A vaccine is a medicine which helps you become immune to a particular disease without making you ill. Your immune system responds to the weakened version of the disease (the vaccine), thus building immunity to the real disease. 2/n
Herd immunity is typically achieved by vaccinating as many people in the community as possible. These people become immune to the target disease, so they can't spread it. 6/n
1. It's usually developed in advance as it's a strategy to avoid outbreaks happening in the first place.
2. If a virus mutates then herd immunity can fail as people aren't immune to the new organism. (Why we get 'flu every year.) 9/n
- Continue as before so the virus spreads through the population.
- The hope is that developing COVID-19, then recovering from the disease, confers immunity. 10/n
- Then, a few months down the line, most people should have developed immunity. 11/n
Normal society can come back to life.
So what are the issues with the HMG plan?