I'm using the PDF they released:
Auntie Maxine sees the Yangbangers #1KBro and ups it bigly. As in "Try *AT LEAST* #2KForAdults + #1KPerChild, beyayaytches!!" A MONTH. For the duration of the crisis.
That's more like it.

[Screenshot from Sanders' website: berniesanders.com/issues/emergen… ]

Negative credit reports waived, as well as student/medical loan debt collection AND *wage garnishments* suspended during and 120 days afterwards.
Now, you're talking my language.

Full relief and protection from discrimination and exploitation is included, as well as removing the red tape from accessing public housing.

Notice the ban on stock buybacks and dividend payments for the length of the crisis, freeing up financial resources for fighting the pandemic and protecting communities and workers.

The $10K threshold on student loan forgiveness is decent, though I'd much rather Sanders' idea of forgiving ALL student debt. #FreeCollege4All

Let's all do Auntie Maxine proud and deliver this.
@threadreaderapp unroll
Let's all do Auntie Maxine and Old Man Bernie proud and deliver this.
And if the Democrats won't join in, screw them. AND Trumpster, too.
#IndyLeftIsREALPopulism #AllInNoneOut
/t (for real)