LOL, this coming from a Kevin Spacey stan who's gone out of her way to lie about Linda Culkin to try to discredit her whistleblowing activities against Kevin Spacey...

For starters, Palace Leavitt falsely claimed that Linda Culkin had no verifiable place of employment, when a quick look at the court documents from Culkin's case proves otherwise:
Ms. Leavitt has suggested that Culkin "made up" the boy victim of Spacey's that she personally knew, that he was just a figment of Culkin's imagination, when the Associated Press has put mention of said boy on record:

"Prosecutors said at the time that Culkin became obsessed with Spacey after a patient told her of being attacked by him."…
Ms. Leavitt claimed to have had a personal run-in with Culkin at the door of Trigger Street's office, but the only thing she has to support the idea that this person was Culkin was that this woman said things that sounded like things Culkin would say...
According to court documents, Linda Culkin didn't own a car or even a home computer, so I find it difficult to believe that she had enough disposable money to take a leisure trip from Quincy, MA, to Los Angeles just to randomly show up at the building