(1/6) Gross AF. Quarantined Kevin Spacey apparently forgets he was outed as a serial sexual predator, plans to participate in an online seminar like a normal person...
"Kevin Spacey joins the first Bits & Pretzels Virtual Founders Breakfast."

(2/6) LOL, it says, "Kevin shares his thoughts on resilience and how dealing with uncertainties is comparable to what an entrepreneur faces when circumstances suddenly and drastically change"
(3/6) From a related article about this speaking engagement, get a load of this line: "Kevin Spacey had to learn how to deal with an unforeseen situation and the associated uncertainties."
(4/6) "Unforseen situation" really ought to read "the consequences of getting revealed as a sexual predator"
Spacey has worked w/ Bits & Pretzels in the past. They say now that they are looking forward to welcoming him back.
Good grief, I can't make this stuff up.
(5/6) "We leave the decision on all accusations to the courts," Bits & Pretzels says. "As far as we know, there is not a single ongoing charge."
(6/6) Well, they're absolutely right - there aren't any charges against Kevin Spacey currently. But that's only because the most recent charges were dropped after THE ALLEGED VICTIM DIED PRIOR TO THE TRIAL! *facepalm*