Running thread with proceedings.

The idea of Aadhaar is based on the idea of "efficiency". But its now clear that there is no efficient Aadhaar.
We are at this Tribunal to give present the human cost of the project.

Aadhaar was justified on three grounds:
1. Inclusion
2. Curb corruption
3. Magic bullet for efficiency
This was sold to us in a very loud pitch.

Gopal Gandhi, early on, made an astute point that RTI allowed every citizen to track every move of the govt. Aadhaar inverts that - allows the govt. to track every move of every citizen.
Out of 11 people in a single village declared as "dead", 9 were found to be alive.
Similar findings when verification in multiple villages.

He was one of the persons whose pensions were disrupted.

There are 1.1 crore ration cards ==> about 20 lakh households excluded.

The "machine" [ePOS] has become the lord - if the dealer says its Kalu Ram, the village says its Kalu Ram, Kalu Ram says he's Kalu Ram, but if the machine says its not Kalu Ram, then that's it.
Bank A/Cs have their own issues, bur Aadhaar linking has added a whole new set of issues - rejected payments, delayed payments, diverted payments!
1. Officially valid document (OVD)
2. Seeding/linking bank a/c
3. Mapping UID to NCPI mapper

[Remeber the 'LALA' (Last Aadhaar-linked Account) rule? ]
Filed RTI with @UIDAI in 2018. It was forwarded to MoRD, then forwarded to Rural Dev Dept., GoJ, who in turn said it relates to MoRD.
How will a worker wade through these issues?

SBI officials had no real clarity why. Turns out the issue was with the IIN number (bank's UID) not with her Aadhaar seeding.
Do we expect them to understand these issues?
Aadhaar payments should be moved out.

Based on UIDAI's own data.

These issues cant be fixed. That's why when SC/govt. says nobody should be excluded, no wonder it never plays out.

Begins by explaining that Aadhaar has about 100 error codes.
The first time govt did an analysis of error codes was post the Aadhaar judgment. And even their errors were not standardized.
"The issue is with technology".

The history of ID cards came in the aftermath of that Kargil War when the War Review Committee 1999 noted that we do not have a universal national ID.

Seen here link between Aadhaar, SRDH, Census, HDB.

At the borders, verification needed (so NPR) and within the country economic commercial took lead (so Aadhaar).
Reason is that NPR data was shared with ECI and all those voter IDs not linked to Aadhaar were simply deleted.
When privacy challenge was raised, their basic argument was "what privacy? there's no privacy."

(1) Demographic
(2) Biometrics
(3) Residual
(2) and (3) are quite expansive.
The Aadhaar law neither has general safeguards nor particular ones.
To the contrary, 2019 Personal Data Protection Bill provides absolutely no protections from govt's unchecked access to data via wide exemptions without any legal/parliamentary oversight.

Aadhaar Act 2016 provides for e-KYC to share name, DOB, etc. in XML files.
[Such contradiction, much wow]
Two-years, post judgement, as this Aadhaar-video KYC shows, there is even more data being collected (including GPS coordinates).

Who bears the cost if DBT? Last mile DBT is basically money reaching an "account" (anywhere in the country), not reaching the "individual" as such.

Via "consent camps" where consent clauses were more or less mandatory. Most of these DBT beneficiaries already had post office accounts or even non-Aadhaar based accounts.

1. Payment to intermediaries (banks, NCPI)
2. Costs of AePS (Business Correspondent charges)
3. Bank charges and bounce charges

This is significantly higher than the charges for NEFT - the system used for DBT before Aadhaar.
But when we talk of Aadhar savings, don't mention these higher costs.

When folks went to court, the SC in 2015 said, even *voluntarily* it could be used in only PDS & LPG. Later expanded to NREGA, EPFO, NSAP.
But not for voter rolls.

5. Sufficient evidence has been placed to show that Aadhaar impedes payments of MNREGA wages.
6. The SC was incorrect in dismissing surveillance by linking records.
8. Jury finds that various reports for Aadhaar leaks were credible and @UIDAI is to be held responsible.
-The biggest issue for him is the issue of "exclusions". A clear theory of exclusion has been established and Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication (ABBA) must go.
- Identity is a social construct. Forcing people to define it at UIDAI window is obnoxious.
The NE region did not see tje kind of mandatory Aadhaar like mainland has. Would be good to hear voices from there.