1. Been trying to figure out why it looks like a kettle/pot on top of the head of the Angel in the recent Q post. (And from early #Qdrop 3594). Take a dive with me... #QAnon#QArmy#DigitalSoldiers#WWG1WGA
2. First couple things that jump out. 1) the Q that looks to be drawn with the flaming sword. 2) the Pot/Kettle on the figure's head.
Q? - Why would this 'Angel of God' have a Pot on his head?
Anyone else you remember that enjoyed donning kitchen items on their head? #QAnon
Enter #JohnnyAppleseed
Who was Mr. Appleseed?
"An American Nurseryman (& Missionary) who introduced apple trees to large parts of PA, OH, IN, IL."
i.e. - He PLANTED Seeds... #QAnon#QArmy#DigitalSoldiers#WWG1WGA