film on them
Next step: how to mount the LED at the bottom of each one. Time for breakfast and some games of mario

3d case prototype 1: too chunky, no way to access LED copper holes

Let me show you! I cut the design out in cardboard first to test it. Saves wasting copper tape

Trying to cut the text deeper and also scan it, see if that helps #FridayFail
Here's the video
Having tea out so I don't have to clear the kitchen table, hurrah!!

There's a small break on the circuit closest to the camera that I'll fix now then test. #copperCircuits #LED #Maker