@StarTrek episodes to alleviate the strains of interplanetary quarantine and improve morale and productivity. Please distribute widely.
TOS - 1x8 - Miri - virus that makes humans act like children
TOS - 1x25 - This Side of Paradise - hippie spores
TOS - 3x21 - Requiem for Methuselah - crew gets rigelian fever
TNG - 1x21 - Symbiosis - planet has plague, other planet has cure but supply chains break down
TNG - 1x24 - Conspiracy- mind control parasites!
TNG - 2x7 - Unnatural Selection - old age disease
TNG - 4x18 - Identity crisis - no summary
TNG - 7x6 - Phantasms - parasites
TNG - 7x19 - Devolution disease
DS9 - 2x13 - Armageddon Game - O'brien and Bashir help a race eradicate the last of a engineered disease.
DS9 - 4x23 - The Quickening - Bashir tries to cure a virus inflicted on the population centuries ago
VOY - 2x25 - Resolutions - Janeway and Chakotay contract an incurable virus
VOY - 3x2 - Flashback - Mental parasite
VOY - 3x20 - Favorite Son - Harry Kim gets a DNA mutation disease
VOY - 3x26/4x1 - Scorpion - Harry Kim gets infected by alien cells in the B-Plot
VOY - 4x7 - Scientific Method - Crew is afflicted with several strange diseases
VOY - 7x6 - Critical Care - The Doctor is kidnapped & sold to a planet fighting a pandemic
VOY - 7x13 - Prophecy - Voyager finds a ship of Klingons with an incurable disease
VOY - 7x20 - Friendship One - Mass radiation sickness
ENT - 1x12 - Dear Doctor - Enterprise has to help a global pandemic
ENT - 2x14 - Stigma - T'Pol is diagnosed with a psychic STD
ENT - 3x8 - Twilight - Archer gets brain parasites
ENT - 4x15 & 4x16 - Affliction & Divergence - Klingon flu sweeps across planets
TOS = Star Trek The Original Series
TNG = Star Trek The Next Generation
DS9 = Star Trek Deep Space Nine
VOY = Star Trek Voyager
ENT = Star Trek Enterprise
If you have to only pick two on this list go with:
ENT - 1x12 - Dear Doctor - Enterprise has to help a global pandemic
ENT - 4x11 - Observer Effect - Enterprise Crew has to combat a lethal virus sweeping the ship
*The Phage comes up in several episodes. Only its introduction episode is included
**Morphogenic virus episodes are not included in DS9 episodes. This spans too many episodes that don't focus enough on it
"Coda" (hallucination only)
"Infinite Regress"
"Critical Care"
"Think Tank"