No one has managed to come up with an answer to "How do we afford not having it?" We as a nation literally cannot pay for healthcare. This is a huge ongoing crisis.
This is a lie. It costs everyone. It drags the precious economy down.
Creating jobs!
Market economics dictates that we adopt socialized medicine.
Anybody who disagrees doesn't actually care about what they're telling you they care about.
And it would make the "free market" freer by removing artificial constraints on things like job mobility.
They will take more and give less, if they can get away with it.
We aren't really "customers" with the same choice.
Where's the downside for "capitalism"?
But our for-profit healthcare system distorts this whole thing so badly that this is basically not happening now.
And you can't have a market economy for long without them.
Competition is a finite resource, which means it's unsustainable.
Mostly to prop up an industry whose goal is that we should continue paying them to exist. Literally no purpose. They produce nothing.